The Midnight Bloodline


Author of 10 Stories

Rated: M - English - Romance - Harry P. & Sesshomaru - Reviews: 900 - Updated: 12-08-11 - Published: 02-07-09 - id:4845753


Disclaimer: I own neither Inuyasha nor Harry Potter. The belong only to their authors and the companies that have paid for their rights. If any similarity is found with another's story it is completely unintentional, there are too many stories to completely avoid it though.

Harry followed his 'family' up the shrine steps with a sigh, Vernon had been chosen by his company to go to Tokyo to try to get one of the companies therein to invest in Grunnings. They were here for a full week though so they 'Petunia' decided that they should get their fill of the culture, so here they were at the closest shrine to their hotel with the whales complaining before they even made it to the shrine.

Harry was actually interested in the shrine; he had read a lot about them over the week before they arrived. He loved the local legends, especially the ones that this particular shrine was a large part of. The tale of the Shikon no Tama was one of his personal favorites. He could not wait to visit such a spiritually powerful site.

When they reached the top of the stairs the Dursleys split away to head towards the main house while Harry made his way to a beautiful cherry tree that called to something deep inside of him. When he got close enough he reached over the small fence and ran his hand down the trunk slowly, he could feel the magic of the tree caress his, and it left a pleasant tingle all over his body. He spent several minutes simply standing there touching the tree before another magical signature caught his attention, it was coming from a small out building away from anything else in the shrine, and it sang to him and beckoned him closer. Before he could even register the call, his feet had already begun to carry him closer to the building, as he opened the sliding door he realized that it housed a well that was practically glowing with power. He drew closer to the edge and as he leaned over the edge to peer into its depths he was surrounded by a brilliant blue light that dimmed only to reveal an empty well house.

When Harry came to he was laying on the ground in what he assumed was the bottom of the well, he felt rather strange, almost as if all of his parts had been recently rearranged. When he look up he got a shock when he saw blue skies, for one it had been overcast at the shrine when the arrived and the well house most certainly had a roof. He found some rather sturdy set of vines along the edge of the well and used them to climb out of the well, it was surprisingly easy to do, and he wasn't even tired when he reached the top.

As he looked around he realized that he was most certainly not where he was supposed to be. He was surrounded by beautiful trees with the greenest leaves that he had ever seen. The wind blew gently through the trees and carried with it the smells of thousands of animals and the smell of humans in the distance, the human smell was slightly unpleasant. It was that thought that stopped Harry's thought process completely, firstly his sense of smell had never really been that good thanks to the cleaning chemicals that his aunt had forced him to use, then there was the fact that he registered the human smell as only slightly higher than the animal in importance. It was almost as if his subconscious no longer considered him as a member of the human race.

He suddenly had the intense urge to find a reflective surface. He closed his eyes and let his senses take over without thought. In the distance to his right he could faintly pick up the sound of running water, most likely that of a small stream, perfect. Harry hardly noticed how fast he was moving through the trees as he rushed towards where the sound had originally come from. He stopped at the edges and kneeled down to lean over the edge to get a good look at a completely different him.

The first thing that registered were the fox like ears on the top of his head, they were as black as his hair that now seemed to flow all around him, it would probably reach his ankles if he was standing. Of course there were his eyes which were the same color but they now looked more like a animals eyes and he could see better than he ever had despite the fact that he was not wearing his glasses and he could see every detail of his face. His face in general seemed to be more aristocratic and a lot more feminine. High cheekbones, thin eyebrows, long lashes, full lips and slightly tilted almond eyes that looked even bigger in his new face. It was only after noticing those changes that he noticed the most important one, the scar that had ruled his entire life was gone, in its place was a black rose in full bloom.

Harry was almost afraid to continue his inspection but found his body to be far less dramatic. He was only a little smaller and more delicate that he was used to; after all he had never been very large to begin with. His hands were more feminine and his nails were now longer and thicker, they were now more like claws. He did get a shock when he turned and saw the six fluffy tails, but really, it just added to the overall weirdness. The only other thing that seemed to stand out was his new cloths. Gone were Dudley's old cast offs as he was now clothed in a silk kimono with a beautiful floral pattern with the roses wrapped around his frame which seemed to enhance his femininity but left him still looking like a boy, just a very pretty one.

