The Future Educators Pathway
Operations Manual
“Future Educators Exploring Teaching”
Kelly Budd, Language Arts Teacher, KeeneHigh School, KeeneNH.
352-0640 ext. 3017
Marsha A. Miller, Tech Prep Consultant
7 Harding Street, Rochester, NH
Copy-Ready Forms for School-Based Administration
Section I: Program Administration
- Contacts
- Schedule of Activities
- The Future Educators Pathway
- FEET Planning Guide
- Coordinators Checklist
Section II: Marketing & Promotion
- “Dear Colleague” recruitment letter
- Network Form for enrolling FEET volunteers
- Student Recruitment Letter
Section III. Lessons Learned & Self Assessment
- Student Responsibilities
- Model for Professional Courtesy
- September Reflection Paper
- October: Up Close & Personal Preparation Form
- October: Reflection Paper
- November: College Admissions Workshop Preparation Form
- November: Reflection Paper
- January: Job Shadow Reflection Questions
- February: Job Shadow Reflection Questions
- March: Mini-Lesson Reflection and Assessment
- March: Supervising Teachers Mini-Lesson Assessment Form
- April: FEET Reflection & Evaluation
Section IV: Forms & Procedures
- The Teacher/Student Quality Observation Form
- Job Shadow/Mini-lesson Site Identification Form
- Student’s Job Shadow Planning Form
- Student’s Classroom Observation Form
- February: Teacher/Student Planning form for mini-lesson
- Recommendation Form for participation in job shadow/mini-lesson
- Student’s Consent Form
- Parent’s Consent Form
Contact Information for Participating Schools
High School
/ Contact / Phone # / E-mail Address / ProgramKeene
43 Arch Street
Keene, NH03431 / Kelly Budd / 352-0640 / / FEET
176 Main Street
Conway, NH 03818 / Jocelyn Judge / 447-6364 / / FEET
295 Mammoth Road
Londonderry, NH03053 / Amity Ferraro / 432-6941 / / FEET
85 Marsh Road
Pelham, NH03076 / Louise Paulauskas / 635-2115 / / FEET & FEA
1st Course taught in the Spring - 04
Spaulding & CreteauTechnologyCenter
140 Wakefield Street
Rochester, NH03867 / Courtney Daum / 335-6360 / / FEET
*Stevens & SRVTC
175 Broad Street
Claremont, NH03743
*Pending Final Approval. / Jill Edson / 543-4291 / / FEET
Will focus on 8th and 9th graders
Kearsarge Regional
North Road
North Sutton, NH03260 / Amanda Chase / 927-4261 / / FEA
1st course taught in the spring - 04
Timberlane Regional
35 Greenough Road
Plaistow, NH03865 / Sue Takesian / 382-6541 / / FEA
1st course taught in the fall - 03
Alumni Drive
Hampton, NH03842 / Janis Petrou / 926-3395 / / FEA
1st course taught in the spring - 04
The Future Educators Pathway
After-School Program
Schedule of Activities
Focus: Career Exploration / Focus: Career VerificationMonth
/ Activity / Month / ActivitySeptember / Orientation Meeting / September / Orientation Meeting
October / Up Close & Personal / October / Up Close & Personal
November / College Admissions / November / College Admissions
December / No Activity / December / Job Shadow
January / Job Shadow / January / Job Shadow
February / *Job Shadow / February / **Job Shadow - HS
March / Mini-Lesson Plan / March / Mini-Lesson Plan
April / Wrap-up Meeting / April / Wrap-up Meeting
May / Celebration / May / Celebration
*Students, who are exploring the field of education, will job shadow two teachers. These teachers can be at the elementary and/or middle school.
**Students, who are verifying their interest in the field of education, will job shadow three teachers. These teachers can be at the elementary, middle or high school; however, the student is required to do at least one job shadow at the high school or vocational center.
