U.S. Supreme Court cases

1793 – led to 11th amendment in 1798 (John Jay) chisholm vs georgia

1803 – developed judicial review (John Marshall) marbury vs madison

1819 – upheld the doctrine of implied powers in the constitution

and allowed for liberal interpretation by congress (John Marshall)

mcculloch vs maryland

1831 – established that the Cherokee Nation was a domestic

dependent nation, thus upholding Georgia’s laws over the territory

it claimed (John Marshall) cherokee nation vs georgia

1857 – stated that congress could not pass a law depriving citizens

of their property without due process of law (Roger Brooke Taney) dred scott vs sanford

1896 – established “separate but equal” doctrine plessy vs ferguson

(Melville Weston Fuller)

1954 – Reversed Plessy v. Ferguson (Earl Warren)

brown vs board of education of topeka

1962 – “one man one vote” (Earl Warren) baker vs carr

1962 – ruled a non-denominational prayer by New York

Board of Regents to be unconstitutional (Earl Warren) engel vs vitale

1966 – Established that suspects must be read their rights miranda vs arizona

(Earl Warren)

1973 – Abolished all laws banning abortion during first 6 months roe vs wade

of pregnancy (Warren Earl Burger)


opposed adopting us constitution; favored states rights; precursor to democratic-republican party anti-federalist

populist ; jefferson, madison, monroe democratic-republican

strong central gov’t; adams, hamilton federalist

jackson, van buren branch of democratic-republican party democrat

adams / clay branch of the democratic-republican party national repubublican

clay / webster; successor to national republican party; ran 3

presidential candidates in 1836 whigs

secret anti-immigrant and anti-catholic party, 1848 - 1860; know-nothing

anti-slavery; later changed to american party

1854 - present lincoln; included union party during civil war republican

supports abolition of legal liquor, 1872 - present prohibition


18th century party, pro-british foreign policy federalists

proponents of the articles of confederation; strong states rights antifederalists

also known as republicans or jeffersonian republicans democrats-republicans

formed in the 1830's to oppose jackson whig

direct descendants of the democratic-republican party democrats

coinage of both gold and silver bimetallism

US has God-given right to rule western hemisphere manifest desting


presided over constitutional convention Washington

took oath of office in new york city Washington

had no party affiliation Washington

1st to live in the white house John Adams

1st vice president John Adams

had a vice president from a different political party John Adams

us ambassador to france, 1785 Jefferson

washington’s secretary of state Jefferson

established lewis and clark expedition, 1803 Jefferson

purchased florida in 1819 Monroe

stretched western us boundary to pacific ocean Monroe

signed missouri compromise, 1820 Monroe

won all states in 1820 Monroe

defeated jackson in house of reps, 1824 Jonh Quincy Adams

first “western” president (tennessee) Jackson

won battle of new orleans, 1814 Jackson

defeated seminoles in florida/georgia, 1818 - 1830’s Jackson

supported “trail of tears”, 1830’s Jackson

defeated clay in 1832 Jackson

appointed chief justice taney, 1835 Jackson

van buren’s veep, 1st from kentucky Richard Johnson

“54 - 40 or fight” Polk

commander of us troops in mexican war Taylor

only elected president to refuse renomination

by his own party, 1856 Pierce

gadsden purchase, 1854 Pierce

kansas-nebraska act, 1854 (slavery as local issue) Pierce

purchase of alaska in 1867 Johnson

“speak softly and carry a big stick” Teddy Roosavelt

elected 4 times fdr

Made “Square Deal” and created TVA FDR

To get U.S. out of Great Depression

sent fed troops to integrate little rock, ark, school Isenhower

sent aid to south vietnam in 1954 Isenhower

used fed troops to integrate alabama / miss schools jfk

“ask not what your country can do for you...” jfk

berlin wall built, 1961 jfk

fought and later ended vietnam war Nixon

youngest WW II pilot; shot down George H.W. bush

former CIA director, also UN ambassador George H.W. bush

impeached in the house, acquitted in the senate Clinton

created first bank of the united states washington

3rd pres, 1801 - 1809 jefferson

4th pres 1809 - 1807 maddison

5th pres, 1817 - 1825 monroe

6th pres, 1825 - 1829 John Quincy Adams

7th pres, 1829 - 1837 jackson

16th pres, 1861 - 1865, republican lincoln

homestead act (20 acres and a mule), 1862 lincoln

Only President to serve two non-consecutive terms Cleveland

26th president, 1901 - 1909, republican teddy Roosavelt

over 300 lbs, needed a special bathtub Taft

(got stuck in a regular one)

32nd president, 1933 - 1945, democrat fdr

35th president, 1961 - 1963, democrat Kennedy

37th president, 1969 - 1974, republican Nixon

40th president, 1981 - 1989, republican Reagan

41st president, 1989 - 1993, republican g h w bush

42nd president, 1993 - 2001, democrat Clinton

43rd President 2001-2009- George W. Bush

44th President 2009- ? Obama

1st 2 taxes on colonial America- Sugar and Stamp acts

1st document forming a union of states- Articles of Confederation

discovered sandwhich islands (hawaii) also created the sandwich Earl of because he liked playing cards so much he did not want to Sandwich

get up for a meal

year constitution was ratified- 1776

1831 forced indian march- Trail of Tears

Document ending slavery- Emancipation Proclamation