French 4 Honors / 2016-2017 / Madame Mayer
Welcome to our French Class! I am very excited to be your teacher and I hope that you are eager to continue your study of the French language. Here are some important guidelines to help you succeed in this class.
- To work on French competency skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing while developing
interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational skills in the target language.
- To expand your knowledge of French culture.
- Text: Imaginez (covered at all times)
- Creation of an account on to complete Imaginez exercises (More info to come)
- Pens/Pencils for note taking. Pens only are to be used for assessments and in-class compositions!
Consider purchasing erasable pens if you tend to make many corrections.
- 3 ring binder with filler paper
- Several dark-colored, dry erase markers. (Make sure you have these available every day!)
Written homework assignments from the texts should be completed on hole-punched filler paper. Do not use a spiral notebook for homework and rip the pages out. Papers with messy edges will not be accepted!!!
- Arrive on time. Be in your seat and be ready to work when the bell rings. Excessive lateness (more than two times) will result in a teacher detention and parent contact.
- Have all necessary materials with you when you come to class. You will not be allowed to go to your locker once the bell rings and you will be considered unprepared for class.
- You should not bring food, drinks, or chewing gum to class!
- Dispose of trash in the proper bin. The blue bin is for recycling of paper only, the red bin is for bottles and cans, and the white bin is for general trash.
- Do not take out your cell phone in the classroom unless directed to do so!
- Passes
Bathroom passes are for emergencies only!!
Sign out whenever you leave and sign back in upon return to the classroom.
- You are responsible for all missed work.
- Check our class website for assignments.
Be sure to read your Council Rock student manual regarding excessive absences!
Respect Others. / Be Polite. / Raise your hand to speak. / Be attentive. /
Watch for teacher directions when engaging in partner or group activities to help facilitate smooth transitions between activities. / Follow directions the first time they are given. /
Demonstrate enthusiasm! / Check our class website! You are responsible for all classwork and homework posted on the weekly syllabus!
We will be participating in different types of in-class activities during the year. I will make every effort to vary the types of activities that I plan. My goal is to keep you interested in learning this beautiful language and to help you make steady progress. Please participate enthusiastically in all of our activities. A very important aspect of your performance in class is your effort to use French. I expect you to participate to the best of your ability on a daily basis!
- Class Participation: 20% of your Marking Period 1, 2, 3, and 4 Grade
- In-class group and individual assignments.
- Effort to speak French, quality of spoken French
- Adherence to class rules, cooperation with other students, attentiveness in class.
At least two general participation grades will be given each marking period. Grades are determined out of 100 possible points according to the following guidelines:
Student is inattentive, uncooperative or unprepared. < 75 points
Student is attentive, cooperative, and prepared,
however, only participates when called upon. 75 – 78 points
Student is attentive, cooperative, and prepared
with occasional self-directed participation. 79 – 82 points
Student is attentive, cooperative, and prepared
with somewhat regular, self-directed participation
and some effort to utilize new vocabulary and
grammatical structures. 83 – 85 points
Student is attentive, cooperative, and prepared
and demonstrates regular, enthusiastic, self-directed
participation that consistently incorporates new
vocabulary and grammatical structures. 86 – 89 points
Student is attentive, cooperative, and prepared
and demonstrates regular, enthusiastic, self-directed
participation that indicates mastery of new vocabulary
and grammatical structures. 90 – 100 points
- Homework: 10% of your Marking Period 1, 2, 3, and 4 Grade
Check the website on a regular basis for all homework assignments. Upon your return from an absence, you may present old homework for points. However, you will not receive points for any homework assignment that has been reviewed while you are in class. So, strive to keep up with the syllabus. This homework policy will be revisited on an individual basis for extended absences.
- Projects: 10% of your Marking Period 1, 2, 3, and 4 Grade
- Quizzes: 25% of your Marking Period 1 and 3 Grade
15% of your Marking Period 2 and 4 Grade
- Tests: 35% of your Marking Period 1 and 3 Grade
20% of your Marking Period 2 and 4 Grade
A quiz or test missed due to absence must be made up within one week of your return to school. Failure to make up quizzes or tests within the acceptable time frame will result in a loss of points.
Midterm and Final Exams:
Both a midterm and a final will be administered. The midterm is worth 25% of the 2nd marking period grade. The final is worth 25% of the 4th marking period grade.
Final Grades: Final letter grades are determined as per the official Council Rock Faculty Guidelines. In cases where teacher discretion is permitted when determining a final letter grade, numerical averages from each Marking Period will be closely examined.
Extra help is available during our regular clinic hours of 2:15 – 3:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Come in for extra help as soon as you don’t understand a concept. Don’t let small problems turn into big ones!