To reinforce the importance of using technology as a teaching tool, it is suggested that aspiring teachers “practice” teach one of the lessons from “IT & ME” which is a 9th grade course that prepares all students to live, learn and work in the knowledge economy. A set of industry-standard lesson plans have been developed by NH teachers, and the learner outcomes can be modified for elementary, middle and high school students. The recommended contact time for the FEET student ranges from a minimum of thirty minutes (exploring) to ninety minutes (verifying).
The Future Educators Pathway
Objective: To create a pipeline of well-prepared high school students, who after earning their teaching credential, will return to New Hampshire classrooms as passionate, high quality educators.
Strategy: The Pathway to a Career in Education creates opportunities for students to gain information, skill and knowledge in the art of teaching prior to enrollment in a postsecondary program.
The First Step – FEET – offers a series of supervised activities that include informational interviews, classroom observations, field-based teaching and a college admission workshop. After each activity, students prepare a reflection paper as a way to assess their interest in this career. An end-of-the year celebration recognizes the FEET students along with the teacher/person who inspired them to be a teacher.
The Second Step – FutureEducatorsAcademy – offers two elective courses that integrate classroom lessons with field-based experience. Both courses align with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards as well as New Hampshire’s Postsecondary Teacher Education Programs.
Career Focus: Career Awareness and Exploration
Target Population: 8th, 9th, 10th graders who choose to learn more about the field of education.
Schools: Keene, Kennett, Londonderry, Pelham, Spaulding, Stevens
Career Focus: Career Verification and Validation
Schools: Kearsarge, Pelham, Timberlane, Winnacunnet
August(Or first week of school)
Advertise the FEET Club through daily announcements, school newsletter, letters home, posters, website, pamphlets, participating classrooms.
Recruit a team of volunteers, including teachers, guidance counselors, parents, PTA/PTO, retired educators, post-secondary education dept. chairs, and admission counselors, coaches. / September
Meet with Principal to obtain approval to award ¼ to ½ credit for students involved in yearlong program who complete the reflection papers and attend all events.
Plan kick-off event (approx. 90 minutes). Arrange for food,
motivational speaker, program overview, yearly calendar of events, packet of required forms (reflection papers, etc.), team building activities, marketing material (FEA brochure in operations manual) / October
“Up Close and Personal Workshop with Today’s Educator(s).”
(Approximately 90 minutes).
Invite veteran teachers, new teachers, administrators, retired teachers, coaches to dialogue about the successes and challenges of teaching.
Q & A Session.
Arrange for light refreshments.
“The College Admissions Process.”
Arrange for guidance counselors and postsecondary partners to provide general overview of education programs, admission requirements, resources and financial aid.
Have aspiring teachers identify area of interest for job shadow experience (form in manual).
Arrange for light refreshments / December
Job Shadow (approximately 60 minutes) at one site with one teacher.
Maximum amount of time in classroom = one hour.
Transportation to be arranged by student/parent.
Job Shadow Reflection Paper
to be completed at the conclusion of the experience.
Thank-you note sent to teacher. / January
Job Shadow (approximately 60
Minutes) at one site with one teacher (not the same site as first job shadow.)
Maximum amount of time in classroom = one hour.
Transportation to be arranged by student/parent.
Job Shadow Reflection Paper to be completed at the conclusion of the experience.
Thank-you note sent to teacher.
Future Educators Exploring Teaching
Planning Guide
Planning Conference for Mini-Lesson (approximately 90Minutes).
General session to discuss purpose of teaching the lesson, the curriculum standard, special accommodations, equipment needs etc.
Student/Teacher plan the lesson. /
Mini-Lesson Taught and Assessed (approx. 60 minutes)Actual teaching time = 15 to 45 minutes.
Reflection Paper needs to be completed at conclusion of the experience.
Cooperating Teacher completes assessment section of reflection form.
Thank you note sent to teacher. /
Community Sharing and Evaluation of FEET Experience (approx. 90 minutes)Invite all members of the school/community who have participated in the FEET Club.
