MONTHLY MINUTESRecreational Hall
Monday 9th May 2016
Councillor B Wheeler (Chair) / Councillor B Oliver
Councillor C Low / Councillor G Thomas
Councillor B Knaggs / Councillor P Hood-Williams
Miss Catherine Bagley (Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence (received from)
Councillor J Baiss / Councillor T Porter (No apologies)
2. Declaration of Interests / To be actioned by:
In accordance with the provision of the Code of Conduct, Council members must declare an interest at the commencement of such matter being discussed, or when the interest becomes apparent. Members disclosing an interest must enter the Agenda number of the item, together with their interest, onto the relevant form supplied by the Clerk during each meeting. / All Councillors
3. Introduction from the Public Gallery
Ø Mr Christopher Mowbray
Ø Ms Anne Hamilton
Ø Ms Diane Kelleher
Ø Mr Richard Evans
4. Minutes of last meeting held on Monday 4th April 2016 / To be actioned by:
Minutes from the previous meeting held on 4th April 2016 (circulated previously) were agreed and accepted as being a true and accountable record. This was proposed by Councillor C Low and seconded by Councillor B Wheeler.
5. Matters Arising from Minutes (4th April 2016) / To be actioned by:
- Advertising on going. No interest as yet.
Councillor Low confirmed that a formal discussion had taken place with Mr Phil Owen (SURFC) concerning the following:
- Traffic management. Mr Owen has advised that the club are trying their best to reduce traffic problems but are relying on volunteers to manage parking with very little authority to move vehicles.
- Councillor Hood-Williams has not received a definitive answer in regards to the footpath (prior to the cattle grid on Fairwood Lane)
- As requested, the Clerk has sent a letter to the Gower Commoners Association following their concerns about sheep on the playing fields due to fences that need repairs.
Councillor Low explained that he had investigated the area and identified two locations in which sheep may be passing through. Necessary repairs will be discussed during the next hall management meeting and undertaken when weather permits.
- The Clerk confirmed that objections had been raised for planning Application Number 2015/1302 – Land to the rear of 678 Gower Road (Appeal).
- One further quote has been received in respect of the hall decoration.
- Mr C Mowbray has declined the offer to provide a quotation.
- The Clerk advised that a replacement fire door would not be covered by insurance.
- Changes/additions to noticeboards were discussed. Cllr Low agreed to request permission at the next school Governors meeting to display a Community Council board on school grounds.
- Councillor Thomas has met with members of ‘Friends of Dunvant Park’ to discuss grant applications for the playground. / Cllr Hood-Williams (Ongoing)
Hall Management
Cllr Low
6. Swansea Council Matters / To be actioned by:
Councillor Hood Williams reported on the following Swansea Council Matters:
Ø White Lines
Councillor Hood-Williams confirmed that white lines are to be renewed at the entrance to Hen Parc Lane.
Ø Dog Bin
Councillor Low reported the dog waste bin located in Summerland Park. This has been reported several times and as such Cllr Hood-Williams agreed to consider funding a replacement from the Environmental Fund.
From the floor
Ø Dog waste bin near hall car park needs to be repaired.
Ø Waste bins are still being anonymously loaded with black bags. Cllr Wheeler requested that this be recorded for the minutes as fly tipping.
Ø The Clerk confirmed that discretionary rate relief for the hall 2016/2017 has been granted. / Cllr Hood-Williams
7. Hall Management / To be actioned by:
Councillor Low reported on the main items discussed during the Hall Management meeting held on 18th April 2016:
· Cllr Low provided information received from Swansea Vikings (youth Rugby Team) who have offered to maintain and improve the appearance of the shower block and changing rooms. This is on the provision that they decorate in team colours.
· Cllr Wheeler confirmed that both boilers have been serviced but suggested that the Council may consider investigating the costs or upgrading the boiler/plumbing system.
Hall Fire Door
· A further quote has been obtained to replace the damaged fire door;
- £918.00 (+ VAT) Design & Supply
- Two quotes were reported in the previous meeting.
All quotes were discussed and it was proposed by Cllr Low to proceed with the quote provided by Design & Supply. This was seconded by Cllr Hood-Williams.
Cllr Thomas was asked to agree quotation with the Company and ask the hall caretaker to liaise for access/installation.
· The following actions need to be undertaken:
- Cattle grid requires repair.
- Car park gate needs welding.
- Kissing gates are not closing correctly. (Cllr Hood-Williams agreed to address this as they belong to SCC).
