October 26, 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll Tax Update 09-E – Release 9
PeopleSoft Payroll for North AmericaTax Update 09-ETax Update Notes - Release 9
PeopleSoft Payroll’s Tax Update 09-E includes updates to U.S. tax and garnishment tables, COBOL program and store statement changes, and re-delivered SQRs for U.S. and Canadian payroll reporting. These tax update notes include:
- Instructions for updating your system’s tables and a summary of the table changes
- A list of COBOL program and store statement changes
- A summary of the SQRs delivered with this tax update
- An appendix of object changes delivered with this tax update
For Release 9, the tax update package also includes the following documentation files:
Resolution_766836.xls / List of object changes delivered with Tax Update 09-E
UPD766836_CODECHANGES.rtf / PS Print Project Report for Release 9
You must follow the instructions in the UPDxxxxxx_INSTALL.htm document to apply the object changes listed in the Resolution_xxxxxx.xls spreadsheet before applying the COBOL and store statement changes, running the DataMover scripts, or using the SQRs delivered in this tax update. Before applying Tax Update 09-E, you must apply all previous tax updates.
Unless otherwise indicated by a specific posting date, Report IDs referenced in these tax update notes have not been posted to MetaLink 3.
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Updating Your Tables
Tax Update 09-E includes the following files for updating the tables in your PeopleSoft Payroll system.
File / Contentsupd766836_01.dat
/ U.S. tax table updates
(U.S. only)
/ Tax Form Definition Table and Tax Form Print Parameters Table
(Report ID 1904935000)
upd766836_03.dms / Database stamp
(There is no .dat file associated with this .dms file.)
/ 2009 U.S. Year End Forms PDF Templates for XMLP
(Report ID 1863164000, 1904942000, and 1905901000)
/ Garnishment table updates
/ Message catalog
Both U.S. and Canadian customers should apply the garnishment, database stamp, and message catalog updates.
The DataMover script (.dms) files identify the input data file (.dat) as well as the output log message file. The directory where DataMover looks for the input data file and the log file is specified in your Configuration Manager.
Any new-insert DataMover entries in these tax update scripts which have key values matching rows already in your database will not be applied. This condition could occur if you have already added any of the new table entries included in this tax update script on your own, such as a tax change, which was posted to MetaLink 3.
Special Notes – North America
Potential Problem - Deleting Orphan File Attachments
A potential problem has been identified in Release 9.0 for Payroll for North America customers. The PeopleTools Utility delivered for deleting orphan file attachments will wipe out all file attachments used for generating W-2/W-2C and/or T4/T4A year-end forms.
The following information is from Enterprise PeopleTools 8.49 PeopleBook: System and Server Administration > Using PeopleTools Utilities:
Remove Orphan File Attachments from Database
An accumulation of file attachments can consume a significant chunk of disk space. On a regular basis, you should make sure that lingering, or orphaned, file attachments are deleted from the database. Click the Delete Orphan File Attachments button to complete this task. This button invokes the CleanAttachments PeopleCode function.
Navigation to this Utility is via PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Copy File Attachments
What do you need to do?
Do NOT use the Delete Orphan File Attachments pushbutton on the Copy File Archive page.
Development is working on providing guidance for those customers who have the need to use this functionality. We are tracking this issue under Report ID 1868095000.
This information has also been posted as an announcement on MetaLink 3 under Document ID 815937.1.
Special Notes – North America (Cont’d)
International ACH Transactions
U.S. Direct Deposit Error Messages
Product modifications were delivered in Tax Update 09-D to create IAT records in the example given as Scenario F-3 on pages 96-97 of the International ACH Transactions (IAT) Survival Guide, which describes payments by direct deposit to a U.S. bank to a person who resides outside of the United States, by an employer who does not know whether or not the funds will be ultimately transferred to a financial institution outside the United States.
To setup an employee’s direct deposit record to flag an International ACH Transaction if funds may ultimately be transferred to a financial institution outside the jurisdiction of the United States, you must:
- Select a Country Code of “USA”.
- Either select a valid Bank ID (Routing Number) from the look-up list or use the “Add New Bank” option. Free-form entry in the Bank ID field is not permitted when the International ACH Bank checkbox is selected.
- Turn on the International ACH Bank checkbox.
Direct Deposit Page (Administrator View)
A new error message (2000,824) will be displayed if a Country Code other than “USA” is selected:
Modified error message (2002,449) will be displayed if a U.S. Bank ID is not selected from the list of valid values provided by the look-up list:
The existing error message (2000,370) applies to Canadian direct deposit entries only. It will no longer be displayed when entering data into the U.S. direct deposit component:
(Report ID 1923460000)
Source Bank Table Page Modification
The Source Bank Table was modified to hide the International ACH Bank checkbox as it is not required to support IAT Scenario F3.