Have students and cooperating teachers share their reflection(s) of mini-lesson; show videotape of teaching experience.
Provide light refreshments.
Option 1. Statewide FEET Celebration. (Approximately $20.00 per student). Tech Prep Consultant and Local FEET Coordinators will plan the event on a college campus.
Students provide their own transportation and invite person who inspired them.
Transportation to be provided by student/parent.
*Contingent upon local funding. / May
Option 2. School-based, FEET
Celebration. Volunteers provide refreshments and recognition certificates. Students invite the teachers who helped them gain information about the field of education. Press and Media contacts invited. / June
To prepare for the second-year of operation, begin recruiting students and teachers so that many of the details are ironed-out prior to the opening of school. This includes administrative approval for elective credit and establishing a scholarship committee to (a) secure funding for FEET scholarship and (b) setting selection criteria.
Coordinator’s Checklist
______Review master calendar and identify meeting dates/times for next year
______Copy the permission forms, job shadow forms, planning forms, etc.
______Schedule the after-school meetings, the targeted day(s) for the job shadowsand the mini-lesson. (Note: An important lesson learned from the pilot sites is to have ALL FEET students participate in the job shadow and mini-lesson activities on the same day!)
August/Early September
______Send out “Dear Colleague” Letter to educational community
______Reserve meeting rooms
______Review responses from “dear colleague” letter & identify the FEET Team
______Schedule an organizational meeting with the FEET Team to review roles &responsibilities. Pilot Sites suggest that you do this before you meet with the students.
______Meet with administrators to review the program and, where needed, seek approval for rewarding credit and/or other incentives
______Produce publicity notices such as in-school posters, school and communitynewsletters, bulletin boards
______With team, set agenda for the kick-off meeting
______With team, arrange for refreshments for the meetings
______With team, identify a videographer and/or photographer to record the meetings
______Hold kick-off meeting to get acquainted with members, opportunities, andexpectations; distribute calendar of events.
______Contact teachers from “dear colleague” letter who said they would speak at October meeting. Send them the “framing questions.”
______Contact postsecondary partner and guidance counselors to schedule them for November meeting. Send them the “framing questions.”
______Collect Student Reflection Papers – one week after the meeting.
______Hold “Up Close & Personal” Meeting with teachers and FEET participants.
______Coordinator sends “thank-you” notes to teachers who spoke at the September meeting
______Collect Student Reflection Papers – one week after the meeting.
______Confirm speakers for November meeting.
______Hold “College Admissions Workshop”
______Coordinator sends “thank-you” notes to the speakers
______Collect Student Reflection Papers – one week after the meeting
December (for Exploratory sites; Verification Sites begin in November)
______Distribute packet of forms for job shadow/mini-lesson to the student. ______Confirm dateline date for return (can’t participate without them!)
Packet includes:
______The Teacher/Student Quality Observation Form
______Student’s Observation Form
______Teacher/Student Planning Form for Mini-Lesson
______Student’s Job Shadow Planning Form
______Recommendation Form for Participation in Job Shadow/Mini-
______Site Identification Form
______Consent Form – Student
______Consent Form – Parent/Guardian
______FEET coordinator completes the recommendation form
______FEET coordinator schedules transportation if provided by school.
______Collect packet of forms for job shadow (see above) and confirm thescheduled dates (everyone goes on the same day).
______Send the recommendation form, the site identification form, the student’s planning form and the classroom observation form to the hosting teacher.
