Life Skills
Course Syllabus
Teresa Lane
“The Road to Success”
Life Skills class is geared toward helping you become self sufficient! Hopefully by studying the topics below, you will gain
confidence in all the skills you will need in your life to be successful! Students enrolled in this course are eligible to join
FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America) which will help to develop your leadership skills through
various activities during the year. Anyone interested in joining can see me or attend the first meeting of the school year
on activity day. Dues for joining are $15.
This class will last for 18 weeks and the following units will be taught:
Wellness, Nutrition and Food choices
Prepare for Independent Living
Interpersonal Skills
Management Skills
Consumer Skills
Pathways to Career Success
Parenting and Caregiving Skills
Clothing and Fashion Choices
College and Career Readiness
Grading Policy:
This class will use the school-wide grading policy of Standards Based Grading (SBG).
Grades for this class will be weighted.
Grading Practices:
For each unit students will receive a list of learning targets. These targets specify what students need to know and be able to demonstrate. Lessons will focus on these learning targets and students will know the learning target that the activity/lesson addresses. Students will be assessed throughout the unit to see how they are doing on their targets. This information will provide feedback to the teacher and student on the progress being made and where to go next. All learning targets will be assessed formatively but not all learning targets will be assessed summatively. A 3-point scale will be used to assess learning targets. If a learning target is assessed more than once, the last time it is assessed is the final grade unless a student chooses to retake the learning target.
0- No data due to absence or failure to make-up an assessment
1- Beginning- Student has little, if any understanding and can do little of what is asked in the learning target (major gaps in knowledge and skills)
2- Developing- Student has some understanding and can do some of what is asked in the learning target (some gaps in knowledge and skills)
2.5- Mastery- After reinforcement(s) and retake(s), the student understands and can do what is asked in the learning target (no gaps in knowledge and skills even if there are a few very minor errors).
3-Mastery- Student understands and can do what is asked in the learning target (no gaps in knowledge and skills even if there are a few very minor errors). Only earned if student was able to master the learning target on the first attempt.
Assessment Retakes:
In SBG students who do not show mastery may redo assessments (formative and summative). A redo is referred to as a “retake”. When a student receives a “1” on a learning target, the student must retake the assessment (formative or summative) and if the student receives a “2” they may retake the assessment (formative or summative) if they choose; however the student must do additional work and submit evidence that they have practiced and now know what they needed to learn. The student can take formative assessments up to three (3) times with two (2) retakes and any part of a summative assessment one (1) additional time. The maximum grade that can be earned on a retake is a “2.5”. Please be aware, it will not be the same assessment but it will be the same content. Caution: formative assessments can only be retaken until the summative assessment for that unit and summative assessments can only be retaken until the next summative assessment.
Required Materials:
The following items MUST be brought to class EVERY DAY:
1. Paper
2. Pencil/ Pen
Failure to bring the required materials to class will result in break detention.
Tardy Policy:
Class Tardy (Definition):
Once a student arrives at school, they are expected to be in each class by the designated time. All students are given 5 minutes passing between classes; this is ample time to walk from one class to another. When a student fails to be inside the appropriate classroom door and seated when the tardy bell for that class rings they are considered to be tardy for that class. Teachers will assign break detentions and/or ACP to students who have unexcused tardies to class. Students are expected to be in class and seated when the tardy bell rings each period. Students who are tardy to class must sign the Classroom Tardy Log for that class. Also, the bell system is not the authority in the school, the bell does not dismiss class, the teacher does! Classroom tardies will be logged and maintained by each classroom teacher in a notebook log (Classroom Log)
Consequences for Being Tardy to Class:
All students are expected to be in class on time. Students who are late to class must sign the tardy log for that class. Bath County High School has a school-wide tardy policy that is strictly enforced by the administration and the faculty. The tardy policy for each quarter is as follows:
First Unexcused Tardy One (1) Break Detention (minimum of ten minutes)
Second Unexcused Tardy Three (3) Break Detentions (minimum of ten minutes each)
Additional Unexcused Tardies One (1) Day ACP for each & Parent Notification
At the beginning of each quarter, students get a clean slate. Break Detentions will be held every day during break in the gymnasium by the assistant principal or his/her designee. Students who fail to show up for their assigned Break Detention(s) will receive double assignment of days. Students who fail to serve double assigned Break Detentions will be assigned one (1) full day of ACP. After a student accumulates two (2) unexcused tardies, each subsequent tardy will result in automatic assignment of one (1) full day of ACP per tardy.
Procedures and Routines:
1. Fire Drills- When we have fire drill all students are to leave the room quickly and in an orderly manner. As you exit room 215, turn right; go down the middle stairway, and out the front doors. When you get outside, go to the area in front of the barn, and stay as a group so I can take attendance. If we are in room 213, turn left; go down the end stairway, and out the side door. When you get outside, go across the road, and stay as a group so I can take attendance. We will remain outside until it is clear to enter the building.
2. Tornado Drill- When we have a tornado drill, if you are in room 215, you will exit the room, turning left and go down the end stairway. Students will sit “Indian style” outside the Technology classroom.
3. Lock Down Drill- When we have a “lock down” drill you will be dismissed to the “Sew Sew Shop” – located in between room 213 and 215.
