Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Haiti Twinning Ministry Minutes

“Souple join us as we continue our Spiritual Journey and share the good news.”

2015-2016 School Lunch Program


God has called both Sacred Heart and Saint Gabriel parishes to a unique relationship based on spirituality, solidarity, and partnership. We accompany one another with respect, dignity, and deep listening, towards a fuller love, compassion, and healing. By getting to know one another, we become one in Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, December15th,2015

Members present: Patricia, Neil, Mike, Silver, Stephanie, Harper,and Francesca

Guests: Annie Kitzmiller and Robert Macedo

Simple Dinner: Thank you Patriciafor the soup,Silver/Frances for the bread, Annie for the cheese, Mike/Annie/Stephanie/

Francescawho helped to set up/clean up after dinner/meeting/napkins, and Silver for technology.

Welcome and Goals of the Meeting: Patricia Opening Prayer: Patricia and Harper Prayer Intentions: All Introductions: All Vision Statement: Silver

GoodNews: Francescashared the good newsfrom both parishes. Fr. Ady celebrated his one year anniversary at SGP. The progress of the cafeteria is going well. There were several birthdaysthis month: the Nativity of Jesus and parishioners/members at SGP and SHP.

M’ Pale Kreyol—I Speak Creole: O Lespri Sen/O Holy Spirit— All

Vigil for Winter Pilgrimage to St. Gabriel (SG) (March 3-11, 2016 TBC): Patricia noted that she will confirm the dates with Fr. Ady. Neil explained the history of SH going on a pilgrimage to St. Gabriel twice a year which started eight years ago. The primary focus is to continue building good relationships with St. Gabriel. Mike will prepare the vigil for the pilgrims. Patricia noted that Anne Marie, Stephanie, and Aileen have expressed an interest in going. If you are interested in going to SG, please contact Patricia.

Formation—Toxic Charity: HTM is reading and discussing the book, Toxic Charity by Robert Lupton and the ministries in the Diocese of Richmond and SH J&P have been reading it also. Based on Chapters5 and 6, Francesca led the brainstorming of this question:

What does emergency assistance look like and why should this type of assistance turn into development?

  • Short span, a target, have exit plan, and measurable results.Should turn into development so people do not become dependent.
  • Temporary/critical, time sensitive, treating symptoms instead of root cause(s), should help people help themselves.
  • Quick response to meet crisis but also must be long term for sustainability of plan. Shared example: assess needs, plan, help the Haitians to take over and carry on, and back out but continue to help financially.
  • Fix immediate problems. Need to address root cause(s).
  • Assistance to immediate problem but need to move away from doing everything to something more lasting.
  • Emergency to fix it quickly but need to turn into something they can sustain.
  • Something caused damage and response came with toxic charity which caused more damage. We need to stay out and let them do for themselves. Avoid dependence: entitlement which shows no relationship and kills initiative of the people. We want healthy relationship. Must have an exit policy. Development is the way to go.
  • When does immediate charity need to be done?—maybe if there is immediate loss of life will occur and, if you do not do something, there will be loss of life. Avoid taking away the ability for them to do for themselves. Must go from emergency support to correct the situation to enable them to become sustainable.

Francesca noted that the Virginia Beach Public Library has three copies of Toxic Charity and Norfolk Public Library has none. If you would like a copy, please let Neil know. Also, it is available from Prince Bookstore, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon.

Action: Everyone, please read Chapters 7Wise Giving 8Take the Oath for the January meeting.

7th Parish Haiti Cultural Dinner, Sat. January 30, 2016: The dinner will be on January 30, 2016. The planning committee has met three times. The next meetingsare Sunday, January10and 24 at 9:15 AM after the 8:00 am Mass. The arrangements are going well: have auctioneers, a MC, cook, musician, decorations,sponsors, pictures etc. Also, if you want to help, we would appreciate a donation of an item or two that Frank and Susan could include in baskets of the following themes: Legos, jewelry-making, arts and crafts, PlayDoh, Match Box/Hot Wheels, books, teen make up/nail polish, cooking for kids, Nerf toys and books. They do not have to be new—gentlyused or clean items are acceptable. Please contact Frank or Susan Danielat 436-2324 or by email by Jan 10th. Patricia noted that the ticket sales have started. Dinner tickets are $20 per person for $45 per family. Contact Neil for tickets. Please make out checks to Sacred Heart and write Haiti Culutral Dinner on the memo line. Fr. Ady may attend the dinner (full confirmation is pending).

TWS Holiday Art & Craft Fair &Advent Giving Tree: Patricia shared The Williams School (TWS) raised money to feed one child for one year based on the sales from the St. Gabriel Craft Table at TWS Art & Craft Fair. She thanked Past Walsh for coordinating the AGT, the volunteers who staffed the AGT table, the generous donors, Diane Casino (HTM supportive member) for her donation of handmade craft and Cherie Geiger (TWS) for managing the table sales at the Craft Fair.

Patricia also gave an update on the Advent Giving Tree, which has the goal to raise money for the SG School Classroom Furniture Fund and Stephanie has been assisting her. This year the goal is to furnish a sixth classroom for SG School. Stephanie prepared the donation status: 49 parishioners and one teacher from TWS participated in the donations so far. We have received three quarters of the funds needed to furnish one classroom.The Advent Giving Tree started on Thanksgiving Eve before the 7 PM Mass and goes through December 20th. Donations to the SG School Furniture Fund can be received up to the Epiphany even though the table ends on Dec 20th. Last year we exceeded our goal and raised funds for two classrooms thanks to one generous donor who gave money for one classroom. That donation was the result of Pat Walsh’s bulletin notes and giving out the article explaining Fr. Ady’s request to outfit classrooms at SG School showing the cost for each piece of furniture needed. If you wish to donate, please ensure the memo line on the check states, “St. Gabriel Furniture Fund.” This fund raiser is in keeping with the principles of Toxic Charity: SGP and SHP prayed over it; SGP and SHP have developed relationships; and it is job giving to SGP—theyuse Haitiancarpenters and materials.

Action Items:

  1. Everyone to help with the 7th Parish Haiti Cultural Dinner in some way.
  2. Everyone to read Toxic Charity, Chapters 7 and 8 for Jan. meeting.
  3. Everyone to read Toxic Charity, Chapters9 and 10 for Feb. meeting.

Closing Prayersfrom God is No Stranger: Neil in Creole and Stephaniein English.