Mayor: Councillor R Peart
Deputy Mayor: Councillor D Rollason
Councillors: B Austen, R Bovey, J Green, K Jones, S Marshall, C Meathrel, L Rose, J Scagell, B Thorne, G Wickham
Admin Assistant: Mrs S Simmons
Police Report
PCSO Pike advised that December was not a bad month, however reported the following crimes:
· 2 main shops have reported shoplifting
· Anti-social behavior over the festive period at Tesco, The Fountain & Clifford Park
· 4 incidents of criminal damage to vehicles being keyed
· 4 thefts from vehicles
· A white van was reported to be going around after metal from residents gardens just before Christmas and this lead to 1 x male being arrested
Questions were asked.
Public Participation
No public present.
County Councillors Report
No report
District Councillor Reports
Cllr Thorne
No report
Cllr Walters
No report
Cllr Austen
Teignbridge has become a founder member of an innovative company called Dexco. The company comprises Devon and Exeter NHS, University of Exeter, Devon County Council and Teignbridge District Council. The purpose of the Company is to embark on projects to provide energy to homes and businesses across the city and the surrounding areas.
One new project is to provide heat generated at the R D & E Wonford to consumers across the city. Future projects include a high level distribution of heat from the Marsh Barton Energy Recovery Unity Facility. Funding is available from central government and has been applied for.
One of Teignbridge’s solicitors has been shortlisted for a National Award as Lawyer of the year. She is Marie Downey and one of three nominated for the award to be announced in March.
I have been on two appeal panels over the last month. These relate sometimes to extension of licenses for taxis to be operational for longer than ten years which is the policy condition for taxis to be considered suitable. Other appeals relate to drivers who wish to be licensed to operate taxis in Teignbridge and come to the Committee when these have been refused usually on grounds of criminal history and past motoring offences. Other matters dealt with include Tree Preservation Orders where the Council wishes to retain protection of these assets but owners wish to fell these.
Meetings have been few in December but resume in earnest in January.
Councillor D Rollason
· There is a new multi-wheeled sports facility being developed at Buckland and this is partly funded by Teignbridge and other partners and fund raisers and there is about £87K from the Landfill Communities Fund, just for us to bear in mind as we are pushing forward for the park.
· Consultation phase is now open on the District Council budget building process. For further information, please see the TDC website.
· One proposal for Teignbridge District Council is for a rise of 3.22% on Council Tax
· Teignbridge District Council are asking towns to send in copies of their Newsletter,
which we already do.
· Teignbridge District Council are lobbying jointly with other District Councils and Devon County Council for funding towards Adult Social Care.
01/17 To receive and accept apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Stevenson who has work commitments.
02/17 Declaration of Interest
Cllr Bovey declared an interest in item no. 09/17 in respect of an elector fund application received from Helen Bovey.
03/17 Mayor’s Report
12th December, 2016, the Civic Carol Service was a great success. It was a different layout this year, having the food in the main hall worked well and provided tables at the back for people to sit on, which kept people there longer and most of the food was eaten and only a little left over so that was good.
I would like to thank Mr John Stacey for his help in the organisation of the service and Mr Dave Turner and his wife Theresa who helped to make the service a success. I would also like to say a big thank you to Reverend David Goddard, Rydon School pupils and Music Teacher Miss Herridge, Town Crier Mrs Jackie Edwards, Cllr Rob Bovey and Mrs Liz Thompson and all the Councillors who helped on the night.
16th December, 2016 Outdoor Carol Service
The Outdoor Carol Service was held at the Fountain and this year we would like to thank DCC Councillor Tony Dempster for his participation in the role of a certain gentleman. Thank you also to Tesco Express who kindly provided hot mince pies to be served to all.
Thank you to our Town Crier Mrs Jackie Edwards who opened the service. I did a welcome speech to all of the people who had gathered there. Father Christmas gave out presents to the children. Following the service, tea, coffee and biscuits were served at the United Reform Church. The event was very well attended.
21st December, 2016 Mayor’s End of Year Event
Wednesday evening saw the Mayor’s end of year event at the Passage House Hotel where 26 Councillors, partners, staff and special guests our Town Crier Mrs Jackie Edwards and DCC Councillor Tony Dempster and his wife attended. I hope everyone enjoyed the evening as I tried to make it a bit different.
I would like to thank Manager, Mr John Little and his staff for the effort they put in to make the evening a great success.
24th December, 2016 Crib Service
My wife June and I attended the Crib Service at St. Michaels Church, Kingsteignton. The church was full of parents and their children. The service was conducted by Reverend Mark Smith and Reverend Sandra Gill, with the children from our local schools taking part. Towards the end, the lights were switched off and everyone had a candle to light including the children which created similar conditions that Mary and Joseph would probably have experienced in the stable.
