Every Tuesday @ 9:30 AM

Women’s Advent Study “Faithful” by Adam Hamilton

Sunday, December 3rd @ 5:00 PM

Children’s Christmas Program followed by Pancake Dinner

Monday, December 11th@ 7:30 PM

Brigade Band Concert

Sunday, December 17th @ 3:00 PM

Combined Christmas Cantata followed by Cookies & Cocoa

Thursday, December 21st @ 7:00 PM

Longest Night Service at Christ UMC

Sunday, December 24th

8:30 & 10:30 AM Worship

Candlelight, Communion & Pick-up Pageant @ 5:00 PM at St. Paul’s UMC

Candlelight & Communion @ 7:30 PM at Christ UMC

Downtown Service @ 11:00 PM (Details TBA)

Monday, December 25th

Breakfast at the Valley Mission with Santa

Sunday, December 31st

Combined Worship @ 10:00 AM

NOVEMBER PRAYER LIST (Each prayer request submitted to the church office will remain on the list for approximately 6 weeks at a time. If you would like a request to remain on there for longer please let the office know).

Adult Care Facilities:

Brookdale:Alleen Cox

The Legacy: Ken Kyle, Maxine Chittum, Christie Null, Anna Argenbright, Susie Ritchie, Delores Bradley

Augusta Nursing and Rehab: Joyce Hulvey

Beulah Land: Nancy Cline

The Manor: Kaye Vanderhoff

Shenandoah Nursing: Dave Rowe

Members at home: Doris Bocock, Meade Loomis,Betty Combee, Dawn Thompson, Lelia Clem

Our Church Family:

Rev. Rob Woodfin & family, Penny Vines, Doris Hayes, Shelley Gayhart, Ray & Joan Pitsenbarger, Emily Harlow, Clay Graham, Charles Huffman, Alex Caldwell, Bettie Oberholtzer, Bessie Carroll, Helen Fary,Ken Oakes; Lillian Peters; Bryan Lyle

Our Church Leadership:

Bishop: Rev. Sharma Lewis

District Supt.: Rev. Dave Rochford

St. Paul’s Staff & Council Leadership: Bryson Smith, Martha Ramsey, Missy Huffer, Ashlyn Hawley, Ken Nicholas, Chris Lyle, Angela Smith, Taylor Smith, Debbie Galway, Mary Irving, Doug Harris, Mark Clarke, Keith Van Fossen

Serving In Missions. . .

El Salvador: The Peterson family, Earl & Becky Cox’s daughter & family

Family and Friends:

Angie, friend of Ann Allanson

Lydia Atkins, daughter of Renee Hummell

Alton Brown, brother-in-law of Helen Caldwell

(Linda) Kay Clarke, mother of Mark Clarke

Loretta Cline, cousin of Kay Smith

Florence Combs

The Daley Family, friend of the Rickabaugh’s

Alvin Dillon, brother of John Dillon

Elsie Ellis, friend of Glenna & Rick Rickabaugh

Rita Flesher, friend of Sheila Thurber

Mark Harman, cousin of Debbie Galway

Laurel Hawkin, friend of Sheila Thurber

Roy Hey, friend of Emily Harlow

Betty Miller, friend of Barbara Bishop & Debbie Folweiler

Tracy Morris, friends of Matt & Beth Lawler family

Nate, grandson of Don & Judy Cromer

Janice Oakley

Donna Harlow Paraday

Jen Sergio & family, sister of Rene’ Van Fossen

Kelly Berry Sprouse

Nicole Tuzzolin, daughter of Johnnie & Sheryl Anderson;

Jerry & Beth Van Fossen, father & mother of Keith Van Fossen

Keith Wenger, brother of Mark Wenger

Janet White, friend of the Rickabaugh’s

Marion Woodfin, mother-in-law of Margaret Woodfin

McKenzie Woods

Those dealing with mental illness: Silvio Zaccaria, Bill & EvelynCampbell’s brother-in-law

I am an Enabler ---I am your Church Budget

Through your tithes, proportion giving, and your second mile contributions, I am able to pursue St. Paul’s vision and mission that includes meaningful worship, connecting with others, and serving those in need. The Budget allows peoples’ lives to be touch in several ways by embracing ‘Sharing Faith Through Love’.

