Minutes of theMonthlyMeeting of Checkley Parish Council held on Tuesday,
17th December2013 at Greatwood Hall, commencing at 7.15pm
Cllr. Flunder (Chair)Cllr. Ball
Cllr. HulmeCllr. M. Maryon
Cllr. PearceCllr. Stubbs
Cllr. Trigger Cllr. A. Wilkinson
Cllr. P. Wilkinson
In Attendance
Ms S Farnell – Parish Clerk, Mrs Lynn Plant (Tean Traders), Residents of Cheadle Road, Tean( Planning Application), County Councillors Mark Deville.
No apologies for absence were received.
13.159Declaration of Interests
Cllr. Ball declared an interest in Greatwood Hall.Cllr. P. Wilkinson declared an interest in the discussions regarding the web-site.
Brian Stubbs declared an interest in Edna Thornton. Cllr. P. Wilkinson and Cllr. A. Wilkinson declared an interest in the planning application for The Raddle Inn.
Cllr. Pearce declared an interest in the planning application for the Cheadle Road housing development
13.160 Minutes of the MonthlyMeeting held on 19th November 2013
That the minutes of the monthly meeting of the council held on19th November 2013 having been circulatedand be confirmed as being an accurate and truerecord and be signed by thechairman and clerk. Proposed Cllr. Trigger, seconder Cllr. P. Wilkinson. All councillors were in favour.
13.161Public Participation
Lynn Plant attended the meeting to thank the Parish Council for their support on the night of the late night shopping. Lynn gave special thanks to Cllr. Flunder who put on a laser show.
She reported that a lot of the traders were keen on raising money to expand on the lights for next Christmas. Cllr. Flunder proposed that letters of thanks are sent for the choirs who attended and that more lights are purchased for next year. Cllr. Flunder invited the traders to attend the parish council every other month. Cllr. Deville suggested that a member of the council attends the traders meetings. Lynn Plant is to notify the council of the date of the next Traders meeting. Clerk
Mr Christopher and other residents from the Cheadle Road area attended the meeting to request the councils support in objecting to the new housing development on Cheadle Road. Mr. Christopher read out the Governments guidelines on Greenfield sites.
Cllr. Deville said that the plans have been verified and have gone out for consultation.
Councillor Deville asked the members of the Parish Council for their support and asked them to recommend refusal of the planning application on the following grounds:
1) There is already flooding issues in the area and the new housing development will make the situation much worse. The worst of the problems will be created further downstream in Tean, Lower Tean and Checkley.
2) The new housing development will make the traffic situation worse. There is going to be a large increase in traffic due to the increasing JCB workforce and there will alsobe an increase in activity at the nearby quarries as we come out of the current recession. Cheadle Road and Draycott Road will have the worse traffic problems.
Cllr. Ball reported that there will also be ecological issues and we should have the results of the Ecology report by the middle of next week and it will be displayed in The Anchor Public House and Greatwood Hall.
The members of the council were informed by the residents that they had not been notified of the planning application and that notices had not been put up in the surrounding area.The clerk was asked to contact SMDC and enquire why this had not been done. Clerk
Christine Wells attended the meeting to update the council on the progress of the youth club that is being formed at Greatwood Hall. They are going through the process and are being guided by Scivvies.
A committee has been formed of three people. A constitution and bank account have been set up. They have to write up the policies and obtain insurance.
Cllr. Ball thanked the Parish Council for their support so far. Cllr. Flunder thanked Christine for all their hard work.
13.162Announcements from the Chair
Cllr. Flunder informed the council that all press releases should go through the clerk and also of the clerks working hours.
The clerk works twelve hours per week between the hours of 9am and 5pm from Monday to Friday. The clerk is prepared to take phone calls of an urgent nature outside these working hours.
Cllr. Flunder informed the council that the Lengthsman had reported to the clerk the issues of rubbish being left at the picnic area in Hollington. A chain and padlock has been purchased so the gate can be locked during the night and all residents have been given the combination for the lock.