Before Changes:
After Changes:
(Report ID 1914381000 Posted to MetaLink 3 by 01 September 2009)
Canadian Direct Deposit Page Modification
The Canadian Direct Deposit administrator page was modified to remove the prompt from the Bank ID field to function as it did prior to the delivery of the U.S. NACHA changes with Tax Update 09-D. The Bank ID field for Canada is for free-form use only.
Before Changes:
After Changes:
(Report ID 1914381000 Posted to MetaLink 3 by 01 September 2009)
Special Note – Preparing for U.S. Year End Reporting 2009
After you have followed the instructions in the “PeopleSoft Application Update Installation Instructions” to apply the object changes delivered in this tax update, you are ready to update your year end tables for 2009 U.S. year-end wage and tax reporting. Refer to the separate document Year End Processing 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U.S. Territories delivered with this tax update for detailed instructions on year-end processing with PeopleSoft Payroll for North America.
Step 1 is for NEW PeopleSoft Payroll Users only (processing Year End in PeopleSoft Payroll for the first time in 2009)
1)If you have not already done so, run the DataMover script upd766829_05.dms (delivered in the previous Tax Update 09-D) to add 2008 entries to the Tax Form Definition Table.
Steps 2 – 10 are for ALL PeopleSoft Payroll Users
2)IMPORTANT: You must complete this manual step before proceeding to use Change Assistant to apply the DataMover scripts upd766836_02.dms and upd766836_04.dms delivered with Tax Update 09-E.
Enter the Tax Form Identification W-2 and the Effective Date of 01/01/2008 on the Tax Form Definition search page and select Search. Add a new row in the table that duplicates all of the 2008 entries by selecting the Add (+) button in the “Effective Date” Group Box. Change the effective-date for this newly inserted row to 01/01/2009. Save this new entry. Then follow this same procedure for Tax Form Identifications W-2c, W-2AS, W-2GU,
W-2PR, W-2VI, W-2cAS, W-2cGU, W-2cPR, and W-2cVI. Save these new entries.
3)Update the new 2009 Tax Form Definition Table entries you have created with your specific earnings and deductions information for year-end reporting. Save your changes.
To update the Tax Form Definition Table with a new earnings or deduction, the Effective Date of the Earnings Table or Deductions Table entry must match the Effective Date of the Tax Form Definition Table entry you are updating. For example, if you are updating a Tax Form Definition Table entry dated 01/01/2009, then the Effective Date on the Earnings Table or Deduction Table entry of the earnings or deduction being added to the Tax Form Definition Table entry must also be 01/01/2009. If necessary, in Correction mode, temporarily change the Effective Date of the Earnings Table or Deduction Table entry to match the Effective Date of the Tax Form Definition Table entry, update the Tax Form Definition Table entry with the earnings or deduction and save the change, and then, again in Correction mode, return the Effective Date of the Earnings Table or Deduction Table entry to its original date.
4)To update your Tax Form Definition Table for 2009 Form 940 reporting, enter the Tax Form Identification 940 and the Effective Date of 01/01/2008 on the Tax Form Definition search page and select Search. Add a new row in the table by selecting the Add (+) button in the “Effective Date” Group Box and change the Effective Date for this newly inserted row to 01/01/2009. Enter information for any earnings or deductions that should be defined as FUTA-exempt for 2009 FUTA Form 940 reporting. Save this new entry.
5)Run the DataMover script upd766836_02.dmsprovided in Tax Update 09-E. This script will add 2009 entries to the Tax Form Definitions table (New Jersey Family Leave Insurance entries) and Tax Form Print Parameters table.
6)Run TAX710 to print a listing of 2009 Tax Form Definition table entries and review for accuracy.
7)Run TAX712 to verify that 2009 entries have been added to the Tax Form Print Parameters table.
8)Update W-2 Company table with entries for calendar year 2009.
9)Run the DataMover script upd766836_04.dmsto update the Tax Form XMLP Options Table with2009 U.S. year-end form PDF templates for XMLP processing.
10)Update the Year End Form Options Table for XMLP processing by manually adding a new row for Tax Year 2009 for each W-2 Reporting Company.
Special Note – U.S. - Year End Tax Forms
Beginning with year end reporting for tax year 2009, PeopleSoft Payroll for North America will discontinue support for the continuous-feed impact printer version of each of the tax forms listed below.
Payroll for North America
Form ID
/ R R Donnelly
Form Number
Wage and Tax Statement /
IMP01 /
Corrected Wage and Tax Statement /
(Discontinued with the delivery of Tax Update 09-D – see note below.)
Distributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.
Support for the continuous-feed impact printer version of Form 1042-S (Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding) was discontinued beginning with year end reporting for tax year 2008.
Note: Tax Update 09-D delivered product modifications to support the most recent Internal Revenue Service revision of Form W-2c (Rev. 2-2009).
Impact printer versions of the new Form W-2c are not supported. The new Form W-2c is supported for making only laser-print and XMLP Form W-2c corrections to U.S., American Samoa, Guam, and U.S. Virgin Islands W-2 forms.
