"Chain of Command" (Show #05)
Written by: Jesse Winfield
FIRST DRAFT 1-9-96 REVISED *1-15-96 FINAL **1-26-96
Copyright 1996 Transformers Productions
act one
fade in:
1. ext. standing stones - daWN
EERIE, DRONING MUSIC. The STANDING STONES from Pilot Episode Part Two, Act Three, are illuminated by an unearthly ORANGE GLOW. A MUSIC STING as an orange SUN, almost fully eclipsed by one of the planet's two moons, rises, perfectly framed by the gap between two of the stones. Above it, the second moon is in a thin crescent, in perfect alignment with the sun.
rhinox (VO, B) Test confirmed.
PAN AROUND to reveal the MAXIMALS (BEAST MODE) at the edge of the ring. RHINOX is seated on his rump, examining a Standing Stone with a portable SCANNER, designed to fit his trotters.
rhinox (cont B)
This ain't a natural stone formation. Somebody, somehow... built this thing.
rattrap (B)
Yeah? Well, 'scuse my error message, but I thought this planet was uninhabited.
optimus (b) (frowning at his own scanner)
Something else odd. I'm getting an Energon reading.
2. At the center of the ring of stones A tall CAIRN of rocks is piled up on an ALTAR.
optimus (B)
**It's under this pile of rocks.
RATTRAP looks around at the standing stones uneasily.
rattrap (B)
Just like bait in a mousetrap. (shiver) This place alternates my currents.
RHINOX scowls at the readings on his sensor.
rhinox (B)
Ya know, th' Energon on this planet don't fit with its geology. Hard t' believe it coulda formed naturally.
DINOBOT tosses a HUGE boulder off of the cairn.
dinobot (B)
However it got here, we must remove it... before the Predacons do.
megatron (O.s., B)
Ah Dinobot, that Predacon chip still ticks inside your traitorous hide.
3. megatron He STEPS from behind a standing stone, BLOTTING out the beautiful eclipse and conjunction.
megatron (B)
And I think we WILL take it. Yesss. No Energon Crystal too small, I always say.
WASPINATOR and TERRORSAUR (B) soar over Megatron's head, TRANSFORMING into Robot Mode as they do so.
Waspinator -- TERRORIZE!
Terrorsaur -- TERRORIZE!
They HOVER and begin FIRING.
**4. the maximals Quasar blasts STRAFE around them as they scatter for cover.
Maximals! MAXIMIZE!
5. behind a standing stone - rattrap and dinobot (beast mode)
They DUCK behind the stone for cover. Behind their heads is a chiseled IMAGE of the circle of stones itself.
rattrap (B)
Yer ol' friends don't miss a beat, do they? Rattrap! MAXIMIZE!
dinobot (B)
Dinobot! Maximize!
They transform into Robot Mode, drawing their weapons. PULL BACK to reveal Optimus, Cheetor, and Rhinox (now also in Robot Mode) who have taken cover behind the cairn. Blasts EXPLODE all around them. Optimus shouts at Rattrap.
optimus (R)
Keep them away from the crystal!
Oh sure. Give us the dirty work!
But he FIRES his Stasis Rifle. THE STASIS BLAST hits at the front feet of SCORPINOK (R), who stands atop a standing stone. It shakes him, but he raises his TAIL and is about to fire.
6. ANGLE PAST cheetor (R) - SCORPINOK (R) CHEETOR ducks from behind the cairn, raises his left arm and fires his MISSILE LAUNCHER. The MISSILE, which catches SCORPINOK full in the chest and sends him FLYING O.S.
cheetor (O.s.)
Scratch one.
7. Terrorsaur and waspinator (now back in beast mode) **Flying, they BANK and turn, past CAM for another pass.
rhinox (o.s., R)
Flyers incoming.
optimus (R)
They're mine.
He activates his jets and takes off FLYING. Just as Waspinator and Terrorsaur transform back to Robot Mode, he LAUNCHES both missiles. **
8. WASPINATOR (r) and terrorsaur (r) Waspinator is HIT and TAILSPINS out of control toward earth. But the second missile misses TERRORSAUR as he FIRES a missile.
9. ON the cairn The MISSILE CRASHES into the cairn with a screen-filling EXPLOSION. When the explosion clears, we see the cairn has been blown apart, revealing a SMALL ENERGON CRYSTAL. It crackles with ENERGON EFX as it CRACKS, beginning to release its energy.
10. megatron (now in robot mode) His gigantic face GLOWS in the light of the Energon.
megatron (R)
*Terrorsaur, you fool! You've released the crystal's energy, yess! It is USELESS to us now! BACK TO BASE! BEAST MODE!
11. ANGLE ON THE predacons Transforming back to Beast Mode, they RUMBLE and FLY over the horizon.
12. OPTIMUS Still in Robot Mode, he lands in the midst of the other Maximals.
Optimus (R)
*Beast Mode, Maximals! And prepare for Energon waves!