All in all it was a very enjoyable Christmas event for all.
04/17 Minutes
The Mayor presented the minutes of the meeting held on 7 December, 2016 which were adopted with item no. 175/16 referring to the Finance Minutes, with the amendment of item no. F84/16, with the vote being corrected at 6 ‘against’ and 6 ‘for’ with the casting vote being made by Mayor, Cllr Peart.
Noted & Approved.
Referring to Cllr Austen’s report, Cllr Meathrel requested for Cllr Thorne to investigate and obtain real figures of homeless in Kingsteignton in full.
It is also to be noted that Cllr Meathrel attended the funeral of Mr Ken Tuckett as a representative of Kingsteignton Town Council.
05/17 Clerk’s Report
No report in the absence of the Clerk.
06/17 Committee Reports
Community Hall Committee: Cllr Jones presented the minutes of the meeting held on 14 December, 2016. Approved
Recreation/Footpaths/Fountains Committee: Cllr Rose presented the minutes of the meeting held on 14 December, 2016. Approved
Finance Committee: Cllr Rollason presented the minutes of the meeting held on 14 December, 2016. Approved
Cllr Meathrel queried an item from a previous Finance Meeting regarding bank account signatories. Noted
Cllr Peart advised that Mr John Stacey is currently dealing with this matter. Noted.
After minute: This was on the November Finance Agenda, not December as Cllr Meathrel said. Please note that staff can be signatories for online banking only, as it is illegal for staff to sign cheques.
Works, Services & Planning Committee: Cllr Peart presented the minutes of the meetings held on 7 & 14 December, 2016. Noted
Extra-Ordinary Minutes: Cllr Peart presented the minutes of the meeting held on 14 December, 2016. Approved
07/17 Codex Appeal
Our strategy needs to include public opinion representation as there is a lot of concern that we are losing one of our last green spaces within Kingsteignton.
Cllr Thorne has been advised of a date of 17th January has been put forward but will clarify with Christine Boulton, TDC tomorrow and will notify Kingsteignton Town Council of a definite date for the appeal.
Cllr Bovey suggested an online petition.
Resolved that, an online petition is launched by Cllr Marshall assisting Town Clerk, Mrs Lakin.
Action to be taken by: Cllr Marshall Town Clerk, Mrs Lakin
Investigations are to be made into a shared link with Cllr Marshalls Facebook page.
Cllr Bovey asked if he could be granted permission to visit residents in the East Ward to campaign for the petition and support.
Resolved that, Cllr Bovey is granted permission to carry out the above campaign.
Action to be taken by: Cllr Bovey
Resolved that, once a date for the appeal has been released, it must be announced in the local newspapers, newsletter, website and notice boards.
Action to be taken by: Town Clerk, Mrs Lakin & Mrs Simmons
Resolved that, Cllr Meathrel has been granted permission to publish in Time Teign and CPRE.
Action to be taken by: Cllr Meathrel
Cllr Meathrel offered to do photography if required whilst campaigning.
08/17 Setting of Precept 2017/18
Resolved that, Council set an increase of 2% for the benefit of support towards the sports and well-being hub, in order to benefit health of the residents of Kingsteignton.
A vote took place which resulted as:- 9 for and 3 against. Vote carried.
09/17 Elector Fund Applications for Funding
The following applications were considered and approved for allocation of a share of £4578.00 of the Elector Fund available from Teignbridge District Council.
· Friends of Kingsteignton Library - £1,500 approved
· Kingsteignton Athletic Football Club - £1,628 approved
· Helen Bovey - £450
· Kingsteignton-Orbec Twinning Association - £500
· Chris Rattenbury – Schools Amateur Boxing Association - £500
The following application was considered and rejected due to lack of detailed information being supplied.
· Joan Lambert – Service Personnel – rejected
10/17 Kingsteignton Youth Club – Update by Cllr Austen
Councillor Austen reported that December 2016 had been a social month at KYC with between 300 – 400 attendees. On 4 December 2016, members of KYC attended Tesco, which resulted in fund raising of £200 by doing face painting.
Investigations are currently being made for acoustic solutions within the main sports hall which will be reported back on at a later date.
Unfortunately a main booking of the facilities has been lost, so a sound financial recovery plan is in operation for the next 12 months.
Cllr Rollason advised that between £10K and £12K was the target for bookings revenue, however, due to the loss of the main hirer approximately £8K will be lost, therefore youth club fees have been increased.
11/17 Correspondence
The meeting closed at 9.05 pm
Signed:……………………………………. Dated:…………………………….