Hydrolysis nitrogylcerin acid and the vapor pressure of nitrogen oxides and nitric acid over the spent sulfuric acid with an initial concentration of 65 %

Kim Pavel Pavlovich

Dzerzhinsky Polytechnic Institute NSTU them.R.E. Alexeeva, Professor, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor of the chair "Technology and equipment for chemical and food industry"

Address: Dzerzhinsk 606029, Nizhny Novgorod region, St. Gaidar, 49
Tel. 8-313-34-48-83; tel/Fax 8-313-34-47-30


Petrovsky Alexander Mikhailovich
Dzerzhinsky Polytechnic Institute NSTU them. R. E. Alekseeva, Deputy Director for extracurricular work
Address: Dzerzhinsk 606029, Nizhny Novgorod region, St. Gaidar, 49
Tel. 8-313-34-48-83; tel/Fax 8-313-34-47-30

Chubenko Maria Nikolaevna

Dzerzhinsky Polytechnic Institute NSTU them. R. E. Alekseeva, associate Professor, candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor of the chair "Technology and equipment for chemical and food industry"

Address: Dzerzhinsk 606029, Nizhny Novgorod region, St. Gaidar, 49

Tel. 8-313-34-48-83; tel/Fax 8-313-34-47-30


Komarov Wafa Abdulmalikovich

Dzerzhinsky Polytechnic Institute NSTU them. R. E. Alekseeva, associate Professor, candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor of the chair "Technology and equipment for chemical and food industry"

Address: Dzerzhinsk 606029, Nizhny Novgorod region, St. Gaidar, 49

Tel. 8-313-34-48-83; tel/Fax 8-313-34-47-30


Peretrutov Anatoly Anatolyevich

Dzerzhinsky Polytechnic Institute NSTU them. R. E. Alekseeva, associate Professor, candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor of the chair "Technology and equipment for chemical and food industry"

Address: Dzerzhinsk 606029, Nizhny Novgorod region, St. Gaidar, 49

Tel. 8-313-34-48-83; tel/Fax 8-313-34-47-30


Keywords: sulfuric acid, nitrose, partial pressure, oxides of nitrogen, nitric acid, denitration, nitrogylcerin acid, hydrolysis.

We investigated the hydrolysis of nitrosyl suefiric acid, the partial pressure of nitrogen oxides (II) and (III) nitric acid, nitric acid and the total pressure over nitrosated derivatives containing the original sulfuric acid of 65 % H2SO4 in the temperature range of 293 – 423 K, nitronate solution of 0,2 to 4,0 % N2O3 and 0,13 – 1,11 % HNO3. According to the data obtained plots of the vapor pressure of nitrogen oxides (II) and (III), nitric acid, and total pressure from nitronate solution at different temperatures. For the definition of these quantities in the range of the investigated parameters an empirical equation was used. The valis of the constant coefficients of the equation were determined. The obtained experimental data are necessary not only to find the parameters of the process of denitration and equipment, but also for elucidating the mechanism of hydrolysis of nitrosyl sulfuric acid.


1. Kim P.P., Pastuhova G.V., Peretrutov A.A. Dinitrate sulfuric acid containing organic nitrogen compounds. Zhurnal Himicheskaja promyshlennost'. [Journal of chemical industry], 2000, no. 10, pp. 533 – 538 (in Russ.).

2. Kim P.P., Pastuhova G.V., Peretrutov A.A. Hydrolysis nitrogylcerin acid. Zhurnal Prikladnaja himija[Journal of applied chemistry], 2001, no. 74, edition 1, pp. 162 – 164 (in Russ.).

3. Ioshpa I.E., Peretrutov A.A., Kim P.P., Krivonogov V.P., Rybakova L.I.The equilibrium pressure of oxides over nitrosated derivatives containing free nitric acid. Zhurnal Prikladnaja himija[Journal of applied chemistry], 1973, no. 5, pp. 967 – 972 (in Russ.).

