POBOX 2022
Shelton, CT 06484
Important Dates:
Returning Swimmer RegistrationAfter Aug 16 a Late Fee will be applied* / Aug 3 – Aug 16
New Swimmer Try-Outs
(Spread the Word!) / Wed. Sept 3 SCC
6:00-7:00 PM
Thurs. Sept 4 Masuk 6:30-7:15 PM
First Day of Practice for Juniors/Seniors/Nationals / Aug 31
First Day of Practice for Sophmore, Developmental, and Freshmen groups / Sept 9
Parents Meeting / TBD
Team Swim Suit Fitting / Sept 14 SCC
First Day of Practice for HS Swimmers / After completion of their HS season
- Please Review the packet for changes in fees, schedule, and policies.
- During on-line registration, please review your account information and make sure it is up-to-date. Don’t forget about new or additional emails, medical information, emergency contacts, and phone numbers!
- You will be asked to confirm the code-of-conduct, timing policy, and medical release forms during registration, so there is no need to submit signed forms to the registration coordinator.
*Note: For the fall of the 2015-2016 season, a Senior or National swimmer can register up to the day before practice begins and will not be assessed a late fee.
Pool Rules and Swimmer’s Code of Conduct
Pool Rules (Applies to both the Shelton and Monroe pools unless otherwise noted)
- All swimmers must shower before entering the pool.
- No adults are allowed in the SheltonCommunity Center gallery while swim lessons are in session.
- No food or drink is allowed on the pool deck, in the stands or in the locker rooms (with the exception of water bottles only!).
- No street shoes are allowed on deck.
- Swimmers’ bags should be in lockers with a lock.
- For Safety Purposes it is imperative that all parents escort their children into and out of the building, making sure that their swimmer is on the pool deck or in the water before they leave. Parents are to supervise their swimmers in the locker room. Any complaints received by the Shelton Community Center or Masuk High School of unruly behavior will result in the loss of locker room privileges. Other rules of behavior are printed in our handbook.
Swimmer’s Code of Conduct
The Shelton Monroe Swim Team has adopted a Swimmer’s Code of Conduct. Each swimmer is expected to abide by such Swimmer’s Code of Conduct. At time of registration, eachswimmer and aparent/guardianmust sign the Code of Conduct to acknowledge receipt of the same and to agree to abide by its terms in order to prevent any misunderstandings.
- Swimmers will treat coaches, officials, parents, volunteers, and other swimmers with respect. (For example, no talking back).
- Swimmers will not use abusive or threatening language or gestures towards coaches, officials, volunteers, parents, or other swimmers.
- Swimmers shall not engage in fighting or other physical acts toward coaches, officials, volunteers, parents, or other swimmers.
- Swimmers shall not damage property at the SheltonCommunity Center or MasukHigh School, or other pools or the personal property of any swimmer.
- Swimmers shall not lie.
- Swimmers shall not steal.
- Swimmers shall not use or possess tobacco, drugs, or alcohol. The Shelton Monroe Swim Team has a zero tolerance policy.
- Swimmers shall not commit acts of bullying in any form.
- Swimmers shall not engage in any unsafe behavior. (For example: running on the deck, climbing on equipment).
- Swimmers shall refrain from unsportsmanlike conduct including but not limited to sexual harassment.
- I have read the Swimmer’s Code of Conduct for the Shelton Monroe Swim Team. I have reviewed the document with my child. We agree to abide by its terms. Any violation of the code may result in disciplinary action at the coach’s discretion such as, (but not limited to), suspension from practice, removal from future competition, or temporary or permanent dismissal from the team.
Signature of SwimmerDate
Print Parent NameSignature of Parent Date
Medical Authorization and Release Form
( ) I represent and agree that my child is in good health and physical condition. I am unaware of any disease or injury that could result in his/her being jeopardized during swim team activities.
( ) As the parent or guardian of the swimmer named below, I hereby give consent for emergency medical care prescribed by a duly licensed Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Dentistry. This care may be given under whatever conditions are necessary to preserve the life, limb or well being of my dependent.
