Leadership Role:
Senators represent the voice of MSU students. As a Senator, youmake powerful decisions regarding student fees, campus services, and policies that matter to Bobcats. Senators collaborate with professors, programs, and administration to make MSU the best college in the state and a leader in the nation.As a Senator, you have unique access to policy makers across the University. You can serve on committees that determine funding for clubs, parking solutions, social justice projects, campus activities, and so much more.
You can turn good ideas into great initiatives: create scholarship opportunities, offer ASMSU internships, or award student achievements.What do you want to make happen? When you represent your college or students at large, you can be a force for innovation. Service leadership, community engagement, and professional communication are central to this position. You will network, negotiate, and become a master of parliamentary procedure. It may be the highlight of your academic career; it will definitely make your resume stand out.
ASMSU is home to the Outdoor Recreation Program, KGLT community radio, and a Daycare for MSU student families. Our funding supports Sustainability, Sports Recreation, and the Leadership Institute. We are proud to offer Legal Services for students. Our student-lead programs include Exit Gallery, Procrastinator Theater, Campus Entertainment, Homecoming, Latenight Streamline buses, and more. As an ASMSU Senator, you are at the center of MSU excellence.
- Attend all Senate meetings: every Thursday at 6pm in SUB 235 (unless otherwise specified)
- Hold at-least two regular office hours per week in the ASMSU office
- Represent your constituents (students in your college, or students at-large)
- Serve on your College-specific student councils
- Serve as liaison for at least two ASMSU programs
- Serve as liaison for at least one Ad-Hoc (task oriented) committee
- Report and relay important information back to the Senate
- Exhibit innovative, fiscally-responsible, student-centered leadership
ASMSU is the student government association serving as the elected voice of the students of Montana State University-Bozeman with the mission of enhancing the overall educational experience of students by providing leadership and employment opportunities for students and by providing diverse student oriented non-academic programs and services cost effectively through responsible fiscal management of student activity fees.
ASMSU Senate is the legislative body of the Associated Students of Montana State University (ASMSU). All legislative powers of ASMSU are vested in the Senate. All enrolled students, taking more than 7 credit hours, are welcome and qualified for a seat on the Senate. Voting membership consists of 20 voting Senators and the Senate President who can only vote to break ties.
ASMSU Senate allocates the student activity fees to ASMSU programs and initiatives through annual budgeting each spring semester. It’s your job to decide how the students want their money budgeted, the causes the student body supports, and the issues that are most important.
Senate positions are volunteer roles, with an opportunity to qualify for internship credits if desired.