WELCOME! We extend a warm welcome to everyone, particularly those who are visitors at our worship service this morning. We pray that you will receive a special blessing as we worship our Lord together. Join us in Friendship Hall immediately following the worship service for coffee and fellowship.

This evening we will welcome everyone for a combined worship service at 6 PM.

Living Word Reformed of 21 Pleasant View Drive in North Haledon would like to invite everyone to a special evening of praise on Easter (3/27) evening at 6 PM. It promises to be an inspirational night of celebrating our Lord's (and our) victory over the grave. The format will be mostly congregational singing accompanied by piano, organ, and praise team instruments.

We welcome Pastor Chris Pedersen from Cedar Hill for our morning service today. Pastor Rod is preaching in Cedar Hill this morning. Pastor Rod (along with Pastor Chris and the other Renewal Lab pastors) had meetings most of this past week in Grand Rapids.

Colossians Sermons Series--Complete in Christ. Next Sunday Pastor Rod will preach on Colossians 3:11-12, where the Old Testament sign of circumcision and the New Testament sign of baptism are both described as being fulfilled spiritually in Christ. For further reflection, consider the following:

1. Read Deuteronomy 10:16; 30:6; Romans 2:28-29. What is the intended relationship between the physical sign of circumcision and the heart? Does the external sign (whether circumcision or baptism) have any value if it is not connected to a heart of faith?

2. What do you think Paul means by "the circumcision of Christ" (Col. 2:11)?

3. Read Romans 6:3-4 and Colossians 2:12. In what sense are we buried with Christ and raised with Christ? Knowing this is already complete for those with genuine faith, how should it affect us (3:1-4)?

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL: ADULT SS: Continuing our series of Ray Vander Laan, key Scripture verses are important. John 15: 16-17 says:"...I appointed you to go and bear fruit...Love each other." Matt. 19: 21 says: “go sell your possessions and...give to the poor...Then come follow me." Come see how this plays out this week in the latest DVD of Ray in the Holy Land. Jeff Streelman will lead. 11:15- 12 noon in the Friendship Hall.

The special offerings for March & April are as follows:

March 13 - AM - EC Tuition Aid; PM - New Hope Food Bank

March 20 - Faith Promise

March 27 - Gideons

April 3 - Benevolence

April 10 - AM - EC Tuition Aid; PM - Northside CRC

April 17 - Faith Promise

April 24 - GEMS


TIME TO REMEMBER: The posters of the history of our congregation are still hanging in the hallway by Friendship Hall. If you haven't had a chance to look at them, please do so soon. There are Post-Its available under the big bulletin board for you to write your own memories or observations and stick them on the posters. At some point in the near future they will be collected and shared with the congregation (signatures welcome but not needed!).

Profession of faith class-- If anyone missed the first session, and would still like to participate, please contact Pastor Rod (; cell: 201-321-4073).

Meals for the VanderWalls - We are hoping to provide two meals a week for Sarah and Marcus during the month of March. If you are able to sign up for a day, please go to www.takethemameal.com and use last name VanderWall and password “godwin.” If you prefer, you can call Jackie Streelman at 201-444-0844 to be put on the schedule.

PRAYER WARRIORS NEEDEDto cover our next Renewal Lab all-day seminar in prayer! Would you be willing to commit to a half hour of prayer (from your home or wherever you are) as we meetthis Saturday in Paterson? History has shown that "there have been revivals without much preaching; there have been revivals with absolutely no organization, but there has never been a mighty revival without mighty praying." (R. A.Torrey). Please sign up in the narthex today!

POWERPOINT TEAM NEEDS YOU! Graduation is coming up soon, and you know what that means--the audioand PowerPoint teams will be losing Mike and Calvin and Will and Aaron. They are all very good at what they do (thanks, guys!), and we will miss them, but are they irreplaceable? No, because we have...you to replace them! Teenagers are especially welcome for building and/or projecting the services each week because they tend to be so computer-literate (and you can receive Faith in Action credits), but adults are welcome (and needed) also. Please notify Steve Wisse or Kathy Sonderfan or the church office if you would like to help out--and Steve will teach you all you need to know!

Helpers are needed to volunteer in the church nursery. If you would be willing to help out occasionally with our little ones, please call Jayne Spoelstra at (973) 831-2776.