The Maximals RUN for the outside of the standing stones, transforming back to Beast Mode as they do so.
13. On the energon crystal It glows... ELECTRICAL EFX begin crackling around it... and suddenly it EXPLODES! But even as it does so, the Standing Stones suddenly GLOW. The energon blast strikes them -- and is deflected upward in a single narrow searchlight-like beam!
14. WIDER The Beam shoots out into space for an infinite distance.
15. the crystal It BURNS out in a flame of white light, the BEACON vanishes, and the crystal CRUMBLES to dust.
16. the maximals Rising up from the rocks outside the Standing Stones, looking back in amazement at the now-silent Standing Stones.
rhinox (b)
Like I said. Them stones ain't natural.
cheetor (B)
What in the galaxy was THAT?
rhinox (B)
Looked kinda like -- a signal. But t'who?
optimus (B)
*Perhaps we'll learn the answer -- someday.
As the Maximals head back for base, we PAN UP to the ECLIPSE, now TOTAL, with the sun's corona glowing brilliantly.
DISS to:
17. ext. deep space - some time later The fabric of cold empty space crackles with power EFX, and a strange WORMHOLE opens up. A streamlined, alien-looking PROBE BURSTS through it.
18. Another angle As the probe screams toward a blue-green planet. We see a FLASH as it enters the planet's atmosphere.
cut to:
19. ext. maximal base - night Optimus, in Beast form, sits reading a book outside the base. A SEARING LIGHT streaks across the sky. Optimus looks up from his book and stands, watching the brilliant streaking re-entry trail.
cut to:
20. ext. The predacon base - night Megatron, in T-Rex form, watches the same streak across the sky.
megatron (B)
Predacons! Incoming stasis pod!
21. WASPINATOR is the first out the door.
megatron (B)
Flyer, plot vector to crash point.
waspinator (B) Waspinator calculating. Waspinator BUZZES off toward the horizon, with Megatron and the others lumbering after him. and back to:
22. int. maximal command center
Rhinox (Robot Mode) is examining scanners as Optimus looks over his shoulder.
rhinox (R)
Wrong profile for a stasis pod. But it ain't a meteor either.
optimus (R)
Prime. Where's it headed?
rhinox (r)(significantly to Optimus)
Right for... the Standing Stones.
wipe to:
23. ext. standing stones - night - Dinobot and Optimus (beast mode)
optimus (B) Looks like somebody answered that signal.
24. a reverse angle - ots optimus
The PROBE now stands in the center of the ring of stones, where the cairn stood earlier. It stands upright, as after a soft landing.
Optimus (cont., b)
But who?
But suddenly Optimus is HIT by a missile blast. He ROLLS to the ground. WASPINATOR soars overhead... the source of the blast.
25. megatron (B) Steps out from behind the probe. Waspinator (B) lands next to him.
megatron (B)
Whatever this FASSCINATING device is, we Predacons claim it as our own. Yesss.
26. fast series of transformation shots
megatron (b)
waspinator (B)
27. OPTIMUS He's still shaken. He struggles to get up.
optimus (B) (groan)
28. dinobot (R) As weapons blasts explode around him, his Sonic Sword appears with SONIC SFX his hand. But that effect is quickly drowned out by a louder one. A growing, PIERCING SFX... coming from...
29. THE PROBE It's emitting visible radio waves [NOTE: NOT ENERGON WAVES].
30. Optimus Optimus (B) (weakly) Optimus... Maximize... He begins to transform.
31. WIDE The PROBE emits a blinding PULSE of light.
FAST SHOTS as Dinobot, Megatron and Waspinator are all hit by the blast, their electrics shorting wildly.
32. ANGLE Past dinobot - OPTIMUs As Dinobot watches, the effect hits Optimus in the middle of his transformation, just when he's half-beast, half robot... (if we can do that -- otherwise make him all robot) and with a huge ELECTRICAL FX, he VANISHES.
33. DINOBOT As he passes into unconsciousness:
dinobot (B)
As Dinobot's vision fades to blackness, we... fade out
end act one
act two
fade in:
TO BLACK. But then we hear:
dinobot (O.S., b) (Roar of pain) Slow fade up on...
34. Int. maximal command center - dinobot's p.o.v. - rattrap, cheetor, and rhinox (beast form) All leaning INTO CAM with concerned looks on their face... or is it suspicion?
dinobot (B)
Maximal torture chamber!
35. wide on scene Dinobot bursts the restraints that hold him inside the Restoration Chamber, PICKS up a table, raises it over his head.
36. cheetor He DUCKS as the table flies over his head and CRASHES into the wall, SPLINTERING to pieces.
Hey, power down! You're on our side now, remember?
37. dinobot He shakes his head blearily.
Affirmative. (OMIT)*
rattrap (B) (suspicious, sullen)
And Maximals don't have torture chambers. Though, y'know, I could get behind that idea...
dinobot (B)
How did I get here?
rhinox (B)
We found y'dumped in front o' th' Command Base hatch. Scrapped down, and...