Noted below is a summary that highlights several ministries, (though not inclusive) that I am involved with:

  • Through my presence, I oversee weddings, baptisms, people joining the church,

celebrating the lives of the faithfully deceased, and educating the children, youth and

seasoned followers of Christ.

  • I provide a comfortable worship center that is heated in the winter, cooled in the

summer, physically maintained along with custodial activities.

  • I provide a wide range of music, including the children and youth, that glorifies

and praises our Heavenly Father.

  • I enable our church personnel to be fairly compensated for their faithful service.
  • I venture out into the community to bring the ‘Good News’ gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • I support multiple mission activities: Feed the hungry at Trinity, prepared 13,000

meals for Stop Hunger Now, provide resources to Valley Mission, sending students

to Carolina Cross Connection, the Jeremiah Project and Helping Hands mission to young children. Furthermore, I support WRE and Relay for Life.

  • I engage in regional disaster relief and contribute to UMCOR initiatives.
  • I provide a means to help train those entering seminaries and support leaders

who retire after years of faithful service to God through our Church.

  • I provide apportionment funding to the District and Conference.

To affirm, I am your Church Budget, desirous in serving our Lord through financial discipleship. I need your generous benevolences in order to continue His ministry

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Endowment Program

Act of Faith

As Christians we share in the affirmation that all we have comes from God. When we recognize God in all we have, all we are and all we do, giving becomes an act of faith. One option we have in acting on our faith is to include St. Paul’s in our future charitable giving plans, through wills, trusts, real estate and other financial means.

Currently, there are three endowment funds (Perry Investment, Hollsinger Investment, and St. Paul’s UMC Endowment Fund. These Endowments have provided a means and reliable source of income for carrying out the mission of our church through participating in meaningful and joyful worship, connecting with others and being of service to our brothers and sisters in Christ, within the community and beyond.

The Endowment Funds are administered by an Endowment Committee. The Committee is vested with fiduciary responsibility to ensure the funds are invested in safe and prudent financial instruments that are in alignment with St. Paul’s social and ethical principles and values. A portion of the income that is generated each year is allocated for advancing the Church’s mission. Currently, the Endowments are invested and administered by the United Methodist Foundation. The return on invested capital over the years has been respectable.

Gifts to the Endowment Program may be Designated or Undesignated. Designated Funds are those which the donor specifies how the proceeds are to be used. Undesignated Funds are those which the donor does not make specific designation as to how the proceeds are to be utilized. Whether Designated or Undesignated, the “gifts” are to be suitable for one of four categories: (1) Missions, (2) Property, (3) General Endowment {special needs}, and (4) Scholarships. By the way, a separate ‘Named Fund’ can be established with a minimum gift of $10,000 or more.

Should you wish to speak to a member of the Endowment Committee, contact the church office for current member names and phone numbers.

Thank you for your consideration in considering Endowment Gifting as a means to further enable St. Paul’s ministry.

Join us EVERY Tuesday from 8:30 - 9:15 AM in the Sanctuary for Community Prayer Time.This will be a time to gather and pray for one another, the community and our ministry. All are welcome so come and pray as the Lord leads. If you have any questions, please contact Patsy Dillon at

Next Monthly Evening Prayer Meeting, Tuesday, November 21st @ 7:00 PM

Women's Bible StudyAdvent Study:

FAITHFUL, by Adam Hamilton.

From his beginnings as a humble carpenter to his all-important role as the earthly father of Jesus Christ, Joseph's place in the nativity story is sometimes overlooked but contains valuable lessons for all of us.

As you read this book, you will understand how Joseph's story is much like our own. In life, we encounter circumstances that we would never have chosen for ourselves. TuesdayMornings,

5 week series:October 31,November 7,November 14,November 28, andDecember 5.

