KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY Kutztown, Pennsylvania


I Course Description

An in-depth study of selected topics in elementary education is undertaken. Through search of professional literature the topics will be determined by the class each time the course is offered. This course is suggested as preparation for a comprehensive examination or project; therefore, it should be scheduled at the end of the program. 3 s.h., 3 c.h.

II. Course Objectives

The Student will be able to:

A. Survey the professional journals, magazines, monographs and
documents for topics in Elementary Education.

B. Make a selection of topics based on criteria of frequency and

C. Study extensively topics selected in order to identify and contrast
varieties of viewpoints.

D. Write a report on topics following a standard method of notation.

E. Report orally to the class their selection and analysis of topics in
Elementary Education.

F. Compare articles for differences in topic and content charting the
variety of issues in Elementary Education.

G. Compare articles for similarities to discern current trends in
Elementary Education.

III. Assessments

Assessment of each teacher candidate’s level of accomplishment with reference to the course objectives will be based upon a subset of the following:

A.  Lesson observations by the university supervisor

1.  Selected pages on current topics.

2.  Initial review of literature for culminating project in ELU 571.

3.  Preparation of Outline for culminating project in ELU 571.

IV. Course Outline:

A. History of Change in American Education

1.  Expansionism

2.  Progressivism

3- Additive Process A. Others

B. Format for Written Reports

1.  Footnoting

2.  Bibliographic style

C. Curricular Issues

1.  Basic subjects

2.  Ancillary subjects

3.  Basic skills

4.  Ancillary skills

D. Financial support for Public Education

E. Legal Issues

1.  Civil Rights

2.  Handicapped

3.  Athletic Offerings

4.  Bilingual

5.  Others

F. Technical Innovations

1.  Television

2.  Computers

3.  Others

G. Physical Facilities

1.  Class size

2.  Open space

3.  Handicapped

4.  Others

H. Financing Education

1.  Equity

2.  Voucher System


I. The Education of Educator

J. instructional Strategies

K. Special Needs Population


America 2000: An Education: An Education Strategy. (1991). Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Education.

Banks, J. D. (1994). Multiethnic Education Theory and Practice. Needheights, MA: Aliyn and Bacon.

. (1992). Multicultural Education. For Freedom's Sake. (2nd ed.).

Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Beane, J-A. (1990). Affect in the Curriculum: Toward Democracy. Dignity, and Diversity. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University.

Carbone, Michael J. and Wonsiewicz, Ann. (1987). Proceedings of theConference on Excellence in Teacher Education Through the Liberal Arts. Allentown, PA: Muhlenberg College.

Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy, Task Force on Teaching as a Profession. (1986). A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century. New York: Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy.

Cockrell, Tom (ed.) (1987). Rand Checklist. Santa Monica CA: The Rand Corporation

Education Commission of the States. (1S83). A Summary of Major Reports on Education. Denver, CO: Education Commission of the States.

Feiman-Nemser, S. and Featherstone, H. (eds.) (1992). Exploring Teaching. New York: Teachers College Press.

Fullan, M. G. (1991). The New Meaning of Education Change. (2nd ed.) New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University.

Goodlad, J- (1990). Teachers for our Nation's Schools. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Hyde, A. A. & Bizar, M. (1989). Thinking in Context: Teaching Cognitive Processes Across the Elementary School Curriculum.. White Plains. NY: Longman.

Lasley, Thomas J. (ed). (1S86). The Dynamics of Change in Teacher

Education. Volume i: Background Papers from the National Commission for Excellence in Teacher Education. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.

. (1936). Issues in Teacher Education. Volume II: Background Papers from the National Commission for Excellence in Teacher Education American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.

Miller, S. (1991). "Increasing Teacher Efficacy with at-risk Students.” Equity and Excellence. 8, 30-35.

Moore, Kenneth D. (1992). Classroom Teaching Skills. (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

National Commission on Excellence in Education. (1983). A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Nelson. J. L, Palonsky, S. B. and Carlson, K. (19S0). Critical Issues in Education. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Nieto, S. (1992). Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolicita! Context of

Multicultural Education. New York: Longman Publishing Group.

Palardy, J. Michael, (ed). (1983). Elementary Education. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, Inc.

Ramsey, Patricia G. (1987). Teaching and Learning in a Diverse World. New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University.

Raywid, M.A. (1S92). Restructuring Schools. Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.

Reynolds, Maynard C. (1990). "Educating Teachers for Special Education Students." Handbook of Research on Teacher Education. New York: Macmillan.

Rich, John Martin. (1985). Innovations in Education, Boston MA: Allyn and Bacon, inc.