

The Book Thief

Part Four

Vocabulary: Malignant, ostracism, capitulate, morose, trepidation, blatant


1.  How did Erik Vandenburg save Hans Hubermann’s life in the first World War?

2.  How has a relationship forged between Hans Hubermann and Erik Vandenburg’s son Max? Why did Hans feel compelled to help Max?

3.  Why did Han’s business go into decline after 1933?

4.  Why were Max’s adolescent peers surprised by his aggressiveness?

5.  What burden of guild did Max Vandenburg bear?

6.  Why did Hans risk frightening Liesel terribly?

7.  What factors helped to create the bond between Ma and Liesel?

Questions for Discussion:

1.  What qualities do you think Rosa Hubermann demonstrated after Max’s arrival? Were you surprised by her behavior under these challenging circumstances?

2.  Do you think Hans and Rosa should have required Max to leave after the hand-holding episode with Liesel?

3.  How do you suppose max’s years of street fighting helped him during the years before and during World War II?

4.  Do you think Hans was more motivated to help Max for political reasons or his need to keep a promise?

5.  Why do you think Max created The Standover Man for Liesel? What was significant about the materials he used to make the book?

Literacy Devices:

1.  Symbolism -- What do you think the accordion symbolizes?

2.  Flashback -- Why do you think the narrator provided a flashback to Hans Hubermann’s World War I experiences?

3.  Metaphor -- What implied comparison is being made in the following comment about war?

-  The conversation of bullets

Individual Book Project /300 pts:

Directions: Return to Max’s “Pages from the Basement” Then create your own picture book tribute to a special friend or family member.