9:30 amin St. Paul's chapel

Contact Mary Irving () or 885-0029

All are invited to the UMM breakfast to hear Rev. Dr.Warren Grant. Mr. Grant will be our guestspeaker at the UMM’s ministry on Saturday,November 18thfollowingthe8:00 AMgourmet breakfast. The congregationand friends are invited to join us forbreakfastand afterwards, hearRev. Grant’s presentation in the Chapel. The subject is based on Psalm 11:3.”When the foundations (country & church) are being destroyed, what can we do?" There are several initiatives being deployedtoday within our country and foreign, that is attempting to disrupt and weaken our Democracy, Constitution, laws and processes that has been established for over 200 years.You can read it in the newspapers, hear it on broadcast media, and view it through various social media formats. Moreover, this movement infringes and impactsour freedom to worship, practice our faith andpursue a Christian life. So mark your calendar for8:00 AMon Saturday,November 18thand join us. Looking forward to seeing you there.

If you have kids who have completed 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade, don’t let them miss out on the fun and fellowship! Have them join us for FuntasticFriday!This is a time filled with dinner, devotions, games and activities designed to help us grow in our relationship with God and grow closer to one another. This month’s FuntasticFridaymeeting time is still to be determined. Watch for further announcements about the date and time. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Lyle at 290-2858 or email . Hope to see your children there!

St. Paul’s Handbell Choir… Any children, youth, adults (experienced or new ringers) interested in joining St. Paul’s Handbell Choir contact Martha Ramsey at . Practice begins Wednesday, November 1st from 5:00 – 5:45 PM in the Choir Room. Our goal will be to prepare Christmas Music for Sunday, December 10th at 10:30 AM Worship.

Little People Preschool has been busy with lots of learning, making crafts and having fun together. It is always great to watch the students as they settle into school and get more comfortable in their classroom setting.

In October, we honored our fathers, grandfathers and the special men in our students’ lives at our annual Father's Night. We love having the opportunity to celebrate these men and to give them an opportunity to have an evening out together. We also hosted our annual Harvest Day and Halloween celebration.
Upcoming Events:
Nov. 21- Thanksgiving Feast at11:00 a.m.
Nov. 22-23- No school Happy Thanksgiving
Dec. 14- Preschool Christmas program and dinner at6:00 p.m.
Dec. 15-Jan. 2- No school Merry Christmas

In God’s Love,

Angela Smith (290-0470) & Chris Lyle (290-2858)

Our youth groups have begun meeting regularlyagain and we are excitedabout the upcoming year. Youth is forstudents in 6th-12th grades. We would love tohave all of our youth here at St. Paul’s and theirfriends participate in our activities. If you have any questions at all or ifyou are not receiving emails about the youth, please contact Angela at540-290-0470or

Weekly Schedule Information & Worship Leadership

During our regular youth meeting on Sundays, we have dinner from5:30 - 6:00 p.m.Then we meet as a whole group from about6-6:20 p.m.At6:20we split up into small groups. Our plan is to have a 6th grade group. The 7th and 8th and 9th graders are still working through their Confirmation Class. Our 10th-12th graders also meet in one group.

**10:30Worship Service opportunity - The thirdSundayof each month the youth will usher, do the children’s sermon, read scripture and do the prayer during the10:30 Service.

Upcoming Mission Trips & Retreats

Journey Middle School Retreat– Our 6th, 7th and 8th graders will travel to the YoungLife Camp in Rockbridge Baths for our middle school retreatMarch 16-18, 2018. Sign up byFebruary 1st.The cost is $140 per student.

Senior High Mission Trip– Senior Highstudents will have the opportunity to travel to Memphis, TN again this year to participate in Street ReachfromJune 2nd- 9th, 2018. The cost is$275 per person. A$100 deposit is due ASAP. I am happy to answer any questions you may have and youcan also find out more information about their ministry at

Junior High Mission Trip –Students who have completed 6th-8th grades can participate in theJeremiah Project inRomney, WV. The dateare tentatively set forJune 25 – June 30butwe will confirm that in the near future. There is a $100 deposit due ASAP. I am happy to answer any questions you have and you can find out more about Jeremiah Project

I look forward to seeing you at youth group!

