North Carolina A&T State University
A (thesis or dissertation) submitted to the graduate faculty
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Department: (Type Department Here)
Major: (Type Major Here)
Major Professor: Dr. (Major Professor’s Name)
Greensboro, North Carolina
*Please note: wherever there are parentheses on these preliminary pages, please insert the information relevant to your project. These parentheses should be deleted in the final version of your thesis or dissertation.
The Graduate College
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This is to certify that the (Master’s Thesis or Doctoral Dissertation) of
(Your name exactly as it appears on the title page)
has met the (thesis or dissertation) requirements of
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Greensboro, North Carolina
Approved by:
© Copyright by
(Your name here exactly as it appears on your title page. Please note: this page is required)
Biographical Sketch
This page is required and should appear in paragraph form. The Biographical Sketch needs to be written in the third person. Your first sentence should begin with your full name (appearing exactly as it appears on your Title Page, Signature Page, and Copyright Page). Consult the manual for additional details.
This page is optional and appears after your biographical sketch.
The acknowledgments page is also optional. The acknowledgments should be in paragraph form.
Table of Contents
List of Figures ix
List of Tables x
Abstract 1
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 2
1.1 Sample Level Two Heading and Heading Information 2
1.1.1 Sample level three heading and template information. 2 How to insert a figure. 3 A note on figure captions and the UPDATE FIELD function. 4
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 Sample Level Two Heading and Information about Inserting Tables 5
2.1.1 Sample heading and a tip. 6 Sample level four heading 7 Sample level five heading. 8
CHAPTER 3 Methodology 9
3.1 Sample Heading and a Tip on Figure Captions 9
3.1.1 Sample level three heading. 9 Sample level four heading. 9 Sample level five heading 10
CHAPTER 4 Results 11
4.1 Sample Level Two Heading 11
4.1.1 Sample level three heading and tips on reference pages. 11 Sample level four heading. 11 Sample level five heading. 11
CHAPTER 5 Discussion and Future Research 12
References 13
Appendix A 14
Appendix B 15
List of Figures
Figure 1. This is a figure of an old, rusty ladder. 3
Figure 2. This is another figure of a ladder. It is not old and rusty like the ladder in sample chapter one. This ladder, like most ladders properly used, stretches towards the sky. 7
Figure 3. The 3rd ladder. 9
Figure 4. Please remember your figure descriptions should not be too long. Save that level of explication for paragraphs of your manuscript. 11
List of Tables
Table 1 School Comparisons of Scores, Numbers of Students, and Results 6
Table 2 Additional Comparisons of Scores, Numbers of Students, and Results 7
Table 3 Age Groups MPH Habits and Traffic Ticket Received 9
The abstract should contain approximately 250-350 words and should be roughly one page. Your abstract begins on Arabic numeral page 1.
1 CHAPTER 1Introduction
Welcome to the sample template for theses and dissertations submitted to North Carolina A&T State University. We hope this template serves as a formatting foundation for your document. You may add and subtract text to this template in any manner you see fit. This document is completely formatted to meet the required standards for submission. [***Note that the heading styles and figure/table captions shown here are based on APA 6th edition. Other styles for headings or figure/table captions may be acceptable, so long as you are CONSISTENT throughout the entire document. For example, your Table captions could be formatted just like the Figure captions, but located above the Table.***]
1.1 Sample Level Two Heading and Heading Information
The sample headings have been provided for your benefit. You can copy and paste them as needed. To change the text in any of the headings, highlight the heading and begin to type your desired text. All five heading levels are provided in this template. For many projects, you may need only three heading levels. If there are any headings that you do not need, you are encouraged to simply select them and delete them. We recommend that students use a numbering system for headings—especially in documents that use a large number of subheadings. This is helpful for keeping the reader (and the writer) oriented.
1.1.1 Sample level three heading and template information. This template also provides style settings for your benefit. In the event that you must create your own heading on this template, you may type your heading in the desired location and choose the HOME tab at the top of the page. On the right-hand side of the HOME menu, you will see a number of style options. “Normal” corresponds to text typed throughout your paragraphs, “Heading 1” corresponds to Level One headings, “Heading 2” to Level Two headings, and so on. So, type in your heading (including appropriate numbering), highlight the heading text, and click on the appropriate Heading Style. Now, when you UPDATE FIELD on the Table of Contents, your headings and page numbers will be added automatically. If you are unfamiliar with these functions, test them out early in the writing/formatting process so that they become comfortable. (See section below for more information on the UPDATE FIELD function.) How to insert a figure. You may click the INSERT tab at the top of this page and choose the PICTURE option. Once the picture is in the text, be sure to center it. All figures must
be centered. Figure captions must be flushed to the left. To insert a new figure caption, place your cursor one (double-spaced) line below the figure, flushed to the left. Choose the REFERENCES tab at the top of the page and select INSERT CAPTION. Click OK. Once the caption is inserted, it is your responsibility to format it consistently (we recommend that “Figure #” be italicized with the caption itself not italicized). You can now return to your LIST OF FIGURES page, right click the text, and select the UPDATE FIELD option. Remember that you want to update the ENTIRE field.
