Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (DPD)
Modification Consultation –
16 September to 31 October 2014
Representations Form
Please return to South Ribble Borough Council, by midnight onFriday, 31 October 2014.
Representations received after this will not be considered.
Post to: Forward Planning, Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 1DH.
Email to:
This form has two parts:
Part A – Your personal details
Part B – Your representation(s). These must relate to the Main Modification to the Partial Version Site Allocations DPD outlined on page 3.
This consultation is not an opportunity to raise any other matters.
*If an agent has been appointed, only complete the Title, Name and Organisation boxes in column (a). Complete the agent’s full contact details in column (b).
(a)Personal Details* / (b)
Agent Details
(please delete as appropriate) / Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr/Rev/
Other (please specify) / Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr/Rev/
Other (please specify)
Job Title:
(if relevant)
(if relevant)
Post Code:
Would you like to be informed about the progress of this DPD?Yes/No
Future contact will be made by email only if an email address has been provided.
Notification Request
I request to be notified of (please delete as appropriate):
Receipt of the Inspector’s Report Yes/No
Adoption of the DPD Yes/No
Representations can only be raised with regard to the following Main Modification to the Partial Version Site Allocations DPD (additional wording is underlined).
Policy C4 – Cuerden Strategic SitePlanning permission will be granted for development of the Cuerden Strategic Site subject to the submission of:
a)an agreed Masterplan for the comprehensive development of the site, to include retail, employment, commercial, industrial and Green Infrastructure uses;
b)a phasing and infrastructure delivery schedule;
c)an agreed programme of implementation in accordance with the Masterplan and agreed design code.
Alternative uses may be appropriate where it can be demonstrated that they may help deliver the strategic employment aspirations for this site. Any proposed main town centre uses must satisfy the sequential and impact tests set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), relevant policies of the Core Strategy and this Local Plan.
This consultation is not an opportunity to raise any other matters.
Please note, your representation should cover succinctly all the information and evidence necessary to support/justify the representation and the suggested change, as there will be no opportunity to make further comments.
These representations will be passed to the Planning Inspector who will instruct the Council how to proceed through the final report on the examination.
(1)Main Modification to the Partial Version Site Allocations DPD
Representations relating to the Main Modification will be referred to the Inspector for consideration.
Name or OrganisationMain Modification Ref: / MM34 – Policy C4 – Cuerden Strategic Site
Are you (please delete as appropriate)Supporting/Objecting
- Do you consider that if this Main Modification is made to the DPD it will be:
(a)Legally Compliant (please delete as appropriate)Yes/No
(b)Sound (please delete as appropriate)Yes/No
Please see attached guidance note which defines Legally Compliant and Soundness in this context.
- If you have answered “No” to part (a), please set out what change(s) you consider necessary to the Modification to make the DPD legally compliant. You should state why this change will make the DPD legally compliant. It would be helpful if you could put forward your suggested revised wording of any policy or text. Please be as precise as possible.
- If you have answered “No” to part (b), do you consider that this modification will be unsound because it is:
- Not justified
- Not effective
- Not consistent with national policy
- Not positively prepared
(please delete as appropriate)
The attached guidance note defines each of these categories.
- Please set out what change(s) you consider necessary to the Modification to make the DPD sound. You should state why this change will make the DPD sound. It would be helpful if you could put forward your suggested revised wording of any policy or text. Please be as precise as possible.
Please sign and date this form
Additional forms are available from:
Civic Centre, Leyland
Bamber Bridge Library
Kingsfold Library
Leyland Library
Longton Library
Lostock Hall Library
Penwortham Library
On request from:
01772 625384
As a download from:
Thank you for your comments
Guidance Note – Definition of Legal Compliance/Soundness
Legal Compliance
To be legally compliant:
- The DPD in question should be within the current Local Development Scheme (LDS) and the key stages should have been followed. The LDS is effectively a programme of work prepared by the Local Planning Authority (LPA), setting out the Local Development Documents it proposes to produce over a three year period. It will set out the key stages in the production of any DPDs which the LPA propose to bring forward for independent examination. If the DPD is not in the current LDS it should not have been published for representation. The LDS should be on the LPA’s website and available at their main offices.
- The process of community involvement for the DPD in question should be in general accordance with the LPA’s Statement of Community Involvement (where one exists). The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is a document which sets out a LPA’s strategy for involving the community in the preparation and revision of documents (including DPDs) and the consideration of planning applications.
- The DPD should comply with the Town and County Planning (Local Development) (England Regulations) 2004 (as amended). On Publication, the LPA must publish the documents prescribed in the regulations, and make them available at their principal offices and their website. The LPA must also place local advertisements and notify the DPD bodies (as set out in the regulations) and any persons who have requested to be notified.
- The LPA is required to provide a Sustainability Appraisal Report when they publish a DPD. This should identify the process by which the Sustainability Appraisal has been carried out, and the baseline information used to inform the process and the outcomes of that process. Sustainability Appraisal is a tool for appraising policies to ensure they reflect social, environmental, and economic factors.
- The DPD should have regard to national policy, in particular the National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework).
- The DPD must have regard to any Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) for its area (i.e. county and district). The SCS is usually prepared by the Local Strategic Partnership which is representative of a range of interests in the LPA’s area. The SCS is subject to consultation but not to an independent examination
To be sound a DPD should be:
- Positively prepared - the plan should be prepared based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements, including unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities where it is reasonable to do so and consistent with achieving sustainable development.
- Justified - the plan should be the most appropriate strategy, when considered against reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence.
- Effective - the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities.
- Consistent with national policy - the plan should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.
Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
Please delete as appropriate:
Are you?Male/Female
What age are you:______
Do you have any long-standing illness
disability or infirmity?Yes/No
If yes, does this illness or disability limit
your activities in any way?Yes/No
Do you consider yourself to be:
(Pleasedelete as appropriate)
White BritishWhite Irish
Other White (please specify)______
Black or Black British Caribbean
Black or Black British African
Other Black/Black British (please specify)______
Mixed White & Black Caribbean
Mixed White & Black African
Mixed White & Asian
Other Mixed background (please specify)______
Asian or Asian British – Pakistani
Asian or Asian British – Indian
Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi
Asian or Asian British – Chinese
Other Asian background (please specify)______
Other ethnic group (please specify)______
Thank you for your responses