4. Kim P.P., Komarov V.A., Peretrutov A.A., Petrovskij A.M., Chubenko M.N. The equilibrium pressure of nitrogen oxides over nitrosated derivatives. Izvestija vuzov. Himija i himicheskaja tehnologija [Izvestiya vuzov. Chemistry and chemical technology], 2013, no. 56, edition 12, pp. 136 – 137 (in Russ.).

5. Malin K.M., Arkin N.L., Boreskov G.K., Slin'ko M.G. Technology of sulfuric acid. // M.:- L.: GHI [ M.:- L.: SСI], 1950, 570 p. (in Russ.).

6. Petrovskij A.M., Kim V.P., Alehin A.V., Kim P.P. Hydrolysis nitrogylcerin acid and the equilibrium partial pressure in the system H2SO4 – HNO3 – N2O3 – H2O. Izvestija vuzov. Himija i himicheskaja tehnologija [Izvestiya vuzov. Chemistry and chemical technology], 2005, no. 48, edition 4, pp. 148 – 149 (in Russ.).

7. Kim P.P., Pastuhova G.V., Peretrutov A.A. The balance between nitric oxide (III) and sulfuric acid. Zhurnal Prikladnaja himija[Journal of applied chemistry], 2000, no. 2, pp. 338 – 339 (in Russ.).

8. Kim P.P., Dolganova G.V., Shevchuk S.A., Kim V.P., Kogtev S.E. Scheme of acid hydrolysis nitrogylcerine. Zhurnal Himicheskaya promyishlennost' segodnja [Journal of chemical industry today], 2004, no. 8, pp. 14 – 18 (in Russ.).

9. Kim P.P., Petrovskij A.M., Peretrutov A.A., Chubenko M.N., Komarov V.A. The vapor pressure of nitrogen oxides and nitric acid over nitrosol with a mass fraction of sulphuric acid 70 %. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovanija [Modern problems of science and education], 2014, no. 3, Russ.).

Phosphoric and nitrogen-phosphate-calcium fertilizers obtained by phosphoric acid processing off-balanced phosphorite ore from central Kyzylkum

Ortikova Safiye Saidmambievna

The Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan, senior scientific researcher-applicant of the Phosphate fertilizers Labs.

Address: 100170, 77-а, Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, Tel. (+99871) 262-01-02


Alimov Umarbek Kadirbergenovich

The Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan, PhD, senior scientific researcher of the Phosphate fertilizers Labs.

Address: 100170, 77-а, Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, Tel. (+99871) 262-01-02


Namazov Shafoat Sattarovich

The Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Science, professor, head of the Phosphate fertilizers Labs.

Address: 100170, 77-а, Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, Tel. (+99871) 262-01-02


Seytnazarov Atanazar Reypnazarovich

The Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Science, chief scientific applicant of the Phosphate fertilizers Labs.

Address: 100170, 77-а, Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, Tel. (+99871) 262-01-02


Beglov Boris Mihaylovich

The Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Science, professor, academician, chief scientific applicant of the Phosphate fertilizers Labs.

Address: 100170, 77-а, Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, Tel. (+99871) 262-01-02


Keywords: mineralized mass, wet process phosphoric acid, decomposition, division, ammonization, unary and nitrogen-phosphate-calcium fertilizers.

The compositions of products obtained after treatment of the mineralized waste from Kyzyl Kum phosphorite plant with wet processing phosphoric acid at its guantity from 35 to 78% from stoichiometry for monocalciumphosphate formation (Р2О5WPA : Р2О5PhRfrom 1 : 0.38 to 1 : 0.165), have been studied. It has shown that if phosphoric acid- phosphate slurry is divided into solid and liquid phases it is obtained two type of products. On a basis the solid phase can be obtained unary phosphoric fertilizer and based on liquid one can be obtained nitrogen-phosphate-calcium fertilizer, which exceds monoammoniumphosphate by quality. The block schematic of proposed approach for phosphoric acid processing off-balance ore in various phosphorus containing fertilizers in the same technological cycle, has been offered.