The Renewal Lab and the Deaconate will be meeting tomorrow, March 14th, in the Bethel room from 7:30 to 8:30 with Al Santino, Director at Northeast Community Transformation. We will be discussing ways in which we as a church can engage with our community. Please join us.

RUTH CIRCLE: Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 15 at 1:30 PM with Pastor Rod leading us in lesson #9, Respect for Property. Our lesson will discuss stealing. Have you ever stolen something? Come and join in the discussion of this interesting lesson. Guests or new members are always welcome.

THE 9TH ANNUAL FISH N’ CHIPS DINNER will take place on Wednesday, March 16th, (last week to sign up!), in Friendship Hall with continual seating from 5:30 - 7pm. Take out will also be available. Tastefully British of Pompton Plains will again be preparing this delicious dinner which will also include cole slaw, dessert and beverages. Chicken tenders will also be available. Cost for adults is $15.50, children under 12, $8.50. See the sign-up sheet in the Narthex today. When signing up, please indicate if you would be willing to bring a dessert. Also, after you finish your delicious fish & chips dinner, visit the table where you can purchase an Easter dress for any 18” doll or for the Bitty Baby. All proceeds go to the Booster Club.

PRAYER WALK INFO: Next Saturday, March 19th, we will meet at 9:30 AM and go out in groups of 3 or 4. We will be handing out prayer cards and praying for our neighbors and community as we continue to cover Midland Park with prayer for God’s love, care, and protection. Experience is not required to be a prayer walker and we are teaming up first-timers with seasoned walkers. Pray that we have good weather and great participation from adults and children alike. We hope you can give 30 minutes of your time to join us in the prayer ministry of our church.

THE NEXT BAKED POTATO DINNER will take place on Wednesday, April 20th. Mark your calendar and watch future bulletins for more details.

LADIES--SAVE THE DATE for aSpring Brunch on Saturday, May 14 beginning at 10:30 a.m. in Friendship Hall. We have some special plans in the works! Please notice the box in the narthex where we're asking you to donate colored tic tacs (not white) and rolls of life savers. Yes, this IS connected with our special plans for you but you'll have to come to find out what this is all about! More details and sign up coming soon.

Easter Tracts are now available in the racks by the doors throughout the building. You can use them in various ways; slip one in an envelope while paying a bill, leave one for the mailman, use them while visiting the hospital, nursing homes etc. There are many to choose from so please help yourself!



LinC (grades 9 thru 12) will meet TONITE, March 13th,6-8:30 pm, Faith Community Church in the Barn. Join us for dinner, games, worship and some talk about the lion whisperer.

LinC Retreat - Friday April 1st-Sunday April 3rd. Mark your calendar and save the date so you don’t miss out! This retreat is run by our high school seniors. They are working hard tomake this the best retreat ever. More details to follow.

Heirborne(grades 7 and 8) our next meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 23rd, 7-9 PM at CedarHill CRC. Join us as we worship God, have snack and some conversation plus some great games!

Heirborne Shopscotch: Friday, March 18th, 6:45-9:30. Join us for a crazy mall scavenger hunt. Drop off and pick up at Cedar Hill CRC. Cost $5 to cover transportation.

Go MAD - Our next meeting will be Friday, April 1st, 7-9:30 pm. Join us for a night of April Fool’s Day fun. Drop off is at Eastern Christian Middle School and pick up is at Faith Community Church in the barn. Questions? Go to www.go2yq.org or call Denise Banaag at 862-221-2014 or email .

THE GEMS ARE SELLING MEMORIAL LILIES: Please contact Nicole Wondergem, (973) 557-3577, to place an order for a lily to be placed in the front of church in memory of a loved one. You may take the lily home with you after Easter. The lilies are $10.00 each and proceeds benefit the Gems ministry.

The Newsletter Committee is working on their next issue. Please let us know if you are having a special birthday (80 and above in 5 year increments) or anniversary (50 and above in 5 year increments). We would also like to know about engagements, marriages, sports awards, or any articles of interest to our congregation. Digital pictures can be included with your articles. Please place your information in the Newsletter box or call any committee member. The deadline is March 15.

SMALL GROUPS: There are currently 13 small groups meeting at our church. The meeting times and Bible study material vary considerably from one group to another. If you would like to join a small group study, please contact John Steen in the evening at (201) 891-5397 or during the day at (973) 423-3300. Our goal is to have every member of Midland Park Church involved in a small group. It’s a very rewarding experience!

