Handbook for the Completion of the Annual Institutional Quality Assurance Report (AIQR) for Higher Education Institutions
General tips for using the AIQR website (and FAQs)
The information uploaded to the site can only be viewed by the submitting institution. QQI also receives a copy of each submission.
Part 1 and Parts 2-6 of the template are separate submissions.
The institution name and contact details should be entered for each.
When you save data, you will receive a link via email, which should be used to return toyour submission if you wish to make changes.
There are a number ofFAQs appearing on the site. These will be updated as queries are brought to our attention. Please let us know of any questions you would like answered in this section.
Accessing the AIQR site
The AIQR site can be accessed from the following link:
Each institution will be provided with the link to its Part One submission from the previous reporting period.
Part 1:Overview of internal governance, policies and procedures
This section comprises the baseline information about the quality assurance policies, procedures, governance and management within the institution. It can be updated each year where necessary. It is a significant amount of information and care should be taken to ensure that the information provided is accurate and represents a fixed picture of quality assurance at the institution that will not fluctuate from year to year.The primary purpose of Part Oneis to provide a status overview of QA within the institution.
This information will subsequently be provided to Review Teams. It is intended that this will assist with documentation management for institutions in reviews and lessen the burden on institutions to provide the Review Team with a significant amount of documentation in advance of their visit. Part One is significantly aligned to ESG 2015, QQI policy and QQI Quality Assurance Guidelines. If appropriate, it may be possible for a Review Team to satisfy itself that an institution is compliant with ESG 2015 on the basis of evidence provided in the AIQR.
The information for Part One is collected in two ways:AWord Templateto be uploaded to the AIQR site and completed with the following information:
- A brief synopsis of the overarching institution quality policy which sets out the links between QA policy and procedures and the strategy and strategic management of the institution
- A brief description of institution-level quality assurance decision-making fora
- Descriptions of, and links to, QA Policy and Procedures in various areas
- Schedule of Internal Reviews for the next internal review cycle
- Details of engagement with third parties, including:
- Arrangements with PRSBs, Awarding Bodies, QA Bodies
- Collaborative Provision
- Articulation Agreements
Part 1: Completing the Word Template
To retrieve the Word Template for your institution please login to the AIQR site using the unique organisation link received during the last reporting period. If you are unable to retrieve your organisation link, please contact QQI.
Overarching institution-level approach and policy for QA (ESG 1.1)
1. Overarching Institution Quality Policy
This is a brief synopsis of the overarching institution quality policy which sets out the links between QA policy and procedures and the strategy and strategic management of the institution.
This should be a summary (i.e. a paragraph) of the policy and the ways in which quality assurance and strategy are currently aligned within the institution. If difficult to summarise, a link or links may be provided to published policy documents. It should also encompass the quality assurance of aspects of the institution’s activities that are sub-contracted or carried out by third parties.
2. Quality assurance decision-making fora
A brief description of institution-level quality assurance decision-making fora should be included here, providing a clear map of the points at which decisions are made about quality assurance within the institution. This may be from school/department level through to faculty and cross institutional governance such as Academic Council/Board, quality committee and governing authority. It should also encompass decision-making fora for service departments.
Confirmation of QA Policy and Procedures
1. Programme Design and Approval (ESG 1.2)
Links and/or text relating to the institution-wide quality assurance policy and procedures for the design and approval of new programmes.This section should also include information on how intended learning outcomes are developed and how programme levels are aligned to the NFQ (and EQF).
2. Programme Delivery and Assessment (ESG 1.3)
Links and/or text relating to the institution-wide quality assurance policies and procedures for the ongoing delivery and assessment of programmes.
This should also outline how the institution approaches the role of students in programmes and assessment.
3. Research Quality (ESG 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.9)
Links and/or text relating to any specific quality assurance procedures for the design, approval, delivery, assessment and monitoring of research programmes, if they exist.
Furthermore, if specific procedures exist for the overarching quality assurance of research activities across the institution (for example a ‘REF’-style evaluation), details of these should also be provided here.
4. Student Lifecycle (ESG 1.4)
Links and/or text relating to the institution-wide quality assurance procedures that are encompassed by the student lifecycle.
These include the elements set out in ESG Part 1.4 and QQI Policy on Access, Transfer and Progression (restated 2015). Amongst these are procedures for:
- student admission (access, admission, induction)
- transfer
- progression (e.g. information gathering and analysis)
- recognition (qualifications, periods of study, prior learning)
- certification (qualification information, documentation)
5. Teaching Staff (ESG 1.5)
Links and/or text relating tothe institution-wide quality assurance procedures for assuring the competence of teaching staff, including staff recruitment and staff development.
6. Teaching and Learning (ESG 1.4, 1.5, 1.6)
Links and/or text relating to the institution-wide quality assurance procedures for assuring the quality of teaching and learning. This may also include procedures for monitoring and promoting teaching and learning and accommodating different learning contexts.