Harry shook himself out of the almost daze he was in to analyze his situation, he had apparently fallen down a well that had taken him to this place and he no longer appeared to be human. He searched his pockets only to remember that he had left his wand in his truck so that he could avoid a little of his Uncle's wrath. He wished that he at least knew what time it was, no sooner did the thought cross his mind then his magic leapt to answer him. The sudden surge of power that was a lot more powerful then he was used to surprised him, only slightly less than the floating time in front of him. The Tempus spell not only shows the current time but also the year and the location of the user, needless to say, Harry was shocked when he read what it had to say. Inuyasha's forest - 12:13pm - June 15, 1500. He was in the past, in Japan, and he looked like a fox human hybrid, great just bloody great.

After a slight temper tantrum that left the area around the stream rather decimated, Harry was able to calm down enough to think things through. He was in the feudal era of Japan, most of the legends that he had read and found interesting were from around this period in time, and his knowledge of the Wizarding World gave him the experience to realize that all myths and legends are based in fact. His new appearance lead him to the conclusion that he was now a yokai, which probably would have freaked him out if he was not used to unusual things did not happen to him on a regular basis, it also explained the aversion to humanity, not that he was fond of them even when he was a human. All in all he found the situation to be rather pleasant when compared to his previous happenings, especially since he now seemed to be able to use his larger magical core without a wand or an incantation.

His musings were interrupted when his stomach rumbled, he hadn't gotten breakfast after all and his dinner of two pieces of bread and an apple slice just was not cutting it. As if in answer to his stomach's prayers, a wonderful smell arose from only a short distance away, it was the smell of roast fish. He could also smell the people that the food belonged to, a small human child, an imp, and a very powerful, very dominate dog yokai. He knew that there was a good chance that they would not share but he was entirely too tired to go hunting, so he quickly but quietly made his way toward the lovely smell. When he was almost to the small clearing that they were camped in he slowed down and made sure to make enough noise that the group knew he was there since he was currently upwind.

Lord Sesshomaru heard the light rustling of leaves and locked his eyes on the origin, when he saw the creator of the noise his mouth instantly watered. A beautiful Midnight Fox glided into the clearing, he was breathtaking, only slightly feminine, just enough to make it clear that he was a submissive. The power that rolled off of him was almost unbelievable, but even from this distance he could tell that he was not quite of age yet, but when he did come of age, hmmmm.

Harry almost blushed at the way the canine's eyes drank in his form, he almost felt as if the other demon was planning on eating him. "I don't mean to intrude upon your lunch, but I am quite hungry and I do not have energy to hunt. I would be more than willing to hunt dinner if you would share your lunch with me." He was rather nervous, he knew that he could hunt, physically, but he had no idea how.

Sesshomaru found himself blinking, something was wrong. "Where are your parents?" The young fox seemed to almost draw into himself.

"I have never met my parents, I was being taken care of by a family of humans but they are gone and I have not had a good meal in a good little while." Harry found himself ducking his head slightly, in truth, he had not had a full meal since the dinner before the last task at Hogwarts, the memories of Cedric and the stares and whispers from the other students kept him from really feeling hungry. His new yokai mindset helped though, it let him realize that he was not responsible for what happened to Cedric. The adults, especially the Headmaster were, they were the ones charged with the protection of the young and they failed to do their job.

Sesshomaru could tell that the youngling was not telling the entire truth but was not about to call him on it, yet anyway. "There is no reason for a youngling to bargain for food, you are more than welcome to share our food. Rin, Jakan, Ah-Un, and this Sesshomaru would be honored if you would travel with us until you find either your caretakers or someone else that you can stay with."

Normally Harry would have greatly disliked having to depend on someone else, but it felt almost instinctual to allow Sesshomaru to order him about. "Thank you, Lord Sesshomaru, my name is Anisuke." If it was not for the natural instincts of a yokai Harry, now Anisuke would have plainly shown his shock, where had that name come from? Oh well, it sounded a lot better than Harry.