( ) Recognizing the possibility of physical injury associated with swimming, I hereby release, discharge and/or otherwise indemnify the Shelton Monroe Swim Team, its affiliated organizations and sponsors, their employees and associated personnel against any claim by or on behalf of the registrant as a result of the registrant’s participation in the swimming program.
Name of Swimmer
Parent or Guardian Signaturedate
Name of Swimmer’s Physicianphone #
Timing Assignment Policy
As a parent/guardian of a child participating in swim meets, you are required to provide assistance to the team. Throughout the year you will be assigned certain tasks on a rotating basis along with parents of swimmers who also participate in meets. Families with an active USA Official are exempt from timing assignments. (Officials spend an entire meet standing on the pool deck and when our team provides officials at a meet, we are required to provide one fewer timer.) Our parent coaches are also exempt from timing assignments.
When our team is entered into a meet, the team hosting the meet will notify us of the number of timers we are required to provide. Based upon the required number of timers, we assign families to time at a meet. For longer meets, we generally assign 2 people to split each timing assignment.
Timing assignments are assigned to the families of swimmers who are entered into a swim meet. If your swimmer is not entered into a swim meet, you will not be assigned to time. It is important to note that it is your responsibility to review all posted meet entries for accuracy and any changes/corrections should be reported to a head coach and the USA Timing Chairperson immediately. If your swimmer is listed on a meet entry, you may be required to time.
Timing assignments will be emailed to the team and posted on the team website prior to a meet (usually on Wednesday for a weekend Meet). You can access the timing assignments from the team website, click Events, and select the meet. Please check the assignments frequently since there will be no notices put in your folder or phone calls. If you are assigned to time, you will receive an e-mail as a reminder 2-3 days prior to a meet. If at that time you realize that you are unable to fulfill your timing assignment,you will need to find a replacement. Timing assignments are not optional. All phone numbers and e-mail addresses can be found on the team roster which is distributed at the beginning of each swim season and is available on the web site. Timing assignments should be taken seriously. All parents are expected to fulfill their share of meet-related jobs such as timing.
In past seasons, families did not fulfill their assigned timing assignment(s), did not find a replacement timer and other families that were not assigned had to fill the timer requirement for our team. After much consideration, The Shelton Monroe Swim Team instituted a policy that will fine any family that does not fulfill their assigned USA meet (only) timing requirement or find a replacement timer as follows:
- $25.00 for the 1st missed USA meet timing assignment;
- $50.00 for the 2nd missed USA meet timing assignment;
- $75.00 for the 3rd missed USA meet timing assignment; and
- $100.00 for the 4th missed USA meet timing assignment
Any/all fines will be added to your swimmer’s account. If a swimmer’s account is not paid in full, the swimmer will not be allowed to register for the next swim season.
If you have any questions about our timing assignment policy, please feel free to contact Cara Noccioli, USA Timing Chairperson (email: ). Please do not ask our coaches about timing assignments. They are at meets to coach our children.
I have read the Timing Assignment Policy for the Shelton Monroe Swim Team and understand that if I do not fulfill an assigned timing assignment or find a replacement timer, I will be fined for any/all missed assignment(s) as described above (which will be added to my swimmer’s account). I understand that if I do not pay my swimmer’s account in full, my swimmer will not be allowed to register for the next swim season.
Signature of Parent/Guardian Print Name Date
Team Uniform Policy
The Rapids are a Speedo sponsored team. This means that all our apparel has the Speedo logo on it and the majority of our equipment will be Speedo.
Team suit– Practice suits are required to be worn at all practices. A team racing suit is required at all Meets. Swimmers have the option of purchasing a Solid black Aquablade with the team logo or the traditional team suit. It is a good idea to purchase several practice suits for the season. Team suit orders are taken at the beginning of the Fall/Winter season.
Championship Suits:Championship suits are not required, although the coach may encourage older swimmers to wear championship suits at higher level meets.Championship suitsmaynotbe worn at meets unless specified by the coachas a focus meet or championship meet.If a child chooses to wear a championship suit for focus meets, we recommend Aquablade for 12/U. 13/O may select a technical suit of their choice as long as it complies with FINA regulations.