13.163 Correspondence
For ConsiderationTean Veterans FC / Request to use Wentlows Recreation Ground / Cllr. Flunder proposed that the council meet with Dan Amos, Richard Amos, Cllr. Deville and Tim Alcock to discuss the use of The Wentlows
Mr &Mrs Dronzek / Re: Application for The Raddle Inn / Write to the sender and state the Parish Council is not the planning authority in this case and thank them for sending in their concerns
Mrs Kollar / Re; Application for The Raddle Inn / Write to the sender and state the Parish Council is not the planning authority in this case and thank them for sending in their concerns
ApplicationSMD/2013/1104 / Pumping Station Cottages, Winnothdale / Proposed extensions and alterations
SMD/2013/1007 / Land at Cheadle Road, Upper Tean / Development of up to 70 dwellings
SMD/2013/1118 / 34 Furlong Drive, Upper Tean / Proposed detached dormer bungalow and garage
SMD/2013/1096 / Land off Commonside Lane, Cheadle / Lawful development certificate for a leisure site for existing caravan
SMD/2013/1147 / The Firs, Uttoxeter Rd, Lower Tean / Extension and alteration to garage
The members of the council object to the planning application SMD/2013/1007 on the grounds shown in minute number 13.161. Proposed Cllr. Flunder, all councillors are in favour.
The members of the council had no objections to the remaining applications shown in the table above.
13.165 Finance
Cheques to be issued
Payable To / Details / InvoiceTotal / VAT / Cheque
ACE Services / Installation of Christmas Trees and Lights / 2234.00 / 389.00 / 2888
Entrust Support Services Ltd / Grasscutting and strimming Oct-Dec 2013 / 971.27 / 161.88 / 2889
HMRC / PAYE / 38.80 / 2890
E.D.Plant / Lengthsmans Hours and Expenses / 560.00 / 2891
M. Price / Litterpickers Hours / 202.50 / 2892
S. Farnell / Clerks Wages & Expenses / 733.51 / 5.47 / 2893
That authority is given for the cheques to be issued in respect of the invoices listed above. Proposed by Cllr.Pearceand seconded by Cllr. Trigger.
All councillor’sin favour.
13.166 County Councillors Announcements
Cllr. Deville said that SMDC should contact adjacent properties and post notices regarding the planning applications for The Raddle Inn and the Cheadle Road development.
The clerk was asked to write to Mike Green and Dai Larner and inform them of these concerns and also mention the problems with the SMDC web-site. The clerk is also ask
why the District Councillors have not been notified of the Cheadle Roadplanning application and why local residents have not been given their opportunity to object.
A copy is to be sent to Sybil Ralphs. A reply is required by the next Parish Council meeting.
Edwin Wade is to be invited to the next Parish Council meeting. Clerk
Cllr. Deville distributed a copy of his monthly report to all councillors.
13.167 District Councillors Announcements
There were no District Councillors announcements.
13.168 Greatwood HallWorking Group
Cllr. Trigger discussed the advert to invite tenders for the work on the toilets at Greatwood Hall. He said that the tenders should be in by the February meeting.
It was agreed that the tenders could be opened at the Greatwood Hall Working Group meeting, this will enable referances to be taken up. Cllr. Trigger also informed the Clerk
members that Cllr. Ball had agreed to be the main point of contact for the contractors. It was also noted that interim payments would have to be made during the course of
the work.
The clerk read out the three quotes for the footpath leaflets. Cllr. P. Wilkinson proposed that Hawksworths to carry out the work due to their high standard. Cllr. Ball
seconded and all councillors were in favour. The clerk is notify Hawksworths of the decision. Clerk
13.170 Parish Web-Site
Due to the lack of time it was agreed that this item is to be deferred to next month.
13.171 Neat and Tidy Events
Due to the winter weather it was agreed that this item be deferred to the spring.
The date of the next meeting is Tuesday, 21st January 2013 at 7.15pm.
There being no other business the Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 9.40pm
Signed ……………………………………...... Chairperson21st January2013