Sesshomaru found that having the young fox around was no trouble at all; even Jakan had fallen under the little one's spell. He was respectful and a bit shy around him, which was rather amusing when it resulted in a blush, and around Rin he was the perfect playmate, able to keep her interested for hours while teaching her things she would someday need to know, he would make an excellent mother…

It had been a week since Anisuke had joined Sesshomaru's group and everyday he found another facet of him that made him a better potential, and he was not the only one. Jakan had already started to try to impress the young man with stories of Sesshomaru's past battles, the demon was most certainly loyal, perhaps Sesshomaru would hit him a bit less, or at least a little softer, maybe.

Anisuke was happier than he had ever been, he didn't have to worry about anything, and Sesshomaru took care of everything. He knew that something was bound to go wrong and soon, but he was going to enjoy this while it lasted.

"Lord Sesshomaru-sama, Lord Sesshomaru-sama! Rin was playing in the flowers with Anisuke-chan and then the loud one in red came with his friends and Anisuke-chan sent me away, but he's still there and Rin is scared that they might hurt him!" Rin was really frantic, they were being so loud and the red one and the monk were looking at Anisuke-chan funny, and the girl that dressed funny was being really mean.

Kagome looked the boy up and down with disgust, a boy shouldn't be so pretty, especially not a demon boy. "Who the heck are you?"

Inuyasha couldn't take his eyes off of the fox; he was gorgeous, not of age but still, wow! Something was off though; the boy almost seemed to be waiting on someone.

Anisuke was nervous, he knew that Rin would get Sesshomaru-sama, but the woman with the modern cloths looked ready to attack, he knew that she was a miko, and he wasn't quite sure what to do about it. He also knew that she would have had to go through the well too, which made sense, with it just sitting there and all, but why did she insist on wearing those cloths? In this era she looked like a woman of the wrong sort to put in nicely, and from the look on her face she knew what he was thinking.

How dare he look at her like that, like there was something wrong with her! He was the one that there was something wrong with! "Well, answer me, you filthy little demon!"

Anisuke could feel his temper heating up, how dare she, a human woman, with such bad manners insult him! "I am Anisuke though a woman of your standing should not speak that way to those of higher breeding." Anisuke may have known that those cloths were normal for the future, but she should at least have the intelligence to change them, she was inviting the insult and he was more than happy to oblige.

His comment made her flush a rather unattractive shade of red, while the other members of her group looked to be fighting down their amusement, they had been trying to tell her that what she wore was inappropriate but she wouldn't listen. Kagome was furious, how dare him! He was insinuating that she was a whore! "Listen here you little tramp, I am Kagome and I am a miko. You're just a filthy demon that doesn't even look like a proper boy; your parents should have drowned you as a child!" Kagome knew she had made a mistake when the very air around them stopped and the animals in the forest went quiet.

Sesshomaru came to a stop at the edge of the clearing as Kagome flung the insult and would have stepped in had the air not stopped. Midnight kitsunes were known to be rather touchy about their families; it was why they made such excellent mates. They were also known to be the most powerful type of kitsune, they were widely known for the ability to manipulate everything around them, even the very air, or another's free will. Luckily they were a rather reclusive race that had no aspirations of domination, but it seemed as if the wench was going to find all that out the hard way. Sesshomaru settled against a tree to watch, this was Anisuke's fight, he would only step in if he had to, he did not want the little one to think that Sesshomaru thought he was incompetent.

Anisuke felt the rage bubble; no one insulted him in that way, no one. He had already figured out that there was no way that the Potters could have been his parents, so that meant that his parents could still be out there and for her to say something like that was a very low blow. Perhaps it was time for her to learn her place. He knew that Sesshomaru was at the tree line, but also that he was going to let him handle this on his own, and he was grateful.

Inuyasha knew that this would not end well, Kagome needed to learn to keep her mouth shut. There were just some things that you should never say, especially to a yokai. He could also smell his brother waiting in the forest, which meant that this fox was with his brother and that he thought that the fox could handle them all on his own, which was worrying.