RNA March2012 Minutes
Paul M. called the March 13Meeting to order at 7:04 pm. 13 people were in attendance.
Board members present: Ted Carlston, Angela Carpenter, Denise Gorrell, David Lochelt, Nancy Mensch, Paul Mooring, Melinda Palmer, Connie Pilcher, Bob Price, Jessica Reese and Julia Wojciechowski.
Neighbors Present: None.
Volunteers Present: Bonnie LaDoe and Catherine Wilson.
Additions to the Agenda: None.
Approval of February minutes: Melinda moved and Julia seconded. Motion carried with the following corrections noted:
- Page 1 under Land Use Update: corrected spelling of“Fremont” and substituted“Bob P.” for “Ted C” to correct name of member who attended LUTOP meeting.
- Page 2 under Summer in the Park: corrected spelling of “Catherine W.”
- Page 2 under Clean Up: corrected to state that the RNA mayuse the portion of the Nazarene Church parking lot where no construction equipment is being stored.
- Page 3 under Roseway Neighborhood Association Bylaws: corrected to state proposal to hold Movies in the Park event in lieu of August Board Meeting.
Treasurer’s report: Melinda P. reported $6,772.45in the bank.
CNN Update:
- Catherine Wilson reported the following:
- CNN needs a letter from Paul M. so the RNA may receive an anti-graffiti grant.
- The Dharma Rain Zen Center (DRZC) - as reported in the Hollywood Star - wants to purchase 12 acres of land offNE 82ndAve. and NE Siskiyou St. (Siskiyou Square) to build a Buddhist retreat.
Land Use Update:
- Bob P. attended the February LUTOP meeting where they discussed possibly rezoningthe Cully neighborhoodto make it more attractive and what to do about theunimproved streets throughout all neighborhoods. (Bob P. reported that no solutions were offered, just recognition of these problems.)
- Bob P. also reported on the project to put in sidewalks on Sandy Blvd. between NE Prescott St. and Hwy. 205 (which may be done by spring) and that the fire truck signal located at NE 87th Ave. and Sandy Blvd. has been upgraded to add a crosswalk signal.
- Finally, it is possible to direct any complaints to the Portland Bureau of Transportation through Chase,the internat CNN.
Transportation Update:
- Julia W. reported that the transportation committee has notyet met this year, but will meet soon.
Clean Up:
- Denise G. asked if any of the RNA Board members still had any of the yard signs from last year’s Clean Up. The Consensus of the Board was that more signs will be needed. Paul M. suggested up to 10-12 more and Jessica R. stated she will ask Ronda at CNN for additional signs.
- Jessica R. stated she will also send an e-mail blast the week after the March Meeting asking for volunteers for the Clean Up.
Summer in the Park Concert – Angela C.:
- Angela C. reported that Roseway community businesses are interested in donating funds to put on a summer concert (though she has done no actual fundraising yet). The concert will be held on Saturday, July 28, 2012 at Glenhaven Park. The band, the Portland Playboys, has been booked.
- Angela C. asked how much the Board is willing to donate for the concert. Paul M. suggested the sum of $500. Angela stated that the program has a discretionary fund which will matchall donations dollar for dollar, but the Board needs to pledge an amount. Angela C. stated she was confident she could raise the remaining funds needed for the concert.
- Melinda P. then suggested pledgingthe sum of $1000.
- Julia W.stated she would contact the Madison South neighborhood association about donating funds and reported that the owners of the Lumberyard Indoor Bike Park has interest in making a donation.
- Julia W. also reported that if the Roseway neighborhood participates in a composting outreach program sponsored by the city of Portland, it can bring money to the neighborhood. She stated that Roseway is to be targeted on March 24, 2012and suggested combining this outreach with any outreach through the newsletter, if possible.
- Denise G. suggested making the donation for the concert from funds earned through the May 19 Clean Up.
- Paul M. moved to pledge $1000 for concert. The Board approved the pledge.
7-11 Neighbor Concerns – Ted C.:
- Ted C. reported on neighbor concerns about the new 7-11 store on NE 82ndAve. and Klickitat St., especially crimeconcerns. Paul M. stated that 7-11 has provided an information packet directed tosuch concerns and will pass the packet on to Ted C.
Gregory Heights School – 100 years:
- For a bit of neighborhood history, Gregory Heights School opened 100 years ago. Paul M. contacted the school principal to see if the school had plans for its anniversary and reported none have been made yet.
- Angela C. suggestedthat the anniversary be commemorated on the association website.
Mowing the Park Blocks and Discussion - Bob P.:
- Bob P. wrote article regarding mowing of the park blocks for theSpring newsletter. However, Bob P. reported that he is unsure of how residents will respond and suggested the Board place $500 “in escrow” in the event donations by residents are not enough to cover mowing costs.
- Denise G. suggested holding a vote on the matter at the general meeting on April 10. Paul M. stated he will put the matter on the agenda.
- JuliaW. asked about the letter targeted to the residents of the park blocks regarding mowing costs. Bob P. responded that hefirst wanted to see what the newsletter response is before sending such a letter.
April General Meeting Speakers:
- Damien Magista from Bee-Local: Jessica R. reported that Mr. Magista will speak about neighborhood bee-hives.
- Portland Audubon Society: Paul M. reported that Nikkie West will speak.
- Angela C. reported she has been in contact with Maria Lowe and May Dea at Gregory Heights Library regarding speaking at the April General Meeting.
Speakers for Future Meetings:
- Pedestrian safety: Angela C. stated she will try to coordinate a speakerfor the July Meeting
- Rain Garden Workshop: Paul M. reported that the Workshop will be held on May 27, 2012, and will discuss the matter further at the April General Meeting.
Movies in the ParkUpdate:
- Paul M. reported that he still not heard back from Movies in the Park regarding the neighborhood’s application.
Neighborhood Signs:
- Catherine W. asked what the Board is doing regarding replacing the destroyed neighborhood sign. Paul M. answered that nothing has been decided as the issue was tabled at the February Meeting.
- David L. reported that he has worked on some new designs and would like to submit them to the Board. The Board enthusiastically asked him to submit his design ideas. David L. stated that he could do most of the work, but would need assistance in obtaining permits, etc.
- Connie P. suggested that the Board look into the logistics of replacing the sign(i.e., obtaining permits, finding funding, etc.) before coming to an agreement on a new sign.
- Bob P. volunteered to look into permit issues.
- Angela C. reported the that the locksmith business located on NE 76th Ave. and Sandy Blvd.has closed.
Paul M. adjourned the meeting at 8:05 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Mensch, Secretary