School Wide Systems for Student Success: Attendance Interventions
Fewer than 4 tardy per week / 3 unexcused absences
Multiple unexcused periods
4 or more tardy per week / 5 unexcused absences / More than 5 unexcused absences and/or more than 10 excused absences
Teacher & Case Manager
- Contact parent
- Teacher praise
- Positive expectations, feedback and support
- Follow general plan for making up missed instruction
- Office referral for skipping class when the teacher/team has knowledge that the student is or has been on campus that day
- Monitor and track tardy data and unexcused absences
- After school detention
- Lunch detention
- Consistent parent contact
- Discuss student at grade level team meetings
- Individualize plan for making up missed instruction
- Modify curriculum, instruction and assessment
- Provide support for morning routine
- Teach positive self-talk
- Community building activity focused on attendance
- Provide a safe place for the student to re-group
- Send home an attendance intervention letter to families
- Meet with students and the social worker to discuss habitual truancy interventions
- After school detention
- Lunch detention
- Consistent parent contact
- Attendance contract
- Check in/Check out
- Incentive plan
- Habitual truancy conference
- Notice and invitation to habitual truancy conference
- Assign case coordinator
- Review attendance history
- Call prior school
- Interview parents regarding excessive absences
- Provide family resources to support attendance
- Interview thestudent for mental health, AODA, bullying, learning needs and other issues
- Connect the student to after school programs and clubs
- Arrange a tutor or mentor
- Provide alarm clock
- Attendance improvement plan
- 30 day improvement window and progress letter
- Consistent parent contact
- Attendance contract
- Check in/Check out
- Incentive plan
- Direct nurse to send a medical excuse letter to families for absences
- Refer to educational resource officer for truancy or trespassing ticket
- Communication notebook
- Prevention planning
- Educational and supportive counseling
- Behavior program
- Mentor program
- SSIT referral
- Home visits
- Enlist assistance from outside agencies
- Joining Forces for Families (JFF)
- Dane County Department of Human Services(Social Worker)
- Neighborhood Intervention Plan (NIP)
- Mentoring Achievement Program (MAP)
- FACE, WYC, Girls, Inc., other Toki MS student groups
- Intensive individual support
- Intensive group support
- Intensive family support
- Schedule modification
- Alternate school program
- Job shadow
- Complete court petition
School Wide Systems for Student Success: Behavior Interventions
UNIVERSAL TIER / SECONDARY TIER / TERTIARY TIERBehavior that disrupts learning or puts the health,
safety or property of others at risk. / Behavior that threatens or causes some harm to the health, safety, property, or learning opportunities of others. / Behavior that significantly harms the health, safety,
property, or learning opportunities of others.
GOAL: To reduce new cases of problem behavior
and increase instructional time / GOAL: To determine function and reduce
current cases of problem behavior / GOAL: To reduce complications, intensity
and severity of current cases
Instructional Team Members:
- Positive calls home to the family & weekly newsletters
- Teach and practice classroom norms, expectations, routines
- Pre-correct problem behavior& praise often and consistently
- Distribute school wide “Dragon Dough”
- Physical proximity, eye contact, special attention gestures
- Provide choices and pause, wait, and give the student the chance to make the right choice, come up with own choice
- Teach and model “Please, thank you, excuse me, I’m sorry”
- Help students manage distractions (change seat, put up blinders/manila folders/binder, move desk, change seat)
- Teach Code switching between school & home & community
- Hydrate, food, healthy energy level
- Reduce the number of assigned problems, Simplify the assignment or directions, Reduce the load on working memory, Read to the student, Provide choices , Model what good work looks like , Help students get a good start on the work, Ask questions to uncover misunderstandings, Structure group work and pair work
- Give students choices on time, task, and assignment, opportunities for voice and decision-making, sharing work with peers, leading group and whole class activities, and designing curriculum and assessments
- Sensory rich movement activities, visual imagery and music
- Provide opportunities for movement during instruction
- Decrease visual and/or auditory distractions
- Provide an object to quietly play with (squeeze ball/foam noodle/pipe cleaners)
- Provide quiet work area and safe space to re-group
- Make bets, barters, challenges (use the clock to time it)
- Random rewards for individual/group behaviors
- Monitor self-arousal and teach relaxation breathing
- Classroom visits & support from Student Services members
- Structure self-assessments, peer assessments
- Provide frequent, timely, and meaningful feedback
- Give students the opportunity to evaluate the class and use feedback to improve curriculum, instruction & assessment
- Communicate with family
- Grade level team referral
- Facilitate student's fix it plan
- Functional Behavior Assessment
- Arrange a peer helper
- Monitor progress and provide consistent feedback
- Frequent check-ins and redirections
- Check-In and Check-Out and Check & Connect
- Student-Teacher-Family Contract
- Counseling
- Provide Mentor, Tutor, after school MSCR programming
- Communication notebook
- Establish home-school-community partnership
- Girls Inc, MAP w/ UW Med School, Southeast Asian Girls Circle, WI Youth Foundation, Domestic Abuse Intervention Group, Grief Group, Family Change, Affected Family Member, other Toki issue specific groups
- Mini-courses on social skills that target specific behaviors
- Consult and problem solve with family
- Reflection room
- Lunch detention
- After school detention
- In-school-suspension
- Suspension
- Family conference
- Sensory breaks, "break card" to leave room with permission
- Calming schedule, headset, learning aids
- Counseling
- Case management
- Behavior Improvement Plan (BIP)
- Provide Mentor, Tutor, after school MSCR programming
- Communication notebook
- Check In/Check Out, Check & Connect
- Physical Intervention, physical restraint, physical guidance
- Establish home-school-community partnership
- Girls Inc, NIP Right Track, NIP girls group, NIP Future Leaders, MAP w/ UW Med School, Southeast Asian Girls Circle, Joining Forces for Families, FACE connections, WI Youth Foundation, CBITS, Domestic Abuse Intervention Group, Grief Group, Family Change, Affected Family Member, other Toki MS groups
- Mini-courses on social skills that target specific behaviors
- Consult and problem solve with family
- Communicate with family
- SSIT referral
- Follow Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
- Modify the physical space and transition time
- Change student schedule
- Classroom change
- Alternate recess
- Off-campus program
- Alternative program
- Suspension
- Expulsion recommendation