Our Lady, Mother of the Saviour
Dunny Lane, Chipperfield
Served by the Society of the Divine Saviour – The Salvatorians
Parish Priest: Father Richard Mway-Zeng SDS
Assistant Priest: Father Christopher Luoga SDS
Youth Worker: Mr Jack Bull
The Presbytery
96, The Crescent, Abbots Langley, WD5 0DS
Tel: 01923-266177
Youth Worker:
Parish School: Divine Saviour Primary, Broomfield Rise, Abbots Langley
Tel: 01923- 265607
Executive Headteacher: Mr Stephen Wheatley
Head of School: Mrs Helen Wilson /

Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year B 11th MARCH 2018

Mass Schedule

10th Sat Vigil Mass of Sunday


11th Fourth Sunday of Lent. Time Year B


13th Tues Lent Feria

10am Mass

14th Wednesday

19:30pm Stations of the Cross

16th Friday Lent Feria

10am Mass

17th Sat Vigil Mass of Sunday


18th Fifth Sunday of Lent: Time Year B


Before any of the masses

or upon request

Adoration & Benediction

First Sundays, 4pm at Abbots Langley

Marriages, Baptisms
Contact the Parish Clergy via email or telephone

6 months’ notice required for marriage

School Forms, Passports, etc

Please speak to the Clergy after mass

Sunday Readings: Year B

Weekday Readings: Year 2

Love Lifted Up

Have you noticed the types of phrases we use when describing something wonderful? I hear people saying things like being ‘over the moon’ or ‘on cloud-nine.’ A friend talks about being in the ‘seventh heaven!’ Now, that admission may say a lot both of us, but I can’t help thinking that our deepest experiences are those that have a power to lift us up. Such experiences take us out of ourselves. They uplift us and we perceive things differently.

Jesus is always inviting us to see things differently. When Nicodemus sought out Jesus, he was in the dark” both really and symbolically. He couldn’t see clearly. In the years that followed this late night conversation, Nicodemus became a follower of Jesus and, step by step, was drawn to see things differently. At last he finally did see. When at the end, Jesus was really and truly lifted up, Nicodemus was not too far away.

When we meditate on the crucifix and participate in the Eucharist we also see Jesus lifted up. Perhaps today as I lift my eyes to see him, I might ponder on the mystery of suffering and exaltation and wonder at the love that is lifted up and draws us ever closer, uplifting us as well.

A warm welcome to you! Please introduce yourself to others and to the priest at the end of Mass

Last Week’s Offertory Collection

24/25th February £306.70

3/4th March £389.00

CAFOD £164.25

Thank for your generosity.

PARISH CENSUS & VOLUNTEER FORMS: Thank you for those for have filled in their form. If you were unable to complete a form last weekend, please take one from the back of church and return to one of the clergy. It is most important that we have our records up to date. If you have previously filled in a form, these do not count. Due to the new Data Protection Act May 2018, we need most recent information and signed consent for keeping these record. Thank you for your understanding

MEETING THIS TUESDAY 13TH MARCH 8PM: To discuss the Dedication of the Parish on 17th July.

DIVINE SAVIOUR QUIZ NIGHT: On Friday 23rd March, from 19:00 - 21:00, Divine Saviour will be hosting a charity quiz night for MOPSA - raising money for disadvantaged families and children in Nairobi. Teams will consist of one family (4-5 people) and there is a minimum suggested donation of £10 per team.
The winning team will receive a surprise luxury hamper! Dinner will be available as we will be selling pizzas, courtesy of Kris Read and the Soho Pizza Company. You will also find a variety of drinks for sale. If you are interested in the quiz night then please contact Divine Saviour either by phone 01923 265607 or email llected and taken to the sanctuary

LENT & HOLY WEEK PROGRAMME 2018: Please take a leaflet from the back of the church. It gives the Times and special Services over Lent and for Holy Week.

Stations of the Cross: Every Wednesday at 7.30pm

Divine Saviour School: we will be having a 'Fairtrade cafe' in school on the afternoon of Friday 16th March 1.45pm - 3.00pm - and parishioners are welcome to join us for tea and cake - all funds raised will go towards our Lenten fundraising for MOPSA.


First Holy Communion Dates. Next session 18th and 25th March

Consecration MASS: His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols will be here on 15th July 10am, for the Dedication Mass of our Parish. Please make a note of this in your diary. More details to follow.

Youth Clubs

The following year groups will meet in the Abbots Langley Parish Centre accordingly:

School Years 5-6: Fridays, 5-6.30pm

School Years 7-9: Fridays, 7-9pm

Children's Liturgy

This group now runs during the first half of the 10am Sunday mass, and is specifically for children below Holy Communion age. Jack, our youth worker, facilitates this group and would appreciate a few more volunteers to help with its running so that it becomes more of a parish endeavour rather than a one-man project. Please speak with Fr Paul or Jack if you think you may be able to help.

THE HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR MARCH: Evangelisation: Formation in Spiritual Discernment. That the Church may appreciate the urgency of formation in spiritual discernment, both on the personal and communitarian

Confirmation mass……………………………14th April 2pm

Cardinal’s visit…………………………………………..15th July

Happy Mother’s Day to all our mothers in the parish. God Bless you all. Blessings from Fr Richard & Fr Christopher