To be an enduring asset for the benefit of the local community

Registered Office AddressTel: 01604586384

109 St James Road Northampton NN5 5LD Web:

Registered Charity No. 1118283Email:

Ltd Company No. 5830381

Doddridge Centre booking form

(for Charity & Community Groups)

Please be aware that no naked flames, burners or tea-lights etc. should to be used within the Doddridge centre. In addition if you are booking the Lewis Hall for a function, all clearing up after use of the hall must be carried out by the hirer and not left for our caretaker. Please ensure that all rubbish is removed from the site by yourself and not left outside the building.

I confirm that I have been fully informed of the above requirements when booking the Lewis Hall (Contravening this may mean your booking is cancelled)

Print Name ______Signature______Date ______

  1. Please be aware that alcohol is NOTpermitted in the Doddridge Centre under any circumstances regardless of the event being booked

I confirm that I fully understand and intend to abide by the no alcohol policy at the Doddridge Centre (and failing to do so may mean my booking is cancelled)

Print Name ______Signature______Date ______

  1. We have a car parking system installed at the Doddridge Centre, if you or your delegates park in our car park you MUST enter your car registration details into the key pad at reception within 10 minutes of driving into the car park. It is your responsibility to pass this information onto your delegates. ( or they will receive a fine)

I confirm that I have been fully informed of the parking requirements at the Doddridge centre

Print Name ______Signature______Date ______

  1. Will sound recordings be used at this event? Y / N

(Ifyes you will require a temporary event licenceplease telephone Northampton Borough Council direct on 01604 838986). Please note you will have to show The Doddridge Centre as we will require evidence of this.

I confirm that I have been fully informed of the license requirements at the Doddridge centre (Contravening this may mean your booking is cancelled)

Print Name ______Signature______Date ______

Name of the Hirer / Organisation______

Address______Email address______

______Phone No.______

Purpose of Hire______No. of sessions______

Day(s) ______Date(s) ______Times______

Room required ______No. of People attending______

Setup (See examples overleaf)______

Catering required Y / N complete details overleafNo. of people to be catered for______

Please indicate all your requirements on the next 2 pages and ensure that you sign the declaration and complete your invoicing details on the back page. Thank you

Facilities are available per session.
Charity & Community Groups

Venue / Image / Monday to Friday
9.00am – 1.00pm
1.00pm – 5.00pm
6.00pm – 9.30pm / Weekends
Lewis Hall
Maximum capacity seated 125 & standing 300. Room size 16.32 x 9.05 metres / / £50.00
Per session or £15 per hour / £65.00
Per session or £18 per hour
Tomalin Room
Maximum capacity seated 75 & standing 245. Room size 8 x 10.5 metres / / £49.00
Per session / £63.00
Per session
Jeffery Room
Maximum capacity seated 35 & standing 115. Room size 4.95 x 9.32 metres / / £38.00
Per session / £53.00
Per session
Interview Room
Maximum capacity seated 8 / / £18.00
Per Session / £20.00
Per hour
Cost per hour / / £10.00
Per hour / £20.00
Per hour
  • Non-refundable deposit required with booking
  • Cancellation is 7 days’ notice or you will be charged the full price
  • Full payment to be made at least 7 days prior to booking date

Catering Provision– please enter below the servings you require

Item / Cost / No. of people expected / No. of Sessions
Tea, Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, fruit teas and biscuits / £2.00per person per session
Urn & Crockery
You provide your own supplies / £10.00 per Session
Buffet / £7.50per head
Full Buffet / £10.00 per head
Fresh fruit juice / £1.00 per head
Equipment Requirements: (please tick)
Laptop / £10.00 per session
Projector / £10.00 per session
Flip Charts / Induction Loop / OHP / Projection Screen


I have read and agree to observe the Conditions of Hire and Building Security Policy.

I confirm that I am over 18 years.

Signature of Applicant:(in signing this you are confirming you have received terms and conditions relating to your booking)

If you require an invoice please complete the below.

Invoice Address
(if different from your contact details on page 1)

Your purchase order number or reference (if applicable)