You are invited to join the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) which is devoted to the development and improvement of statistical education on a world-wide basis.

Foundation and Objectives

The IASE is the newest section of the International Statistical Institute, ISI, and was founded as a section of the ISI in 1991 during the 48th Session of the ISI held in Cairo, Egypt.

The objectives of the IASE are:

·  to promote the understanding and advancement of statistical education and related subjects;

·  to foster the development of effective and efficient educational services through international contacts among individuals and organisations, including statistical educators and educational institutions.

Membership and Executive

IASE membership is open to all individuals and organisations with a professional interest in any aspect of statistical education including:

·  Teaching statistics at a primary or secondary school;

·  Teaching statistics in a college, technical institute, university, or in continuing education;

·  Teaching, or developing software for statistical computing;

·  Teaching statistics, including quality improvement methods, in business or industry;

·  Training statistical staff for government statistical offices;

·  Developing statistical textbooks, audio-visual materials, or curricula.

As of September 1999, the membership of IASE totalled 543 individual members and 8 institutional members. About 30 per cent of individual members are women and nearly 40 individual members were also members of the ISI.

An Executive Committee elected for two years runs the Association. Officer bearers for the period 1999-2001 are:

President: Brian Phillips (Australia)

President-Elect: Carmen Batanero (Spain)

Vice Presidents: Joan Garfield (USA), Lionel Pereira Mendoza (Singapore),

Gilberte Schuyten (Belgium), Dani Ben-Zvi (Israel).

Membership dues

Recently the ISI introduced a cafeteria system of fees for itself and its five sections, including the IASE. This system aims at establishing a closer connection between what members pay and what they get. Members pay a basic fee, which entitles them to the benefits of belonging to an international community of statistical educators. They receive a number of publications including the ISI/Sections membership directory, the ISI Newsletter and the IASE Review. They may also subscribe to the International Statistical Review (ISR) and Short Book Reviews (SBR) at discounted prices. Furthermore, they may subscribe at reduced rates to certain statistical education journals, for example Teaching Statistics (which includes IASE Matters), and may purchase IASE and ISI education publications, including the proceedings from international conferences on teaching statistics, at discounted prices. Members also benefit from reduced registration fees for regular conferences such as ISI meetings, ICOTS and other IASE/ISI organised meetings. For new subscribers (while stocks last) a special offer is available which consists of a free book worth US$ 65: The Assessment Challenge in Statistics Education I. Gal and J. Garfield, (Eds.) IOS Press, 1997.

Members from developing countries receive a discount of 50% on the normal membership fees.

For further information on the IASE visit the web site on

To become a member of IASE, please complete and return the application form attached.


Application form

To become a member of IASE, please complete and return this form to:

ISI Permanent Office,

428 Prinses Beatrixlaan,

PO Box 950, 2270 AZ Voorburg,

The Netherlands.

Tel.: +31-70-3375737, Fax: +31-70-3860025, E-mail: .

First Name: ______Last Name: ______Female/Male: ______

Mail Address: ______


Tel.: ______Fax: ______E-mail: ______

Occupation: ______Nationality: ______

Work Address (If different from above): ______


Areas of Interest in statistical education: ______

Annual Fees - Tick as appropriate

For people from a developed country

[ ] I wish to become an IASE member, basic fee (US $22, EURO 24)

[ ] I also wish to subscribe to the ISR * only (US $23, EURO 25)

[ ] I also wish to subscribe to the SBR * only (US $9, EURO 10)

[ ] I also wish to subscribe to the ISR and the SBR (US $27, EURO 30)

or For people from a developing country

[ ] I wish to become an IASE member from a Developing Country,

basic fee (US $11, EURO 12)

[ ] I also wish to subscribe to the ISR only (US $12, EURO 13)

[ ] I also wish to subscribe to the SBR only (US $ 5, EURO 5)

[ ] I also wish to subscribe to the ISR and the SBR (US $ 14, EURO 15)

* International Statistical Review (ISR) and Short Book Reviews (SBR)

Total amount due: ______

[ ] Please bill me [ ] I enclose a cheque for ______payable to the ISI

Please charge my: [ ] Euro/Mastercard [ ] Visacard

for the total of ______

Card number: ______Exp. Date: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

or contact the ISI . if other arrangements needed.