1.Sadikov B.B., Sokolov V.D., Ibragimov G.I., Beglov B.M. Phosphorites from Central Kyzyl Kum characteristics, benefication and processing. Chimiya i Chimicheskaya tehnologiya, 2005, no 2, pp. 12-23. (in Russ.).

2.Shayakubov T.Sh., Malmatin G.I., Yuldashev A.Z., Ilyushenko V.Y., Boyko V.S., Fathullev G.F. Phosphorites fields from mésos and cainozoic of Uzbekistan // Geological problems of phosphorite-covering, Moscow, Publishing House “Nauka”, 1987, pp. 10-16. (in Russ.).

3.Beglov B.M., Ibragimov G.I., Sadikov B.B. Non traditional approach of processing phosphate raw material for mineral fertilizers. Chimicheskaya promishlennost, 2005, v. 82, no. 9, pp. 453-468. (in Russ.).

4.Badalova О.А., Seytnazarov A.R., Namazov Sh.S., Beglov B.M., Unary phosphoric fertilizers based on phosphoric acid activation off-balanced ore from Central Kyzyl Kum. Uzbekskiy Chimicheskiy Jurnal, 2015, no. 5, pp. 48-52. (in Russ.).

5.Alimov U.K., Ortikova S.S., Namazov Sh.S., Reymov A.M., Kaymakova D.A., Rational approach of processing off –balanced ore from phosphorites of Central Kyzyl Kum to Ammophosphate. Uzbekskiy Chimicheskiy Jurnal, 2015, no. 5, pp. 48-52. (in Russ.).

6.14.Vinnik M.M., Erbanova L.N., Zaytsev P.M., Ionova L.A., Makarevich V.M., Nepomnyashcaya N.A., Osherovich R.Kh. Methods of analysis of phosphate raw, phosphorus and complex fertilizers, feed phosphates M., Chimia, 1975. (in Russ.).

7.GOST 21560.2 - 82. Mineral fertilizers. Testing method, Moscow, State standard, 1982 (in Russ.).

8.Kuvshinnikov I.M. Mineral fertilizers and salts. Property and improvement ways, M., 1987. (in Russ.).

Inhibition of degradation of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose

during its preparation

Khalikov Muzaffar Muradovich

Tashkent chemical technological institute

Researcher Applicant, Department of

"Cellulose and woodworking technology"

Address: 100011, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, A. Navoi st., 32

Tel (m.): +99893 5091648; E-mail:

Rahmanberdyev Gapparov Rahmanberdyevich

Tashkent chemical technological institute

D.ch.s., Professor., Department of

"Cellulose and woodworking technology"

Address: 100011, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, A. Navoi st., 32

Tel (m.): +998901751040.

Turabdzhanov Sadritdin Mahamatdinovich

Tashkent chemical technological institute

D.t.s., Professor.. Rector.

Address: 100011, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, A. Navoi st., 32

Tel (w.): +998712447920; E-mail: ;

Murodov Muzaffar Muradovich

SUE “Fan va Tarakkiyot” at the Tashkent State Technical University.

Ph.D., assistant professor, Senior scientist and researcher

Address: 100174, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, M. Golib st., 7a

Tel (m.): +99893 3864087; E-mail:

Keywords: Drilling mud, alkali cellulose, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, degree of polymerization, hydroquinone, butylhydroxytoluene, dynamic viscosity, water loss.

The influence of organic type antioxidants on the degree of polymerization of alkali cellulose, as well as on the basic quality synthesized sodium carboxymethylcellulose, such as degree of polymerization, dynamic viscosity, water loss mud and others has been investigated . It was demonstrated that using of butyl hydroxytoluene and hydroquinone in synthesis of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose allows to obtain products with higher degree of polymerization and dynamic viscosity, which in turn favorably affects the water loss indicator of heat treated muds. Using of Na-CMC obtained with butyl hydroxytoluene and hydroquinone, can significantly improve the heat resistance of drilling muds what can have a great practical importance in the drilling of deep oil and gas wells.


