Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the

Finance & General Purposes Committee of the Council.

This is to be held on Tuesday 10th June 2014 at 7.30pm

In The Radlett Centre, Aldenham Avenue, Radlett.

Peter Evans

Parish Council Manager

4th June 2014


1.  To elect the Chairman of the Committee.

2.  Apologies for absence.

3.  Declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda.

a)  Disclosable pecuniary interests they or their spouse/partner have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.

b)  Members must also declare any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests they have in any matter to be considered at this meeting.

4.  To adjourn the meeting for members of the public to address the Committee (in accordance with Standing Order 3.e).

5.  To elect a Vice Chairman of the Committee.

6.  To review the ‘Terms of Reference’ for the Committee.

7.  To approve and adopt the minutes of the meeting held on 11th March 2014. (in accordance with standing order 5.j.ii)

8.  Managers’ Report.

9.  Chairman’s Announcements

10. Financial

a)  To receive the final internal audit report for 2013/14 and decide any action to take.

b) To review the effectiveness of the internal auditor.

c)  To consider the latest Financial Statements.

11. To receive a request for a grant from the Letchmore Heath Memorial Hall Trust towards refurbishing the car park -- £10,000.

12. To review and adopt the following policies;

a)  Internet/E-mail usage

b)  Grant Aid

c)  Complaints

13. To receive the following Risk Reports and agree any actions to be taken.

a)  Gifts

b)  Investments

c)  Financial Management

d)  Employment of staff

e)  Land

f)  Meetings

The Chairman will then move the following resolution;

That under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s 1(2), the press and public is excluded from the meeting whilst matters pertaining to employees of the council or tenders are discussed.

14. To approve and adopt the confidential minutes of the meeting held on the 11th March 2014 (in accordance with Standing Order 5.j.ii)

15. Staffing Review

16. To discuss the Councils asset portfolio.

All members of the Public & Press are welcomed to attend. There is a session titled, To adjourn the meeting for members of the public to address the Council. During this session, you may address the Council regarding any items on the agenda, or any matter affecting the Parish. This agenda item has a time limit of 10 minutes. Each person can speak for a maximum of three minutes, there will not be a formal discussion, and the Council will decide either to put the matter on a further agenda (of the Council or a Committee) or ask the Parish Council Manager to write to you.

Aldenham Parish Council

The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Ave. Radlett, Herts. WD7 8HL

Tel: 01923 856433