______Students participate in job shadows
______Review the students’ thank-you notes and place in interoffice mail
______Collect Student Reflection Papers – one week after the job shadow
______Confirm the day that all students will do their job shadow
______Review the students’ thank-you notes and put in interoffice mail
______Collect Student Reflection Papers – one week after the job shadow
______Confirm the day that all students will teach the mini-lesson
______Remind students to schedule meeting with supervising teacher to reviewIT & ME lesson plans and select the one that will be taught
______FEET coordinator sends the thank-you notes to the supervising teachers
______FEET coordinator schedules transportation (if needed)
______FEET coordinator schedules the videographer and photographer who will capture mini-lesson experience
______Reserve room and order food for school-sponsored celebration in May
______Confirm guest speaker and MC for May celebration
______Collect Student Reflection Papers – one week after meeting
______Be sure students will get field-trip excuse not cut/absence for mini-lesson
______FEET students teach their mini-lesson on the designated day
______FEET coordinator reviews the students thank-you notes to the supervising teacher and places them in interoffice mail
______Invitations are created for the May celebration and mailed to community,parents, administration, school board, teachers and staff.
______With team, confirm the agenda for May celebration and double-checkfacilities and food arrangements
______If funds are available, choose a small gift for the teachers who were involved in job shadows and mini-lessons
______Collect Student Reflection Papers – one week after meeting
______Have students write a letter to the person who inspired them to be an educator. With the help of the team, review the letter with the student, edit for content and grammar; send invitation to this person to attend the Maycelebration.
______Edit raw video footage from teaching experience
______School-based celebration is held
______Gifts presented to job shadow/mini-lesson teachers
______Letters presented by the students to the person who inspired them to teach
______Pictures and video of the teaching experience showcased
______Final thank-you notes sent
______Final write-up for the newspaper(s)
______Breathe – then begin planning next year!
Future Educators Exploring Teaching
Dear Colleague:
We invite you to join the FEET Team!
There are a number of students who have expressed an interest in becoming a teacher. To help these students identify the knowledge, skills and experience required of a professional educator, our district is offering the FEET Club. Through membership in the FEET Club, students will have access to positive role models and quality opportunities to verify that education is the right choice for them.
What follows is a list of ways that you could participate. Please take a moment to review the list and, if willing to serve, complete the FEET Network Form. Thank you.
Quality Opportunities:
Recruiting future teachers to join the FEET Club
Allowing students to job shadow you for approximately one hour
Mentoring a student who will teach a 15 – 45 minute lesson in your class
Speaking at the kick-off celebration in September or year-end celebration in May
Sharing teaching experiences at the October meeting
Sharing the college experience at the November meeting
Helping with transportation to scheduled activities
Bringing refreshments/light snacks to one or more monthly meeting(s) September, October, November, February, April
Critiquing the students completed forms and reflections to determine credit worthiness
Taking pictures and/or video footage of the meetings, particularly the job shadows and mini-lesson
Helping students proofread their thank-you notes
Working on the PR Committee
Thank you, in advance, for your support and assistance.
Future Educators ExploringTeaching
Network Form for Volunteers
Email Address:
Daytime telephone number:
Your goals for this program:
Activities in which you are willing to participate:
Your recommendation for other participants:
Additional suggestions/comments:
Thank you for your support and assistance.
Future EducatorsExploringTeaching
Student Recruitment Form
Dear Student:
One of the three fastest growing careers in our country is the field of education. Over the next ten years, the US Department of Education projects that our country will need 2.4 million teachers. Will you be one of them?
If you would like more information about teaching and how you could make a difference in someone’s life, come to the FEET kick-off meeting. By being a member, you will visit classrooms, teach a mini-lesson, and take a field trip to a college campus.
FEET is the perfect opportunity to find out what teaching is all about from current and retired educators. It will help you make an informed career choice BEFORE enrolling in education courses. If you have any questions, see your FEET Coordinator ______at ______.
If by phone, the best time of day is:______
At the end of the program, you will attend a celebration in May with other high schools throughout the state who have participated in a similar program.
The FEET kick-off meeting is scheduled for (date)______
in the (place) ______
At this meeting, you will receive a yearly calendar of FEET activities so that you can manage your time and set priorities.
We hope to see you on ______.
(Note: Add the next paragraph if your school awards credit for this after-school program.)
You will receive ½ credit towards graduation requirements if you attend all of the meetings (one per month, September through May) and complete nine reflection papers.