DEACONESSES: Your March/April Visiting Schedules are in your mailbox for you to pick up.

GREETERS: TODAY: Harold Van Goor (North), Howard & Shanti Jost (Center), Georgia Wiegers & Susan Laauwe (South). NEXT WEEK: Ron & Rita Popjes (North), Len & Ruth Wynbeek (Center), Mark & Grace Wisse (South).

POWERPOINT: THIS WEEK: BUILD - Kyle Streelman. PROJECT - Calvin Gorter. NEXT WEEK: BUILD - Kyle Streelman. PROJECT - Saskia Trommelen.


USHERS: TODAY: 9:30 AM - Bernie Kuipers, Roger Spoelstra, Bill Sytsma. (Alternate: Ann Sytsma). 6:00 PM - Mark Wisse, Jerry Bandstra, Bill Sytsma. (Alternate: Ann Sytsma). NEXT WEEK: 9:30 AM - Mark Wisse, Al Laauwe, Ern Wiegers. (Alternate: Keith Spoelstra).

CHILDREN’S WORSHIP - TODAY: Teacher - Nicole Wondergem. Helper - Saskia Trommelen. NEXT WEEK: Teacher - Nicole Wondergem.

CHILDREN’S MESSAGE: THIS WEEK: Pastor Chris Pedersen. NEXT WEEK: Palm Sunday.



NURSERY ATTENDANTS: TODAY: 9:30 AM - Michelle Van Olden, Kristen Holmes. NEXT WEEK: 9:30 AM - Pat Hoogmoed, Jamie Bosgra.

SECURITY: TODAY: Paul DeRosa. NEXT WEEK: 9:30 AM - Joe Paulter.


9:30 AM – Morning Worship Service

11:10 AM - Sunday School, Catechism and Adult Education

6:00 PM - Evening Worship Service

6:00 PM - LinC Youth Group at Faith’s Barn


9:15 AM - Community Bible Study Leaders

11:00 AM - Memorial Service for Alice Baker

6:00 PM - Deacons’ Sheltering Program

7:30 PM - NJHSA Meeting in the Bethel Room


9:00 AM - CHCC Pastor’s Retreat in the Youth House

1:30 PM - Ruth Circle

6:15 PM - Cadet Supper

7:00 PM - Cadets

7:00 PM - Ladies’ Evening Bible Study at the Parsonage


9:15 AM - Community Bible Study

5:30 PM - Booster Club FISH N’ CHIPS DINNER

7:00 PM - Youth Hangout Night at the Youth House


8:00 AM - Quilters

7:30 PM - Senior Choir Rehearsal

7:30 PM - Friendship Ministries


6:30 AM - Men’s Fellowship Group in the Library


9:30 AM - Prayer Walk the Community

FAITH PROMISE PRAYER REQUESTS - Josh Dornbos, New City Kids - Jersey City, NJ

Praises: 1) Our After School Center sites are thriving in Jersey City. Very thankful for the 230 kids we get to serve every day! 2) 15 of our 21 seniors have been accepted to a 4 year college for next year! 3) Several teens are sharing portions of their personal testimonies in the spring production this year. Thank God for the stories of redemption He is telling in the lives of so many young people at New City Kids! There's an openness to the gospel that is inspiring.

Prayer Requests: 1) God's continued provision for the ministry and wisdom about how to grow. There is a lot of interest in New City Kids' model-----pray that God would use us and that he would make it clear what our next steps should be. 2) Pray for God's continued protection over our staff and the children in the ministry. There continues to be safety concerns in Jersey City. We have been spared serious situations but it is all around us. Pray for peace in the city and in the neighborhoods we're serving in. 3) Pray for God to open opportunities for our teens to afford to go to school next year. Many of our seniors are concerned about their finances. Pray that God would open doors and provide a way for them to pay for school. 4) Pray for powerful moments this spring to share the gospel. During their spring break, 19 of our teens will be attending a college tour and reading "Prodigal God" by Tim Keller. We are starting small groups with the teens this spring and are praying to invest in them growing in their faith and share the good news with teens that do not have a relationship with God. Pray for open hearts and that God will speak through our staff.