To:Nursing Homes and Long Term Care Facilities
From:Maine Immunization Program
Subject:Ordering H1N1 Vaccine
Date:October 26, 2009
This is to confirm that we are in receipt of your Provider Agreement for H1N1 Vaccine. At this time, Maine is limited to the number of ship to sites allowed by the federal CDC for H1N1 Vaccine and we are unable to process your agreement. We have asked sites/facilities that have been approved to receive H1N1 vaccine to order and provide vaccine to those sites/facilities in their area that have high risk groups to vaccinate but may not be approved to receive the vaccine directly.
Below is a list of Regional Resource Contact by area that can help you with the process of getting vaccine from another providerfor your high risk groups. We are not, nor will we be, giving out names of providers that have received H1N1 vaccine. It is important that you contact the Coordinator for your area to help you get H1N1 vaccine.
Area / Contact / PhoneNorthern MaineRegionalResourceCenter / Kathy Knight / 356-2525
CentralMaineRegionalResourceCenter for Emergency Preparedness / John Bastin / 795-2960
Southern MaineRegionalResourceCenterMaineMedicalCenter / Steven Trockman / 662-5142
Priority groups for the vaccine include: pregnant women, people who live with or care for infants six months and younger; children and young adults, age 6 months to 25 years; persons age 25years to 65 years who have medical conditions that put them at higher risk for influenza-related complications; and health care personnel, especially those who work in hospital maternity, pediatric, and intensive care units as well as emergency departments.
Please note that there is a delay in the delivery of the H1N1 vaccine and you may not be able to get vaccine immediately or enough to cover all your high risk groups. Thank you.