1. Halikov M.M., Rahmanberdyev G.R., Murodov M.M. Obtaining of technical Na-CMC by stepwise carboxymethylation. Himija i himicheskaja tehnologija [Chemistry and Chemical Technology], 2014, no.4, pp. 37-40 (in Russ.)

2. Halikov M.M., Rahmanberdiev G.R. Production of Na-CMC with higher degree of substitution. Himija i himicheskaja tehnologija [Chemistry and Chemical Technology], 2013, no.4, pp. 49-52 (in Russ.)

3. Halikov M.M., Murodov M.M. Effect of cellulose degradation inhibitors on the quality of synthesized Na-CMC. Himicheskaja promyshlennost'. Kontrol' i upravlenie [Chemical industry. Control and monitoring], 2015, no.1, pp. 25-29 (in Russ.)

4. Gorodnov V.D., Teslenko V.N., Timohin I.M. i dr. Clays research and new recipes of mud solutions. M.: Nedra, 1975. 272 p. (in Russ.).

5. Fomin V.M. Radical-chain oxidation of organic compounds and its inhibition with phenol type inhibitors. Tutorial. Nizhnij Novgorod: Nizhegorodskij gosuniversitet, 2010. 37p. (in Russ.).

One-step pilot method for obtain of substituted 3-benzyl-2-chloroquinolines from β-phenylpropaneamides using Vilsmeier-Haack reaction

Omelkov Anton Vladimirovich, ZAO «Pharm-Sintez»,leading researcher; e-mail:

Ilin Vadim Igoryevich, ZAO «Pharm-Sintez»,head of Zolendron Laboratory; e-mail:

Ruchko Evsey Aleksandrovich, ZAO «Pharm-Sintez», head of Chromatography Laboratory; e-mail:

Fedorov Vladimir Egorovich, ZAO «Pharm-Sintez», head of Department, PhD; e-mail:

Keywords: reaction-Haak Vil'smejera replacement 3-benzyl-2-hlorhinolin, anilidy, Phosphorus oxychloride

Based on the Vilsmeier-Haak reaction one-step pilot method for obtain of substituted 3-benzyl-2-chloroquinolines from 3-phenylpropaneamides using N,N-dimethylformamide and phosphoryl trichloride as reagents has been proposed. The choice of Vilsmeier-Haak reaction was made on analysis of advantages and disadvantages for obtaining quinolines, with regard to reagents availability and technological process simplicity in industry. The water was separated from the reaction mixture by distillation with 1,2-dichlorethane. Optimized condition was used to obtain 3-benzyl-6-bromo-2-chloroquinolines in the 200 liters installation. Yelds of quinolines depends on anilides and ranged between 65-82%.


1. Baptiste V., Crauste C., Flipo M. et al. Tuberculosis: The drug development pipeline at a glance. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 2012, Vol. 51, pp. 1- 16.

2. Omelkov A.V., Fedorov V.F., The Effect of Lithium, Cerium (III), Copper (I) Chlorides on the Synthesis of 1-(2-Chloro-3-quinolyl)-4-dimethylamino-2-(1-naphtyl)-1-phenyl-butan-2-ols. Book of abstracts, “2nd Russian Conference on Medicinal Chemistry”, MedChem-2015, 2015, Novosibirsk, p.240.

3. Guillemont J., Pasquier E., Lancois D., Quinoline derivatives for use as mycobacterial inhibitors. WO 2005075428 A1., WIPO, 18.08.2005.

4. Meth-Cohn O., Stanforth S., The Vilsmeier-Haack Reaction. Book, Comprehensive Organic Synthesis. Trost B.M. and Fleming I. (Editor-in-Chief), Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York, Seoul, Tokyo, 1991, Vol. 2, Chapter 3.5, pp. 777-794.

5. Omelkov A.V., Ilin V.I., Ruchko E.A., Fedorov V.E. Industry method for substituted amides from anilines and 3-phenylpropionic acid. Chemical Industry today. 2013, Vol. 9, p. 19-22 (in Russ.).

