Department of Mathematics


Bethlehem, Pennsylvania18015

(610) 758-3755

Ph.D., Mathematics, 1989.

M.S., Mathematics, 1983.

B.S., Mathematics, 1982.

DISSERTATION Convexity properties of coverings of smooth projective varieties,

written under the direction of Raghavan Narasimhan.

EXPERIENCE Professor, 2007–.

Associate Professor, 1998–2007.

Assistant Professor, 1992–1998.

National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow,

Victor Guillemin, Sponsor, 1989–1992.

C.L.E. Moore Instructor, 1989–1991.

PUBLICATIONS 1. Convexity properties of coverings of smooth projective varieties, Math. Ann. 286

IN REFEREED (1990), 433–479.

JOURNALS 2. Covering spaces of families of compact Riemann surfaces, Math. Ann. 294

CONFERENCE (1992), 523–549.

PROCEEDINGS 3. With M. Ramachandran, Structure theorems for complete Kähler manifolds and

applications to Lefschetz type theorems, Geom. Funct. Anal. 5 (1995), 809–851.

4. With M. Ramachandran, The Bochner-Hartogs dichotomy for weakly 1-complete

Kähler manifolds, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 47, 5 (1997), 1345–1365.

5. With M. Ramachandran, The L2∂-method, weak Lefschetz theorems, and the

topology of Kähler manifolds, J. Amer. Math. Soc., 11, 2 (1998), 375–396.

6. With M. Ramachandran, Hyperbolic Kähler manifolds and proper holomorphic

mappings to Riemann surfaces, Geom. Funct. Anal. 11, (2001), 382406.

7. With M. Ramachandran, Generically strongly q-convex complex manifolds,

Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 51, 6 (2001), 15531598.

8. With M. Ramachandran, Elementary construction of exhausting subsolutions of

elliptic operators, L’Enseignement Math. 50, (2004), 367390.

9. With M. Ramachandran, Thompson’s Group F is not Kähler, pp. 197201,

Proceedings of the Conference on Probabilistic and Asymptotic Aspects of

Group Theory and Topological Aspects of Group Theory (Nashville, 2004),

Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 394, American Mathematical Society,

Providence, 2006.

PUBLICATIONS 10. With M. Ramachandran, Filtered ends, proper holomorphic mappings of Kähler

(continued) manifolds to Riemann surfaces, and Kähler groups, Geom. Funct.

Anal. 17, (2008), no. 5, 16211654.

11.With M. Ramachandran, L2Castelnuovo-de Franchis, the cup product lemma,

and filtered ends of Kähler groups, J. of Top. and Anal. 1, (2009), no. 1,


12. With M. Fraboni, Strong q-convexity in uniform neighborhoods of subvarieties

in coverings of complex spaces, Math. Z. 265(2010), no. 3, 653685.

WORK 13.With C. Joiţa and M. Ramachandran, Generically strongly q-convex complex SUBMITTED spaces, submitted.

14.With M. Ramachandran, An introduction to Riemann surfaces (book), submitted.

IN PREPARATION 15. With M. Ramachandran, The Bochner-Hartogs dichotomy for bounded geometry

hyperbolic complete Kählermanifolds.



NSF Geometric Analysis Program, Principal Investigator, 1994–1996.

NSF Geometric Analysis Program, Principal Investigator, 1999–2003.

NSF Geometric Analysis Program, Principal Investigator, 2003–2007.

National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, 1989–1992.



Reidler Foundation Grants, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1998.


Convexity properties of coverings of smooth projective varieties, AMS meeting,

Special Session on Several Complex Variables, Muncie, Indiana, October,

1989 (see Abstracts of Papers Presented to the AMS).

Line bundle convexity of covering spaces, Analysis Seminar, University of

Kentucky, February, 1990.

Holomorphic convexity of covering spaces, Analysis Seminar, University of

Wisconsin, Madison, March, 1990.

Covering spaces of complex manifolds, Analysis Seminar, University of Kentucky,

March, 1991.

Finite volume ends of Kähler manifolds of negative Ricci curvature, Algebraic

Geometry Seminar, The University of Chicago, November, 1996.
Weak Lefschetz Theorems, Colloquium, The University of Chicago, November,


Weak Lefschetz Theorems, Colloquium, The University of Western Ontario, April,


The Bochner-Hartogs Dichotomy, Ontario Analytic Geometry Seminar, Fields

Institute, Toronto, April, 1998.

Weak Lefschetz Theorems, Fundamental Groups in Geometry, Oberwolfach, May,


LECTURES Existence of Riemann Surface Quotients,AMS meeting, Special Session on

(continued) Complex Hyperbolic Geometry and Conformal Geometry of the Heisenberg

Group, Washington, DC, January, 2000 (see Abstracts of Papers

Presented to the AMS 21, No. 1, (2000), p. 78).

Generically strongly q-convex complex manifolds, PDE and Complex Analysis

Seminar, RutgersUniversity (New Brunswick),November 30, 2001.