· Cllr Oliver advised that areas previously prepared for wildflowers are re-growing, the majority of which from last years seeds. Discussions were held concerning either rotivating the ground again or leaving nature take its course. It was agreed to rotivate again, clear the beds out and re-seed.
· Ms D Kelleher asked if wildflowers could be planted at the entrance to Hen Parc. Cllr Oliver advised that unfortunately it was requested previously and can only be provided at full cost.
· Mr Mowbray highlighted the disrepair of the playground roundhouse. It was confirmed that this be considered as part of the playground plan.
· Following conversations with Mr Phil Owen (SURFC), Cllr Low requested the Clerk provide an invoice to SURFC for their annual fee (£2000 outstanding since September 2015).
· The club has requested that in the future they pay their annual fee in two instalments. Cllr Low was asked to advise confirming that the Council will be willing to consider this request but intend to investigate the cost of plumbing repairs first.
· Noticeboard costs are higher than originally proposed. An increase in costs by £20 was not objected.
· The newsletter has been distributed with the exception of several farms off Gower Road. Cllr Wheeler confirmed these are to be delivered shortly.
· Cllr Low has received interest from an organisation wishing to invest in the spare car park (£4,000) to provide a multi purpose sports area. It was agreed to discuss this at length during the next Hall Management Meeting due to the need to carefully consider accepting this proposal.
The next Hall Management meeting will take place on Monday 16th May 2016. / Cllr Thomas
Mr A Porter – c/o Grounds Officer
Cllr Hood-Williams
Cllr Oliver
Miss C Bagley
Cllr Low
Cllr Wheeler
Hall Management
8. Governance / To be actioned by:
The Clerk provided an update concerning the on-going development of Governance documents:
Ø Amendments have been made to the recently circulated Code of Conduct following a review by One Voice Wales.
- In addition to the above the following draft documents were distributed on Sunday 3rd April 2016:
Ø Code of Conduct
Ø Complaints Procedure
Ø Conflict of Interest Policy
Ø Upper Killay Community Council Constitution
Ø Environmental Policy
Ø Equality and Diversity Policy
Ø Financial Regulations
Ø Freedom of Information policy
It was proposed by Cllr B Oliver and seconded by Cllr C Low to formally adopt these with immediate effect.
· Governance still to follow include:
Ø Financial Risk Assessment
Ø Asset Register. Councillor Wheeler agreed to assist the Clerk with this.
9. Planning / To be actioned by:
Councillor Hood-Williams left the room.
Councillor Low reported on the following planning matters:
Application Number 2016/0728 - Upper Killay Congregational Church
Extension to parking area
No objections were raised.
10. Finances / To be actioned by:
Electronic copies of expenditure will be distributed in due course.
The following invoices were approved for payment:
· Tower Mint Limited £379.14
· Welsh Water £109.78
· Norris & Fisher £1,046.44
· BT £84.01
· RICOH £10.30
· Marqetspace UK £184.06
· Service Master Clean £82.80
· Retrospective approval required for - Welsh Water £104.74 (Common Water Trough)
Councillor Wheeler proposed payment of all raised invoices and Councillor Low seconded this.
11. Any Other Business / To be actioned by:
- Jumble sale on the 15th May 2016. 10.00am – 1.00pm.
- Quiz. To be discussed during the next hall management meeting.
Other items reported by the group:
Councillor Low
- Two vacancies for Community Councillors still in effect.
- Cllr Low suggested that a facility be included on the website to ‘register interests’.
Councillor Thomas
- Unfortunately the application for SwansAid was unsuccessful. Lessons have been learnt and the next grant application will be BIFFA. Cllr Wheeler thanked Cllr Thomas for her hard work.
- Offered thanks to Cllr Wheeler for the generous Community Council mugs.
Councillor Hood-Williams
- Cllr Hood-Williams confirmed that he will be attending the next meeting of One Voice Wales and will report back at the next meeting.
Miss C Bagley
- The Clerk advised that memorial coins for Cila School children have arrived and suggested presenting to the children whilst generating some publicity to be included in future newletters or on the website.
- Cllr Thomas agreed to liaise with the School head for a suitable date.
- Clerk’s Direct provided to Cllr Oliver and available for circulation of required.
From the Floor:
- Kissing gate at the entrance to Swansea University playing fields is not draining adequately. Councillor Hood-Williams agreed to discuss with the Footpath Officer in Swansea City Council to identify any possible solutions. / Cllr Hood-Williams
Cllr Thomas
Cllr Hood-Williams
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 10.15pm.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 6th June at 7.30.
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