Fractionation in spiral wound reverse osmosis element

Zhilin Yuriy Nicolayevich

MoscowForestStateUniversity, Associate Professor, Department of chemistry and biotechnology.

Address: 141005, Mytishchi-5, Moscow region, Institutskaya, 1.

Tel. 8(498)687-36-00; e-mail:

Keywords: semipermeable membranes, reverese osmosis, baromembrane processus, spiral wound membrane element.

The comparative calculation of reverse osmosis separation of 10 g/l NaCl aqueous solutions for laminar flow in the "short" channel is presented. We compared the efficiency of spiral wound element type BW30-400 and its modified structure: it has an additional zone (zone II) at the outlet of the discharge channel. Zone II is equipped with non-selective membrane. Diffusion boundary layer comes from the zone I and passes through the membrane to form a permeate fraction II (concentrate). It is shown that the use of fractionation compared with ordinary separation allows to obtain advantages for the concentrate: the smaller volume and higher salinity with almost the same quality purification and flow of the purified permeate. Reduction of the flow rate in the channel and increase the operating pressure amplify this effect. For example, 0,08 m/s flow rate and 40 bar pressure lead to an increase in salt concentration in the concentrate by almost a quarter, its flow decreases by more then 1,5 times. In the ordinary separation retentate is a concentrate having a high salt content. On the contrary salinity of retentate obtained during fractionation is much less and it equals the initial solution concentration. This is another advantage of fractionation, because it allows you to send retentate for further processing, using installation with sectioning elements, for example. Сalculation formulas for this case are proposed. The calculation results show an increase in the proportion of the volume of the purified permeate obtained without any noticeable loss of quality cleaning. It is noted that, to obtain comparable retentate and concentrate flows, and maintaining retentate concentration equal to that in initial solution, the ratio of half-height channel to thickness diffusion layer k must be kept within 1,2 – 1,3. Decrease the length of zone II in the total length of the element contributes to the convergence of purified permeate, obtained by fractionation and ordinary separation.


1.S.S.Sablari, MFAGoosen, R.Al-Belushi, M.Wilf. Concentration polarization in ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis. Desalination, v 141, issue 3, 2001, p.p. 269 – 289.

2.Shengwei Ma, Lianfa Song, Say Leong Ong, Wun Gern Ng. A 2-D streamline upwind Petrov/Galerkin finite element model for concentration polarization in spiral wound reverse osmosis modules. Journal of membrane science, v.244, issues 1 – 2, 15 November, 2004, p.129 – 139.

3. Zhilin Yu. N. Matematicheskaya model i raschyot rulonnogo obratnoosmoticheskogo elementa [Mathematical model and calculation of spiral wound reverse osmosis element]. – Saarbrucken, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2016, 66 p. ISBN: 978-3-659-84802-5

4.Reverse-osmosis membranes.

5.Zhilin Yu.N. Baromemdrannoe razdelenie rastvora v ploskom shtshelevom kanale. Matematicheskoe opisanie i primer raschyota obratnoosmoticheskogo rulonnogo elementa [Baromembrane separation of solution in a flat slop channel. Mathematical description and calculation example of spiral wound reverse osmosis element]. Khimicheskaya promyshlennost segodnya [Chemical Industry Today], № 4, 2015, p.p. 33 – 43. (in Russ).

6.Zhilin Yu.N. Vliyanie skorosti potoka na razdelenie rastvora NaCl v obratnoosmoticheskom rulonnom elemente. [Effect of flow rate on separation of NaCl solution in a spiral wound reverse osmosis element]. Vestnik MGUL – Lesnoy vestnik [Moscow state forest university bulletin – Lesnoy vestnik] 2015, т.19, № 6, p.p. 126 – 131. (in Russ).