Rhinox exchanges a glance with the other Maximals.
rhinox (B)
rattrap (B)
Jus' like an innocent orphan in a B-movie.
38. dinobot A look passes over his face.
dinobot (B)
39. the other maximals
They exchange looks. RATTRAP steps up and gets directly in Dinobot's face.
Rattrap (B)
We were hopin' maybe th' innocent orphan baby could tell US what happened to Optimus.
Dinobot turns away, ignoring the challenge.
dinobot (B)
Optimus Primal was terminated.
Again, Rattrap, Cheetor and Rhinox exchange looks.
dinobot (cont'd, B)
An alien probe has landed at the Standing Stones. It emitted an energy burst during Optimus' transformation. He vanished.
rhinox (B)
Wait a minute. Why was he Transforming?
dinobot (B)
Predacon attack. We have no time for further analysis now. We must make another attempt to secure the probe from the Predacons! Rattrap, come with me.
40. rattrap He sets his face in a snarl, whiskers twitching.
rattrap (B)
Whoa, stand by. Who died an' made you Prime, scaleface?
41. dinobot He surveys the Maximals coolly.
dinobot (B)
Optimus is certainly scrap. And I, as the most powerful of the group, shall replace him. Anyone who disagrees may challenge me now.
42. rattrap He steps forward, again in DInobot's face.
rattrap (B)
DINOBOT'S rotary blades WHIRR. RATTRAP raises his weapons arm.
rattrap (R)
You been messin' with th' wrong mouse, chopperface!
But RHINOX steps in between them. Rattrap and Dinobot subside.
rhinox (B)
WAIT. We're not Predacons here. We'll settle th' chain o' command in traditional Maximal fashion. By secret ballot.
cut to:
43. Int. predacon command base
With simultaneous ROARS, Megatron and Waspinator, in Beast form, emerge from chambers, having just finished the Restoration process.
waspinator (B)
(SCREECH of pain)
megatron (B)
(ROAR of pain)
He SHAKES off the EFX of the Restoration process.
waspinator (B)
What happened?
44. tarantulas and scorpinok
Tarantulas has been overseeing the restoration. He steps back. Scorpinok CLICKS his claws.
scorpinok (B)
Megatron back! Megatron back! Scorpinok alone with Tarantulas and Terrorsaur, very bad...
tarantulas (B)
Yes, Megatron. I can't say how glad we are to see you restored. (light snicker) I really can't. You and Waspinator were returned to us, badly damaged.
45. megatron
megatron (B)
Yessss. I remember now. Optimus... Optimus Primal! Terminated! (turns excitedly) Quickly! Scorpinok, you and Waspinator get back to the standing stones and GUARD THAT ALIEN PROBE!
cut to:
46. ext. predacon command base - day - continuous Terrorsaur, Tarantulas and Megatron emerge from the command base.
megatron (B)
As for us, this is a perfect opportunity. Yesss. I know just how the weakling Maximals will respond to Optimus' death. Confusion, bickering, recriminations. The perfect opportunity for a SURPRISE ATTACK.
cut to:
47. int. maximal command base
Close on Rhinox's front feet as he lays out small scraps of paper on a table one by one. (All are in Beast Mode again.)
rhinox (B)
One vote for Rattrap.
48. RATTRap His eyes flicker lightly.
rhinox (o.s., B)
One vote for Dinobot.
49. dinobot He BLINKS impassively.
50. wide on scene Rhinox lays out the last two ballots.
rhinox (B) One more vote for Rattrap, and...
51. REACTIon shots Rhinox, Cheetor, Rattrap, Dinobot...
rhinox (B)
Another vote for Dinobot. It's a tie!
52. rattrap His jaw drops, astonished. He turns and confronts Rhinox and Cheetor.
rattrap (B)
WHAT!?! Which one a' you traitors voted for the Predacon?
Cheetor and Rhinox exchange a look.
rhinox (B)
It's a secret ballot. No one has to say who they voted for.
53. dinobot
He lets out a harsh LAUGH.
dinobot (B)
(laughing) Great system, your democracy. No mechanism to break a tie.
rattrap (B)
Some power play, leatherlips. I'm startin' ta wonder if that alien probe had anythin' ta do with Optimus' disappearin'.
dinobot (B)
I've heard enough from this scrawny thief. I will break the tie and be your leader... by force if necessary.
54. quick transformation shots:
dinobot (B)
Dinobot FIRES cybertronic beams from his eyes. The beam HITS Rattrap, pinning him against a wall. Dinobot's SONIC SWORD hums into action. He RAISES it to take a SWING at the shaken Rattrap.
55. cheetor His CLAWS extend as he SNARLS.
56. ANGLE PAST RHINOX - dinobot
Rhinox REARS back to take a run at Dinobot, who is just about to strike Rattrap, when we hear...