MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 23 February 2017 at the Fire Station, Thrapston Rd., Kimbolton.
PRESENT Councillors K Hutchinson (in the Chair); Mrs S Hawkes; Mrs R Lloyd; Mrs E Milne; Mrs D Hellett; Mrs J Stainer; Ms S Mugglestone and L Farrer.
IN ATTENDANCE County Councillor P Downes; District Councillor J Gray; C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and 1 member of the public.
15/17 APOLOGIES were received from Councillors P Seabrook; R Gooderham and C Ayrton.
16/17 PUBLIC FORUM was not used.
17/17 DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS. Councillors Mrs Hellett and Mrs Stainer declared a personal interest in the item relating to Mulberry Cottage stables and Councillor Mrs Hellett declared a personal interest in the London Road planning matter.
18/17 COUNTY COUNCILLOR Peter Downes presented his report, a copy of which had already been circulated around members. He offered updates to the report. All County Councils in the country were asked their intentions regarding precept increases. Their choices were 2%; 3.99% or 4.99%. Cambridgeshire decided on 2%. Of the other 142 Councils 95 resolved for 4.99%; 37 for 3.99% and 10 for 2% or less. In his view, the County Council will collapse by 2023.
19/17 MINUTES of the Council meeting held on the 26 January 2017 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.
a) Neighbourhood Watch – no report
b) Car Parking in High St – no report, but poor parking by some individuals was commented upon.
c) Thrapston Rd streetlight. Nothing heard from Charles Robinson as yet.
d) Playpark tiles. The Clerk reported that he had been in touch with the Probation Service but they are unable to help with this as they do not have the equipment. He had also spoken with the mobile sandblasting company who were going to look at the site and provide a price.
e) Fitness Equipment installation. The Clerk reported that the equipment had been installed as was now available for use. He suggested that it might be sensible to provide laminated signs to explain how to use the equipment and Fenland Leisure had quoted £200 for each of the 5 items of equipment. It was agreed not to proceed with this, but to see if a sign showing a disclaimer in the case of injury could be provided.
Councillor Farrer joined the meeting.
f) Churchyard Cobbled Paths. The Clerk estimates the likely cost of replacing the cobbles from the South door to East St as being £6000 to £7000. It was agreed that we do not have this available and it has not been budgeted for, so the Clerk was instructed to write to the PCC to see if they would be prepared to fund the laying of slabs.
g) Mandeville Hall. Councillor Mrs Stainer had referred to the problems caused to hirers of the Hall due to the lack of anywhere to dispose of empty bottles. Councillor Mrs Lloyd, this Council’s representative to the Hall Committee, said that a bottle bank had been considered but not proceeded with as it was too costly and would probably be used by persons other than Mandeville Hall users.
Councillor Mrs Stainer had also said that, despite users cleaning the Hall after use, on occasions their deposits had been withheld due to someone on the Hall Committee ruling that the cleaning had not been good enough. Councillor Mrs Lloyd said that if hirers do not want to clean the Hall after a party they are welcome to employ the Mandeville Hall cleaner who is usually pleased to help.
h) Flooding London Rd, Main Rd Stonely and Hatchet Lane. The Clerk said that following complaints from residents, he had reported the flooding to Highways.
a) Applications The following were considered-
17/00102 Mulberry Cottage stables – amendment to condition 1 of 14/02025
Considerable discussion took place on this subject and a letter from a neighbour was read. Concerns relate to the possible final use of this building being residential rather than stabling, particularly because of the way in which it is being constructed.
Councillor Hutchinson said that if it is being built as per the plan then there is little we can do, but if it is eventually used as a residence then that is a different matter.
Councillor Farrer said that too many questions remain regarding this, with the result that he couldn’t vote.
Councillor Mrs Lloyd said that the amendment is to install windows, so apart from pointing out that they have already been installed, what can be done? She would want a very strongly worded note of concern sent to the Planners.
It was proposed by Councillor Farrer, seconded by Councillor Mrs Lloyd and unanimously agreed to advise the Planning Dept that until the situation regarding the build is resolved, this Council is unable to comment on the current application concerning the amendments and the possible domesticating of the building makes a response even more urgent.
16/02704 Wornditch Farm, Tilbrook Rd – construct garage.