Figure 1. This is a figure of an old, rusty ladder. A note on figure captions and the UPDATE FIELD function. Please note: if you add additional text or descriptions to the figure captions above, everything you type there will appear on your list of figures page when you update the field. It is recommended that you describe the figures and tables in detail in the body of your text and not in the figure. To use the UPDATE FIELD function, go to the Table of Contents, List of Figures, or List of Tables. There are two methods: 1) right-click the text of the Table/List (it will become shaded) and click “Update Field” on the pop-up menu. 2) left-click the text of the Table/List (it will become shaded) and press F9 (the “refresh” shortcut). Either way, you can now choose to “Update page numbers only” (to automatically check the document for changes to page numbers) or “Update entire table” (to check page numbers AND changes to headings/captions).
2 CHAPTER 2 Literature Review
2.1 Sample Level Two Heading and Information about Inserting Tables
Table numbers and titles/descriptions (italicized) are placed above your table. The table itself, the table number, and the title of the table should be flushed to the left. Use INSERT CAPTION option from the REFERENCES ribbon to insert a table number. Since your caption will need to be below the table number (see example below), you must take the following step to ensure that your caption automatically goes into your List of Tables: if you type the caption description after the table number, you then place the cursor between the table number and the caption and press SHIFT+ENTER to split the caption to the next line. Alternately, you can create the table number with INSERT CAPTION, then insert a TEXT WRAPPING BREAK, and then type your description. Now, when you use the UPDATE FIELD option on your List of Tables, the caption will be included. Please note you will need to remove the italicized formatting from your table numbers to match our preferred style.
The main headings inside of each column of your table should be centered. The secondary headings (in this example the academy names would be secondary headings) should be flushed to the left. Numbers should be centered. Please ensure that the table extends to the margins.
You may copy, paste, and modify the sample tables to fit your needs. To number your tables in text, go the REFERENCES tab at the top of the page. By clicking INSERT and CAPTION you are able to add a new table number. Right click any sample table to modify the number of columns and rows. You can also select the INSERT tab at the top of the page and choose TABLES to add a new table in your text.
Table 1
School Comparisons of Scores, Numbers of Students, and Results
MTR Academy / 7.2 / 156 / 98 / 78
PWD School of Science / 8.7 / 56 / 45 / 17
CFC High School / 5.2 / 356 / 52 / 36
RCP Academy / 6.4 / 421 / 87 / 90
For Tables that need to be split across pages, you must split the table at the appropriate place and then manually type in a caption on the subsequent page (with the same Table # and Cont. as the caption). See pgs. 9-10 below for an example. To add a table in landscape orientation, you must create a page break by clicking PAGE LAYOUT at the top of this page. Under the BREAKS options, insert a page break. Once the new page appears change the page orientation (also found under the PAGE LAYOUT tab), and insert your new, big table. See the last page of this Template for a formatted example.
2.1.1 Sample heading and a tip. Please remember that you should always have text that leads into your figures and tables.
Figure 2. This is another figure of a ladder. It is not old and rusty like the ladder in sample chapter one. This ladder, like most ladders properly used, stretches towards the sky.
You should also have text after your figures and tables that explains the item and provides additional clarifications. Sample level four heading. Level four headings text should be in line with the level heading. The heading should be bold, upper and lower case letters, and italicized.
Table 2
Additional Comparisons of Scores, Numbers of Students, and Results
MTR Academy / 7.2 / 156 / 98 / 78
PWD School of Science / 8.7 / 56 / 45 / 17
CFC High School / 5.2 / 356 / 52 / 36
RCP Academy / 6.4 / 421 / 87 / 90 Sample level five heading. Level five headings are formatted much like level four headings. The difference is level five headings are not in bold font.
Always consider placing text after your tables or figures. Visuals are meant to supplement text. Fill each page with text. Words are priority in the manuscript, not images.
3 CHAPTER 3 Methodology
3.1 Sample Heading and a Tip on Figure Captions
In the event that your figure caption is longer than one line, be sure that the subsequent line is flushed to the left margin. See figure 2 for visual confirmation.
3.1.1 Sample level three heading. (Your text here in line with the paragraph)
Figure 3. The 3rd ladder.
(Continue to explain the meaning and significance of your figures here in the text, following the image.) Sample level four heading. (Your text here)
Table 3
Age Groups MPH Habits and Traffic Ticket Received
Female / 62 / 104
Table 3
Male / 74 / 187In the event that a table does not fit on one page, you may continue it onto the next page. You must create a break between the rows of your table and insert the table number and the caption “Cont.” before continuing the table. Be sure to type this info in manually (if you were to use the INSERT CAPTION function, Word would think you were adding an entirely new table). Sample level five heading. (Your text here)
4 CHAPTER 4Results
4.1 Sample Level Two Heading
Do not forget that level-one headings are in upper and lower case letters, flushed left and on a line by itself.
Figure 4. Please remember your figure descriptions should not be too long. Save that level of explication for paragraphs of your manuscript.
Remember, School of Graduate Studies expects for your document to be double spaced.
4.1.1 Sample level three heading and tips on reference pages. You may use the reference style of your department or discipline. Please remember that your reference page must be double spaced. You must use the hanging indent feature provided if your references are not numbered (per your discipline’s reference style guidelines). Sample level four heading. (Your text here) Sample level five heading. (Your text here)
5 CHAPTER 5Discussion and Future Research
(Your text here)