Angela Smith



For seven weeks, 17 women have gathered on Tuesday mornings to study together The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer. The Biblical text was Ephesians 6:10-19. We studied together through daily reading of the Word of God, workbook exercises and personal reflections, small group break-out discussions, prayers and prayer strategies, and DVD teachings by Priscilla Shirer.
Our participants wished to share some of their reflections from the The Armor of God:

“Without this study I would not have learned to bring things that are "almost right" or just plain wrong, to the light. My life is changed. Going to church is one thing, saying I'm a Christian is another, studying and learning about my "benefits" and how to take up the full armor of God and use it daily to protect myself from the schemes of the enemy is a whole other level I never knew about until now, at age 35. There is a way to take back our mind, emotions, and family from the devil, and it is through gratitude, prayer, positivity and love.
“… in Him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will, to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His glory.” (Eph, 1:10b-12) by Dana Bedard

“Have you ever felt the need for ‘more faith’ to do what you feel God is asking you to do? If you are struggling to move forward in obedience to God, you do not need bigger faith. You just need to realize how big our God is. The more faithful and strong we believe Him to be, the more willing we will be to depend on Him. Our level of faith will always be tied to our perception of God. If our perception of God is on point, our faith will be also.” (The Armor of God)

“Good faith is rooted in a good God. A little faith is all you need when firmly planted in the right Person.”
(The Armor of God)

“Saved by grace when you believe. And you can’t take credit for this, it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done-so none of us can boast. We are God’s Masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:8-10

“The Holy Spirit’s job is to chip away at everything that doesn’t look like Jesus. Your conscience is the microphone the Holy Spirit uses to allow you to hear the voice of God in your life.” (The Armor of God)

“Faith doesn’t just deflect the enemy’s flaming accusations; it extinguishes them.” (The Armor of God)

“Faith is acting like it is so, even when it is not so, so that it might be so, simply because God said so.” (Dr./Rev. Tony Evans)

“Prayer shrouded in gratitude expresses a firm faith…This kind of faith catches God’s attention and He responds by activating His peace within us.” (Armor of God)
*If you are looking for a way to broaden your faith, we highly recommend this book.*

Join us for our next Bible Study on October 31-December 5.
Faithful by Adam Hamilton
9:30 am in St. Paul’s Chapel

Wednesday Night MORe

(Last MORE: Wednesday, November 15th)

Join US for…

DINNER: 5:45-6:10 pm

BIBLE STUDY: 6:15-7:30 pm

Meal Prices:
$8.00 adults$4.00 children under 12 $20.00 maximum/family

MORE November Menu

November 1st:

Smothered Pork Chops, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans

November 8th:

Chicken Marsala, Baked Potato, Broccoli

November 15th:

Lasagna, Salad, Bread

Way to go St. Paul’s!! St. Paul’s was able to send a “love offering” to the children’s ministries at Brinkley Heights in Memphis, TN in the amount of $3,270.

*We Care has received a warm thank-you from Dora Snead.

*Thank you to We Care and all the individuals who sent cards, food, texts and made calls. All thoughts and prayers were appreciated!! Bryan Lyle and family

*Thank you to all who attended Celebration’s Total Praise Concert on October 15, 2017. We were able to send UMCOR a check in the amount of $961.00

*As the mowing season comes to an end, St. Paul’s would once again, like to say “thank you” to all the volunteers (Mark Wenger, Steve Malcolm, Bryan Lyle, Tom Snyder, Kevin Alger, Chris Grove, Bo Flint, Eric Blackwell, Abbott Graham, Kenneth Oakes, Cindy Lowe, Mark Clarke, Doug Harris, Matt Lawler, Hunter Jones, Larry Allanson, Chuck Weatherman, John Cline, Keith Van Fossen and others) for their time this summer mowing and maintaining the many acres of land here at St. Paul’s. Your dedication to this endless task saves the church several thousand dollars a year in our budget. Thank you for all you do…Ken Nicholas, Facility Manager

*St. Paul’s Community – Warmest thanks for all your kindness and support to Frank and myself – Margaret Henderson



Sunday: 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM & 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Wednesday: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Thursday: 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM

“A Blue Ridge Christmas”

Staunton Christmas Parade

Monday, November 27th

St. Paul’s and Christ UMC will have a float in this year’s Staunton Christmas parade. We are looking for volunteers to decorate, ride on the wagon and to walk/hand out candy. This is a great opportunity to show our support #FORSTAUNTON. If you are interested in participating or have questions, please contact the church office at 540-886-2317.