Vicar: Revd. Sam Tredwell

Contact details Tel: 0115 946 3820 or


Day off: Friday

Sunday 4th June

8.00am: Holy Communion led by Revd Sam Tredwell

(A quiet alternative to 10.30 service)

10.30am: All Age Worship with Communion led by

Revd Sam Tredwell

7.30pm: Sacred Space

Sunday 11th June

Trinity Sunday

8.00am Holy Communion in church

10.30am Holy Communion led by Rev Sam Tredwell

and Sarah Ray

Roles next week: Welcome team: Peggy & David Frisby

Readers: Andy West & Stephen Bowley

Prayers: Val Lewis

Communion: Peggy Frisby & Gordon Kirkbride

Supporting the Long Eaton and Sawley Food Bank

27kg of food as collected last week!

Please bring your gifts of support each week and leave in the box in the foyer. Currently keen for: rice pudding, tinned fruit, fruit juice.

This Morning:

A meeting for the election of Churchwardens will be held in church today at 11.30am. This meeting may be attended by all persons whose names are entered on the church electoral roll and all persons resident in the parish whose names are entered on a register of local government electors by reason of such residence. Also there are two vacancies for the PCC

Other diary dates

Mon 5th / 8.00pm / Growth Group at the Gales-Topic: The Parables.Contact Tracie Spence, 9731495/ 07867 791835
Tues 6th / 7.30pm / Venue and details to be advised. Contact Cynthia Hudson on 9728192
Wed 7th / 10.00am1.30pm / Holy Communion
Housegroup at the Vicarage – All welcome
Thurs 8th / 8.00pm / Growth Group at 15 Lime Grove, Topic:Laws of life: stay close to God

Help: We need a new boiler. Come and join us at our Coffee Morning on the 10th June 10am to 12 noon to help us raise funds. Entrance fee £2.00.Donations of cakes would be gratefully received.

Sunday 11th June – over a cup of tea after the service. Could all welcomers/stewards stay for a short chat about the enhanced role . Thankyou Sam

Parish Safeguarding Link Event Saturday 17th June from 9.15am to 12.45pm at St Barnabas Centre, Pilsley Rd, Chesterfield. Introduction by the Rt Revd Jan McFarlane

Annual Spirituality Summer School: ‘Living in the Trinity’ 17th - 21st July 2017 at St Helen’s, Darley Dale. Cost £60. More information available on the noticeboard.

PCC Update Meeting 16th May 2017

At the first meeting after the Annual Meeting the PCC has to elect people to various roles for the coming year. Gaynor and Stephen Bowley were elected to continue as Safeguarding links, Stephen Bowley was also elected to continue as PCC secretary and Fay Rumley was elected as Lay Chair of the PCC. Brian Parker was elected as Treasurer; Gordon Kirkbride was elected Treasurer Emeritus as he now wishes to stand down over the next year from this role.

The PCC discussed arrangements as we did not elect wardens at the APCM. Fay Rumley offered to stand for a year as warden. Tim Skelton, Rosa Waddingham and Ruth Lazell have offered as well to take on other parts of the warden role.

It was agreed to develop the role of welcomer/stewards to include taking collection and counting attendance. Training will be given.

The PCC heard the sorry news that the boiler needed replacing under the large hall. A plan is being formed to do this.

Have you done your C1 Safeguarding in a Church Context Training?: C1 Safeguarding in a Church Context. Thursday 9th November 2017: 6.30pm-9.00pm

Location:Derby Church House, Full Street, Derby, DE1 3DR

Open to:Everyone who comes into contact with children or vulnerable adults or has responsibility for such people.

To Book Contact: or through Please let Gaynor Davis know if you are attending this training. Other dates available.

Derby Remembers Digital Trail: WW1 Derby Monuments & Stories at the Quad: Friday 09 June 2017 to Friday 23 June 2017

Derby City Council and 14-18 NOW are pleased to present Poppies: Weeping Window at the Silk Mill in Derby between 9th June and 23rd July. More information on the Noticeboard.

Wine Tasting You are cordially invited to attend our Wine Tasting Evening, hosted by Tim Haggis, on Saturday 1st July 2017 in the small Church hall, starting at 7.00p.m. Nibbles will be available, and coffee will be served at the end of the evening.

Tickets, priced at £7, are on sale from Joan (973 4498) and Jill (973 2886). Please join us for this informative, but also fun evening. Jill Greenwood on behalf ofthe Social Committee

The PCC of St John’s invite you to help us raise funds for the life and work of the church by using something called ‘easyfundraising’ while doing your normal internet shopping. Easyfundraising is a website or a shop front for shopping on the internet.

Once you have registered you go on to this website and then to the internet shopping site you want. If you make a purchase the internet shop donates a small amount to the cause you opt to fundraise for. It doesn’t cost you anything and St John’s can benefit from it. The website lets you know how much will be donated to St John’s Church. The website does not take any bank details or the like and has helped many groups to gain some extra funds.

Here's what you need to do:

Step 1 – go to and register your name and email address

Step - 2 pick your cause – ‘St John’s Church Long Eaton’

Step 3 – do your shopping using the website as a shop front to go through

Step 4 – See the money raised for St John’s Church

May be you don’t use internet shopping but you may know some who does – ask them to join in and raise funds for St John’s Church.

Prayers for this week

Pray for the families and friends of those killed in Manchester. For healing for those injured. For those who cared and helped. For peace and healing for Manchester.

For Crawford and family, Sam Jowett and family. Those we love.

We give thanks of all acts of kindness and bravery that happened.

Pray for leaders and those who make difficult decisions in light of this.