4. Earthquake Drill- When we have an earthquake drill you will place yourself under your classroom table.
5. Hall Passes- Each student is given one bathroom pass per grading period. Do NOT ask to go unless it is an absolute necessity! You must sign out in the classroom log and sign back in when you return. Only ONE student will be allowed to leave during a class period.
6. Nurse- If an emergency exists and you need to see the nurse, I will call to see if she is available to see you. Then and only then, will you have permission to go to the nurse. According to the student handbook, you get only 4 visits to the nurse during class time for the entire year. If it is not an emergency, you must wait until after class to see the nurse.
7. Absences-If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to ask about missed assignments, BEFORE class begins for the day! You are expected to make up any missed assignments regardless of your absence status. You will only be eligible to get points for make-up work if your absence is excused. Make-up work will be located in a folder by the chalkboard. Turn in all make-up work before class begins. There will be one folder for the make-up work and one folder for returned work.
8. Entering the Room - When you enter the room, I expect you to be ready to work for the entire class time. There will be no horseplay, joking, loud talking, etc. when you enter the room. I want you to enter the room quietly, find your seat, and begin working on the bell ringer.
9. Windows – windows are to remain closed at all times. You may not go to the window to look outside for any reason. If you are caught going back to the windows, you will be assigned break detention.
10. Raising Hand - Raise your hand if you have a question/want to answer a question, or need to sharpen your pencil (do it before class begins if at all possible). I will only call on students with their hands raised to answer questions, unless it looks as if you aren’t paying attention to the lesson. There will be no “call outs”.
11. Attendance - When I call for attendance, please answer with “Yes, ma’am”, so I know you are present.
12. Assigned seating - Sit at your assigned tables at all times. Please do not sit on the tables or counters. Do not get out of your seat unless you are specified to do so. I reserve the right to reassign seats as necessary.
13. Bell Ringers – Everyday you will have a bell ringer written on the board that you must complete within a timely manner after entering the room. Everyone will complete the bell ringer! When I walk into the room after the bell rings, I expect everyone to be quietly working on the bell ringer. If you are not working on the bell ringer or have not started the bell ringer when I walk in, you will be assigned break detention.
14. Textbooks – You will not be assigned a book. These stay in the classroom, unless you need to check one out to do make-up work. When we use books in the classroom, someone at your table will be assigned to get books from the bookshelf when needed. Another person will be assigned to take the books from your table back to the bookshelf when instructed to do so. (If I assign a bell ringer that requires a book, it will be each individual’s responsibility to get their own textbook.)
15. Answering door – If someone knocks on the door, I will answer it. Students are not allowed to answer the door. Also, if you are coming to the door because you’ve been to the office, restroom, or nurse; please knock loudly, but politely. If you beat, kick, or jiggle the door, I will not answer the door until you knock the right way and you will be given break detention for the disruption to the class.
16. Telephone – If the telephone rings, I will answer it. Students are not allowed to answer the phone. When you hear the phone ring that is a signal for you to be quiet and remain quiet until I am finished talking on the phone. Break detention will be assigned to anyone who is disruptive while I am on the phone.
17. Announcements – I expect you to be SILENT during any type of announcement coming over the intercom. This includes morning and afternoon announcements, as well as when they need a student in the room. In the event that the office buzzes into the room needing a student, everyone will be quiet. You are not allowed to talk to anyone on the intercom.
18. Turning in papers – I expect you to put your first and last name, period (or block), and date on all papers that are turned in.
19. Dismissal from Class - You do not leave the room when the bell rings! I will dismiss you! Please stay in your seat until dismissed. (No one will leave the room until everyone is seated in their assigned chairs!) When leaving, please push your chairs under the table.
20. Sleeping in Class- No one is allowed to sleep in class. You can not put your head down during class. If I catch you sleeping or your head down, I will first give you a warning. There after, you will lose your chair privileges. If this does not work I shall assign you break detention.
Classroom Rules/ Expectations for Class:
Rules in the Student Handbook MUST be followed at all times. In addition to these rules, there are specific rules for my classroom that I ask that you also follow. Consequences for breaking the rules will be dealt with according to the Teacher Handbook (these are also posted in the room).
1. Bring paper and something to write with EVERY DAY.
2. No food or drinks allowed in classroom.
3. Be polite at all times, respect each other’s opinions.
4. When I call for attendance, please answer with “Yes, ma’am”, so I know you are present.
5. Sit in your assigned seats at all times. Please do not sit on the tables or counters. Do not get out of your seal unless you are specified to do so.
6. Writing on/doodling on/ or damaging the books, table, chairs, or any other equipment in the room is strictly forbidden.
7. Windows are to remain closed at all times.
8. Raise your hand if you have a question or want to answer a question, or need to sharpen your pencil. Please sharpen pencils before class if possible. I will only call on students with their hands raised to answer questions, unless it looks as if you are not paying attention to the lesson. There will be no “call outs”.
9. Please throw all trash away before leaving.
10. You do not leave the room when the bell rings! I will dismiss you!
Nondiscrimination Statement
Posted On: Monday, April 28, 2014
The Bath County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, religion, sex, genetic information, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, age or disabling condition in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: