Semmelweis UniversityInsert 8/2
School of PhD Studies
Application Form for the PhD Completion Period
For Former PhD Students
Registration Number:Name: / Maiden Name:
Number of the DPS: / Number of the Programme
Tutor’s Name / Procedure Fee / Ft
Date of Course Completion / Date of Payment:
Data about the candidate’s academic work:
Recommended research field / *Impact Factor RequirementNumber of specialised articles: / * Required Number of Points:
Number of international specialised articles / Summed Impact Factors
Number of Hungarian books /chapters in Hungarian Books
/ Number of international books /chapters in International Books
*See the Book of Rules 3d or 4th Insert
Tutor’s signature..…...... …………………………….date:...... ….……...
Programme Leader’s Signature…...... ……………… ...…...... ….
Head of DPS*’s Signature…………………………………….dates:………………..……..
Proposal for the Committee Members of the Final PhD examinationhas been attached(Insert 10) : / yes/no
Proposal for the Reviewers and for the Members of the Defence Committee Members has been attached (Insert 11) : / yes/no
The Certificate Issued by the Central Library of Semmelweis University has been attached (Insert13): / yes/no
Publication list has been attached: / yes/no
*Departmental School of PhD Studies
“I, hereby, acknowledge by signing this application form that I will have to submit my PhD thesis within 2 years from the date on which the Doctoral Council of the University approves my request. If any corrections or document completion are necessary during the controlling period of the PhD thesis, the two year period will be extended by up to one month for the controlling procedure. If the PhD thesis is not acceptable the second time either by the Academic Quality Control Board, the process of acquiring a PhD degree must be considered finished and a new process will have to be started, including the repayment procedure fee as well. (Doctoral Rules, R. 66, 69-70).”
Date: Budapest, ...... 200
PhD Candidate’s Signature
Proposal of the QCB: acceptable / subject to completion / unacceptable
Date: Budapest, ...... 200
President of the Academic Quality Control Board
Semmelweis UniversityInsert 8/3
School of PhD Studies
Documents to be submitted with the Application for the PhD Completion
(For former PhD students)
1)Application Form
2)Photocopy of the university diploma
3)Certificate for completion of all training requirements
4)Certificates proving the proficiency of two foreign languages (photocopy)
a)Intermediate C type language exam
b)Basic level C type language exam (e.g. university final exam, to be submitted with the PhD thesis at the latest)
5)academic curriculum vitae
6)list of publications
7) a certificate confirming that you have no criminal convictions (issued in the last 3 months)
8)proof of payment of the procedure fee
9)a self-declaration that the candidate is not pursing a PhD in a related field at another institution, nor has failed a PhD within the last two years.
10)a statement from the council of the Departmental School of PhD Studies that the candidate is ready is to be examined in named subjects.
11)a statement specifying the names of the defence examiners (if the thesis and thesis outlines are submitted with the application form)
12) a statement from the central library of the university (appendix 13)
(only if the thesis and thesis outlines are submitted with the application form)