English 10 Mrs. Shenefield

Weekly Vocabulary Assignment Instructions: DUE TUESDAYS

A. There will be 12 words each week.

1. Students must include the following for each vocabulary word (Label each item for each word):

a. the word, spelled correctly.

b. the part of speech which the teacher provides.

c. the etymology: word history, provided in the brackets in the dictionary entry.

d. the definition that corresponds with the part of speech; there may be more than one

- definitions may not include any form of the vocabulary word.

- students may have to locate another form of the vocabulary word and adapt

the definition to fit the spelling and part of speech.

e. a synonym for each word (unless absolutely proven nonexistent)

f. writea complete sentence, using the word, according to the definition and part

of speech, enabling a reader to have an idea of themeaning of the word through

the usage which could bean inference, explanation, or an appositive or

appositive phrase. Underline the vocabulary word.

B. Lessons will occasionally require you to identify and correctly use patterns of word

changes that indicate different meanings or parts of speech. You will provide

a different form with a different part of speech and a slightly different definition for

specific words in each lesson. These words may be used in the sentences

on the test as long as they are used correctly. For these words, provide:

a. the word spelled correctly

b. the part of speech

c. the definition

d. a sentence containing the proper usage of the word.

Vocabulary Test: Fridays

1. Fifteen words will be on the test except for the test for lesson 1.

2. Beginning with the test for lesson 2, each test will consist of each week’s 12 words

plus 3 words randomly selected from the previous lesson.

3. The teacher will read the words and students will spell the words correctly.

4. Students will identify the part of speech for each word.

5. Students will write the correct definition for each word.

6. Students will be instructed to write 5 specific words in correct sentences. The

sentences must enable a reader to have an understanding of the meaning of the words

through usage which could be an inference, explanation, or an appositive or


English 10 Mrs. Shenefield

Weekly Vocabulary Assignment Instructions : DUE TUESDAYS

A. There will be 12 words each week.

1. Students must include the following for each vocabulary word (Label each item for each word):

a. the word, spelled correctly.

b. the part of speech which the teacher provides.

c. the etymology: word history, provided in the brackets in the dictionary entry.

d. the definition that corresponds with the part of speech; there may be more than one

- definitions may not include any form of the vocabulary word.

- students may have to locate another form of the vocabulary word and adapt

the definition to fit the spelling and part of speech.

e. a synonym for each word (unless absolutely proven nonexistent)

f. write a complete sentence, using the word, according to the definition and part

of speech, enabling a reader to have an idea of the meaning of the word through

the usage which could be an inference, explanation, or an appositive or

appositive phrase. Underline the vocabulary word.

B. Lessons will occasionally require you to identify and correctly use patterns of word

changes that indicate different meanings or parts of speech. You will provide

a different form with a different part of speech and a slightly different definition for

specific words in each lesson. These words may be used in the sentences

on the test as long as they are used correctly. For these words, provide:

a. the word spelled correctly

b. the part of speech

c. the definition

d. a sentence containing the proper usage of the word.

Vocabulary Test: Fridays

1. Fifteen words will be on the test except for the test for lesson 1.

2. Beginning with the test for lesson 2, each test will consist of each week’s 12 words

plus 3 words randomly selected from the previous lesson.

3. The teacher will read the words and students will spell the words correctly.

4. Students will identify the part of speech for each word.

5. Students will write the correct definition for each word.

6. Students will be instructed to write 5 specific words in correct sentences. The

sentences must enable a reader to have an understanding of the meaning of the words

through usage which could be an inference, explanation, or an appositive or

appositive phrase.