24 91. A word or part of a word that is in itself meaningful, but that cannot be broken into smaller meaningful units, is called a (AP94)
(A) Grapheme
(B) Morpheme
(C) Phoneme
(D) performative
(E) holophrase
24 97. According to Benjamin Whorfs linguistic relativity hypothesis, which of the following is true? (AP94)
(A) lndividuals have a natural predisposition to learn language.
(B) Individuals learn positive instances of concepts faster than they learn negative instances.
(C) Children learn their first language from their relatives and their peer group.
(D) Different languages predispose those individuals who speak them to think about the world in different ways.
(E) Children learn quantifying words such as "more" and "further" sooner than they do absolutes such as "every" and "all."
24 85. Noam Chomsky's view of language proposes that (AP99)
(A) There is an inherent language acquisition device
(B) Thinking is merely subvocal language
(C) Different levels of language ability are hereditarily determined
(D) Language acquisition can be explained by social modeling
(E) Language is learned principally through verbal reinforcement
24 21. The rules of grammar are rules of (AP99)
(A) Phonemes
(B) Morphemes
(C) Syntax
(D) Semantics
(E) Pragmatics
Not in slides 24 95. Language acquisition cannot be fully accounted for by associative learning processes for which of the following reasons? (AP04)
(A)Language use is creative
(B)Speakers construct rules for utterances by imitating the models they hear
(C)Effective communication depends on one’s level of emotional experience
(D)Language production is reinforced by the listener
(E)Infants are too young to learn associatively