Convexity properties of coverings of projective varieties, Colloquium,

University of Miami, November 12, 2002.

Generically q-convex complex manifolds, Geometry Seminar,

University of Miami, November 13, 2002.

Some q-convexity properties of covering spaces, Conference on Asymptotic and

Effective Results in Complex Geometry, JohnsHopkinsUniversity,

March 21, 2004.

Relative ends and proper holomorphic mappings to Riemann surfaces, Hayama

Symposium on Several Complex Variables, Shonan Village Center, Japan,

December 20, 2004.

Filtered ends and proper holomorphic mappings to Riemann surfaces, International

Conference on Several Complex Variables, University of Science

and Technology, Hefei, China, June 25,2005.

Filtered ends and proper holomorphic mappings to Riemann surfaces,

International Conference on Complex Analysis and Related Topics,

Cluj-Napoca, Romania, August 16,2005.

Filtered ends, proper holomorphic mappings of Kähler manifolds to Riemann

surfaces, and Kähler groups, Algebraic Geometry Seminar, The University of

Chicago, May, 2006.

Kähler manifolds with bounded geometry, Workshop on the geometry of

holomorphic curves in complex algebraic varieties, Centre de recherches

mathématiques, Montréal, May4, 2007.

The Bochner-Hartogs dichotomy for hyperbolic Kähler manifolds with bounded

geometry, Workshop on Complex Geometry, Korea Institute for Advanced

Study, Seoul, October 19, 2007.


Covering spaces of families of curves, Summer Research Institute on Algebraic

Geometry, Santa Cruz, California, July, 1995.

Weakly 1-complete Kähler manifolds with large automorphism group, AMS

meeting, Special Session on Harmonic Maps, Symmetric Spaces, and Related

Issues, Boston, Massachusetts, October, 1995 (see AMS Abstracts).


21–23 Calculus I–III; 31, 32 Honors Calculus I, II; 41, 44 BMSS Calculus I, II;

75 Calculus I–Part A, 76 Calculus I–Part B;

5 Introduction to Mathematical Thought;

12 Basic Statistics;

208 Complex Variables;

219/301 Principles of Analysis I, 220 Principles of Analysis II;

320 Ordinary Differential Equations;

401 Real Analysis I, 402 Real Analysis II;

416 Complex Function Theory, 453 Function Theory.

ADVISING Doctoral Dissertation Supervised 2000–2002

Michael Fraboni, Some q-convexity properties of coverings ofcomplex manifolds,

Ph.D. May 2002, Asst. Prof. of Math. at MoravianCollege since Fall 2002.

Undergraduate Nonmajor Advisor,2 students, Fall, 2010; 2 students, Fall, 2009;

7students, Spring 2004–2005; 17 Students, 2001–2003; 20 Students, 1997–1998.

Undergraduate Mathematics Major Advisor,

Approximately 25 students per year shared with

Garth Isaak (1998—Spring 2002) or Clifford Queen, Susan Szczepanski, and

Ramamirthan Venkataraman (Fall 2002–Spring 2005).


Undergraduate Nonmajor Advisor, 1997–1998, 2001–2003, 2004–.

CAS Dean’s Fellowship Committee, 2005–.

CAS Distinguished Dissertation Award Committee, 2005–.


Ph.D. Analysis Qualifying Examination, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005,

2006, 2007, 2009.

Graduate Comprehensive Examination, 1998, 2002, 2003.

Department Chair Succession Committee, 1996–1997.

Calculus Committee Chair 1998–2001.

Chair's Advisory Committee, 1998–2000, 20022003.

Hiring Committee, 20022003.

Undergraduate Committee, 20022005, chair Fall 2004–Spring 2005.

Helped prepare the Mathematics Department’s submission to the CAS

Undergraduate Program Review, 2005

Undergraduate Mathematics Club, 1992–2005.

Undergraduate Mathematics Major Advisor 1998–2005.

Dissertation Committees

Elizabeth Kuehner-Mauch, Spring 1999.

Tracy Bowers, Spring 2003.

Christopher Godbout, Spring 2010

Pitcher Chair Search Committee, 2003.

Analysis Search Committee, 2003–2005, 2006–2007.

Mathematics Graduate Coordinator, Fall 2005–.

Analysis Search Committee Chair, 2007–2008, 2008–2009.

Mathematics Workload Document Committee, 2010–.

Referee for Inventiones Mathematicae (1), Mathematische

Annalen (6), Proceedings of the AMS (4), Annales de

l’Institut Fourier (3), Geometriae Dedicata (1), Science in China(1).

Research Proposal Reviewer, NSF Geometric Analysis Program (eight proposals).

Research Evaluator for a tenure case.

Coorganizer (with M. Ramachandran), Special session on Complex geometry,

AMS Sectional Meeting 943, SUNY at Buffalo, April 1999.

Coorganizer (with M. Ramachandran and D. Toledo), Special Session on Complex

geometry, Kähler groups, and related topics, AMS Fall Western Sectional

Meeting, the Univ. of Utah, Oct. 7–8, 2006.