Hydrodynamics shock-spray packing

Andreenko Matvey Viktorovich, Federal State Funded Educational Establishment of Higher Education «Angarsk State Technical University»,graduate student of «Machinery and equipment of chemical plants»

665835, Irkutsk region, Angarsk, Str. Tchaikovsky, 60. Tel.: 8-3955-678335

Balchugov Alexey Valerevich, Federal State Funded Educational Establishment of Higher Education «Angarsk State Technical University», professor of «Machinery and equipment of chemical plants»

665835, Irkutsk region, Angarsk, Str. Tchaikovsky, 60. Tel.: 8-3955-678335

Kuzora Igor Evgenevich, Joint-stock company «Angarsk petrochemical company» ОС «Rosneft», Ph.D., Deputy Technical Director of Quality

Keywords: packed contact devices, hydraulic resistance, interstage entrainment, shock-spray packing.

Experimental studies of a new shock-spray packing in order to determine its hydraulic resistance and interstage entrainment were completed. Three modifications of the shock-spray packing were unvestigated. It is found that the modification of the packing 1 has a relatively low flow resistance and interstage entrainment, so it is most promising for application in industry. It was shown that for the modification of the packing 1 interstage entrainment dependence on irrigation density has an extreme character, owing to the nature of the hydrodynamic regime. It is shown that an inter-stage packing for entrainment modification 1 below of the entrainment on the perforated plate. The experimental data obtained for the hydraulic resistance and entrainment can be used in designing of new contact apparatus for the absorption process, desorption and distillation.


1. Andreenko M.V., Skachkov I.V., Balchugov A.V., Korobochkin V.V. Modelirovanie processa absorbcii ammiaka i metilaminov vodoj na novoj regulyarnoj nasadke // Izvestiya Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. 2015. T. 326. № 6. S. 69-78. (in Russ.).

2. Ryzhov S.O., Balchugov A.V., Kuzora I.E. Gidrodinamicheskie issledovaniya cepnoj nasadki // Himicheskaya promyshlennost segodnya. 2013. № 2. S. 34-42.(in Russ.).

3. Pushnov A.S., Mikulenok I.O., Sevryukov A.S., Berengarten M.G. Klassifikaciya konstrukcij nasadok kolonnyh apparatov i metodov klassifikacii v nih processov teplomassoobmena. // Himicheskaya tekhnologiya. 2014. №4. – s. 244-250.(in Russ.).

4. Ramm V.M. Absorbciya gazov. M.: RGB. 2009. s. 655.

5. Patent na izobretenie RF № 2452560. Regulyarnaya nasadka dlya teplo- i massoobmennyh apparatov. Balchugov A.V., Vasilev A.V., Kuzora I.E. Byull. №16, 2012.(in Russ.).

The heat equation solution for rotary kiln decrepitation of a spodumene concentrate

Gromov Oleg B., Ph.D. (Tech.),JSC “Leading Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Head of Department; e-mail:

Novikov Pavel Yu., Ph.D.(Tech.), SC “Leading Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Technology, head of laboratory; e-mail:

Travin Sergey O., Ph.D. (Chem.),engineer-researcher of National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Moscow, Russia; e-mail:

Kudryavtzev Evgeniy M.,Dr. of Sc., professorof National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Moscow, Russia;e-mail: .

Keywords: mathematical modeling, the heat conduction equation, countercurrent rotary kiln, decrepitation of spodumene concentrate, the adequacy of the model.

A mathematical model of the rotary kiln is proposed, in which the supply of spodumene concentrate and gas fuel is carried out in countercurrent. When modeling thermal decrepitation of spodumene the rapid assessment of the temperature distribution in the volume of the pipe is of paramount importance, and other technological features of the process have a subordinate value. An equation describing the mathematical model of combustion and heat transfer is derived and solved; the adequacy of the solution is confirmed by practical experiments. It is shown that the process of decrepitation of spodumene concentrate takes place only in a small part of the tube kiln, which is a consequence of its unproper design, not suitable for this process. Recommendations for optimization of kilt design are proposed from the point of view of energy saving, for example, the lateral displacement of the flame inlet to ensure gas circulation.