Team cap – Caps are required to be worn at both practice and Meets for all swimmers with long hair. Team caps are required at Meets. Caps are optional for swimmers with very short hair. Team caps are available in both latex and silicone styles. Orders are taken at the beginning of the Fall/Winter season.
Team Warm Up Jacket – A Speedo warm up jacket is required for Junior, Senior and National swimmers to be worn at Meets. The jacket is an optional purchase for Sophomore, Freshman and Developmental swimmers. Team Warm up Jacket orders are taken at the beginning of the Fall/Winter season.
Signature of Parent/Guardian Print Name Date
FAll/winter tentative schedule through nov 14, 2015
Practice Group / Day / Time / FacilityDevelopmental / Mon/Wed / Dryland 5:45-6:00 p.m.
Water 6:00-6:45 p.m. / SCC
Tues/Thurs / 6:30-7:15 p.m. / Masuk
Freshman / Mon/Wed / Dryland 5:45-6:00 p.m.
Water 6:00-7:00 p.m. / SCC
Tues/Thurs/Fri / 5:00-6:00 p.m. / Masuk
Sophomore / Mon-Thurs / Dryland 4:45-5:00 p.m.
Water 5:00-6:30 p.m. / Masuk
Fri / 8:00-9:30 p.m. / SCC
Junior / Mon-Thurs / Dryland 4:45-5:00 p.m.
Water 5:00-6:30 p.m. / Masuk
Fri / 7:45-9:30 p.m. / SCC
Senior / Mon/Wed / 7:00-9:00 p.m. / SCC
Tues/Thurs / Dryland 3:30-4:15 p.m.
Water 4:30-6:30 p.m. / SCC
Fri / 6:00-8:00 p.m. / SCC
Sat / 9:00-11:00 a.m. / SCC
National / Mon/Wed / 7:00-9:00 p.m. / SCC
Tues/Thurs / Dryland 3:30-4:15 p.m.
Water 4:30-7:00 p.m. / SCC
Fri / 6:00-8:00 p.m. / SCC
Sat / 9:00-11:00 a.m. / SCC
Note 1: The above schedule applies to the start of the season through November 14. After November 14 the schedule will change slightly due to pool availability.
Note 2: The practice schedule is subject to change by the Masuk and Shelton Community Center pools. Any changes will be reported on the weekly schedule changes email or with a separate email as soon as the Rapids have been notified of the change. Every effort will be made to provide as much notice as possible, but of course in the infrequent event of weather or health conditions of the pool, there generally isn’t much notice given.
2014-2015 FEE SCHEDULE
Notes [Changes are highlighted in blue]:
- Refund Policy – Within the first 2 weeks of either season,a swimmer who would like to cancel his/her membership will receive a refund of the registration fee less the USA Registration fee and a $25.00 handling fee.
- Registration fees do not cover participation in out-of-state meets. Swimmers participating in out-of-state meets within driving distance will be assessed a $50 charge to cover coaches’ transportation charges. Swimmers participating in out-of-state meets which require airline transportation will be assessed additional charges to cover coaches’ transportation charges. For any meets, travel and lodging costs are the responsibility of the swimmer.
- A Rapids pool membership will provide swimmers access to the pool(s) during their assigned practice time DURING SWIM SEASON(S) ONLY. This is not a full year unlimited pool membership.
- Any swimmer whose registration fees are not paid will not be permitted in the pool.
- The above fees do not include meet entry fees or team apparel.
- Summer National registration fees include LC Yale Practice fees. Swimmers in other groups may sign up to practice at the Yale LC Pool for an additional fee, as space permits.
- High School swim credits are provided to swimmers who practice exclusively with their high school swim team. If a swimmer intends to practice with the Rapids at any time during the high school season, he/she will need to pay the full season rate.
- Returning swimmers who register after the registration period will be assessed a $25 late fee in the fall/winter season. In the summer season, they will be charged the summer only registration fee.(Note: For the fall of the 2015-2016 season, a Senior or National swimmer can register up to the day before practice begins and will not be assessed a late fee).