Note: RR Donnelley has updated their website with information on year-end tax forms for 2009:
U.S. Changes
Federal / State Tax Table
State / Effective Date of Table Entry/ Table Update Description
CA / 11/01/2009 / A table entry effective-dated 11/01/2009 is added to deliver revised California state withholding tax changes published by the California Employment Development Department which are effective beginning with wages paid on or after November 1, 2009, as required by the enactment of California ABX4 17 on July 28, 2009.
(Report ID 1912122000 posted to MetaLink 3 by 13 October 2009)
CT / 10/01/2009 / A table entry effective-dated 10/01/2009 is added to deliver Connecticut withholding tax changes published in October 2009 by the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services.
The State Tax Table entry for these Connecticut withholding tax changes is effective-dated 10/01/2009 because the changes were not published by Connecticut until October 2009 and will apply only to wages paid in the remainder of 2009 once the tax changes have been applied. However, while the revised tax rates were not published until October 2009, Connecticut advises that the higher tax rates apply retroactively to the employee's entire taxable wages for 2009. To determine the amount of additional tax to withhold each pay period for the remainder of 2009 in order to avoid being underwithheld for the year, employees who are subject to the revised tax rates should (1) calculate the total tax due for the annualized taxable income(including any supplemental compensation previously paid or anticipated to be paid before the end of the year), (2) subtract the tax already withheld, and (3) divide the balance due by the number of pay periods remaining in tax year 2009. The result is the amount of additional withholding that the employee should request on Line 2 of Connecticut Form CT-W4.
The higher tax rates apply only to employees in the following classifications:
Withholding Code: A, D, or FHigher rates apply if annualized taxable wage amount is
greater than $500,000
Withholding Code BHigher rates apply if annualized taxable wage amount is
greater than $800,000
Withholding Code CHigher rates apply if annualized taxable wage amount is
greater than $1,000,000
All other employees are not impacted by the tax rate increase.
(Report ID 1920227000 posted to MetaLink 3 by 12 October 2009)
Local Tax Table
State / Locality / Locality Name / OLD Rate/Amt / NEW Rate/Amt / Eff DateAL / 48376 / Midfield
(Report ID 1921671000)
/ New entry / 0.010000 / Resident
0.010000 / Nonresident / 12/01/2008
IN / 005 / Bartholomew
(Report ID 1927499000 *) / 0.010000 / Resident
0.002500 / Nonresident / 0.012500 / Resident
0.005000 / Nonresident
/ 10/01/2009
015 / Carroll
(Report ID 1927499000 *) / 0.015500 / Resident
0.004000 / Nonresident / 0.014500 / Resident
0.004000 / Nonresident
/ 10/01/2009
053 / Grant
(Report ID 1927499000 *) / 0.012500 / Resident
0.005000 / Nonresident / 0.022500 / Resident
0.007500 / Nonresident
/ 10/01/2009
059 / Hancock
(Report ID 1927499000 *) / 0.011500 / Resident
0.004000 / Nonresident / 0.012000 / Resident
0.004500 / Nonresident
/ 10/01/2009
093 / Lawrence
(Report ID 1927499000 *) / 0.010000 / Resident
0.002500 / Nonresident / 0.017500 / Resident
0.002500 / Nonresident
/ 10/01/2009
105 / Monroe
(Report ID 1927499000 *) / 0.010400 / Resident
0.002600 / Nonresident / 0.010500 / Resident
0.002625 / Nonresident
/ 10/01/2009
121 / Parke
(Report ID 1927499000 *) / 0.025500 / Resident
0.007500 / Nonresident / 0.023000 / Resident
0.007500 / Nonresident
/ 10/01/2009
129 / Posey
(Report ID 1927499000 *) / 0.004000 / Resident
0.001000 / Nonresident / 0.010000 / Resident
0.006250 / Nonresident
/ 10/01/2009
141 / St. Joseph
(Report ID 1927499000 *) / 0.008000 / Resident
0.003500 / Nonresident / 0.017500 / Resident
0.007375 / Nonresident
/ 10/01/2009
169 / Wabash
(Report ID 1927499000 *) / 0.029000 / Resident
0.007500 / Nonresident / 0.028200 / Resident
0.007500 / Nonresident
/ 10/01/2009
OH / 18000 / Columbus
(Report ID 1913856000) / 0.020000 / Resident
0.020000 / Nonresident / 0.025000 / Resident
0.025000 / Nonresident
/ 10/01/2009
54978 / New MadisonVillage
(Report ID 1915099000)
/ New entry / 0.010000 / Resident
0.010000 / Nonresident / 01/01/2008
OR / 49450
/ South Clackamas
Transportation District
(Report ID 1927897000) / 0.003000 / Resident
0.003000 / Nonresident / 0.005000 / Resident
0.005000 / Nonresident / 01/01/2007
* Report ID 1927499000 containing the Indiana county tax rate changes listed above was posted to MetaLink 3
by 13 October 2009.