The question of the legality of work at Wornditch Farm, particularly relating to the business use, has previously been raised with the Planning Officer but no reply has been forthcoming. It was therefore proposed by Councillor Mrs Lloyd, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hawkes and unanimously agreed to recommend refusal of this application.
b) Ongoing Matters.
No further information, other than that above, received on any of the items.
c) Local Plan. Councillor Mrs Lloyd said that she was referring to a Neighbourhood Plan.
a) Allotments. Councillor Mrs Hellett presented the allotments report . Some plots were not being worked, but the majority were good. Rat runs appear to be beneath the shed on one plot and muntjac have gained access to the site through gaps in the hedge. The gaps will be closed with netting. The chickens previously reported still do not seem to have enough water and the feed dispenser does not appear to work.
The Clerk will speak with the allotment tenants concerned.
b) Structures. The Clerk reported that a piece of masonry had fallen from an interior wall of the Hearse House and a large crack has appeared in the corresponding exterior wall. It looks as though the building might be subsiding. The Clerk was authorised to contact our insurers and seek repairs.
Outside Bodies
Mandeville Hall Councillor Mrs Lloyd presented her report on the recent Hall Committee meeting..
a) A reminder about the Hunts Parish Councils conference at St Ives on 30 March 2017 was received and any member wishing to attend was asked to let the Clerk know.
b) Connections Bus Charity circular regarding their youth work services. It was proposed that the Clerk enquire whether they could provide a youth service in Kimbolton.
District Councillor Jonathan Gray joined the meeting.
Councillor Mrs Lloyd proposed that another village sign, similar to that purchased for The Causeway, be purchased for the western end of the village. Some members thought it too much money to spend and suggested that the ornate, painted village sign situated by the former Vicarage in the High St, instead be moved to The Butts.
Accordingly, it was proposed by Councillor Mrs Lloyd, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hellett and agreed by 7 votes in favour with 1 abstention, that a quotation be obtained for moving the sign to The Butts.
The following were proposed by Councillor Mrs Hellett, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hawkes and approved for payment-
K & M Lighting Streetlight maintenance £119.48 inc VAT
D Eades February work £505.70 no “
Payroll costs Pay, NIC & PAYE February £1971.16 “ “
C L Thatcher Reimbursement of expenditure – diesel 19.87
Postage stamps 40.30
Fluorescent tubes 14.99
Fence posts 53.21
VAT 17.59 £145.96 inc “
Fishers Sundries £20.78 “ “
David Osborne Repairs to Cottage fire £73.99 no “
J Gardner Replacement bathroom heater £36.72 “ “
Pulse Digital Computer repairs £42.00 inc “
Getmapping PLC Annual subscription £33.60 “ “
Fenland Leisure products Installation of fitness equipment £2103.60 “ “
Councillor Gray discussed the Mulberry Cottage stables planning application with members.
He referred to a budget meeting of HDC held only last night in which he said the proposals were generally well received. Council Tax will increase now by 2% and over the next ¾ years by another 1.5%.
Polling districts are changing and there is a proposal that all elections take place on the same day. This has been generally agreed except for St Neots, St Ives and Warboys who wish to go their own way.
The elections for the new elected Mayor will take place in May and at present a Chief Executive to head up his administration is being sought.
Councillor Mrs Stainer said that the streetlight at the end of the walkway between Newtown and Aragon Place is out. She said that parking of cars on the pavement by the Lych Gate is still going on and wondered if the bollards could be extended.
Last Tuesday night there were two functions at the Mandeville Hall, one of which was the Flower Club. Parking was extremely difficult, with one elderly person having to park at the other end of the High St and walk. She asked that the Mandeville Hall Committee have regard to the lack of car parking space when accepting bookings and perhaps only take one booking at a time for a large event.
Councillor Lloyd asked that the green mould be removed from the railings of the bridge. She also complained that the pavements in Park Lane and Old Ford Lane were covered in leaves and thought the grounds staff time could have been better spent on that instead of planting an unnecessary box hedge.
Councillor Mrs Hellett reported that a headstone for a member of the Jessop family had fallen over.
Councillor Mrs Hawkes said that dog fouling was still a problem in Pound Lane.
Councillor Hutchinson asked about future access to the Fire Station.
The next normal meeting of Council will take place at the Fire Station Kimbolton on Thursday 30 March 2017, commencing at 7pm.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2220 hours.