7. Resources and Support (ESG 1.5)
Links and/or text relating to the institution-wide quality assurance procedures for assuring funding and resources for learning, teaching and research. Also, links and or text relating to the quality assurance procedures for learning resources and student support.
8. Information Management (ESG 1.7)
Links and/or text relating to the institution-wide quality assurance procedures for collecting, analysing and using relevant information about programmes and other activities.
9. Self-evaluation and Monitoring (ESG 1.9)
Links and/or text relating to the institution-wide quality assurance procedures for self-evaluation and internal monitoring.This should include procedures for the internal monitoring and review of programmes, for continuous improvement of programmes and for communicating actions. Links should also be provided to how the institution uses statistical data and information about incidents or risk factors which may impact on learners, to self-evaluate and to report on QA to QQI.
10. Stakeholder Engagement (ESG 1.1)
Links and/or text relating to the institution-wide quality assurance procedures for the involvement of external stakeholders in quality assurance.
11. Engagement with Other Bodies (ESG 1.1)
Links and/or text relating to the institution-wide quality assurance procedures for engagement with professional, statutory and regulatory bodies and other quality assurance and awarding bodies (details of specific engagements should be provided in the online section of the form).
12. Provision and Use of Public Information (ESG 1.8)
Links and/or text relating to the institution-wide quality assurance procedures for the provision of clear, accurate, up-to date and accessible public information.This should include information about quality assurance, programmes and related qualifications, assessment and information to students. This should also include the approach of the institution to the use of public information, particularly for monitoring purposes.
13. Link Providers (for Designated Awarding Bodies) (ESG 1.1)
Links and/or text relating to the institution-wide quality assurance procedures for assuring engagement with linked providers including the procedures for approval, monitoring, review, withdrawal of approval and appeal for linked providers.
14. DA Procedures for use of QQI Award Standards (IoTs only)
Links and/or text relating to the specific procedures for the approval of programmes in keeping with Core Policy and Criteria for the Validation of Education and Training Programmes by QQI, the Sectoral Protocols for the Awarding of Research Master Degrees at NFQ Level 9 under Delegated Authority (DA) from QQI and the Sectoral Protocols for the Delegation of Authority by QQI to the Institutes of Technology to make Joint Awards, May 2014.
15. Collaborative Provision (ESG 1.1)
Links and/or text relating to the institution-wide quality assurance procedures for engagement with third parties for the provision of programmes.
16. Additional Notes
Any additional notes can be entered here.
17. Internal Review Schedule
This is the internal reviews schedule or cycle at the level of unit of review within the institution. The units of review can include the following:
- module;
- programme;
- department/school;
- service delivery unit;
- faculty.
The cycle will usually run over a 5-7 year period and all units should be encompassed over the full period of the cycle. A separate table is included for each academic year. For each academic year include the name of the area or unit of review (or the field/domain of the programme), the number of planned reviews and a link to post-review reports or publications (implementation plans, improvement reports, follow-up reports).
Link(s) to Publications
Uploading the Word Template for Part One
To upload the word template, please login again to the AIQR site, using your institution’s unique link.
Part 1: Online Data Entry
Please login to the AIQR site using the unique link for your institution and enter the data on the online form using the ‘Next’ button to bring you to through the online form.
At any stage, if you wish to save your data and continue at a later stage please click on the button ‘Save to Database and Continue Later’. You will receive a confirmation email that your data has been received. You will also receive a link to edit and/or complete the form.
Arrangements with PRSBs, Awarding Bodies, QA Bodies
This section concerns information about links that the institution has for the provision of programmes with professional, regulatory and statutory bodies (PRSBs) along with any other quality assurance and awarding bodies. This information is being requested because of the institution-wide scope of Section 28 of the 2012 Act.
An overview, in the form of the total number of bodies involved under each category is requested.
To view the entry boxes for each set of records, tick the box beside ‘first set of records’. This step can be repeated to enter details for each of the top 5 arrangements in the institution.
As these kinds of arrangements can be extensive in larger institutions, more detailed information is sought for only the top 5 arrangements in the institution. These are the top 5 arrangements based on the number of students currently enrolled on programmes that come under the arrangement.
The type of arrangement, the name of the body, a list of the programmes within the institution related to that body, the date of the most recent review or accreditation and the next review or accreditation and links to any published reports should be included.
To bring up the entry boxes for the second set of records, click on the box beside second set of records. This step can be repeated to enter details for each of the top 5 arrangements in the institution.
Collaborative Provision
This section concerns collaborative arrangements for the provision of programmes of learning with partner institutions. This information is being requested because of the institution-wide scope of Section 28 of the 2012 Act.
An overview, in the form of the total number of bodies involved under each category set out in the taxonomy is requested.
As these kinds of arrangements can be extensive in larger institutions, more detailed information is sought for only the top 10 collaborations. The top 10 arrangements according to the number of students currently enrolled on programmes that come under the arrangement. For Designated Awarding Bodies, details of alllinked provider collaborations should be provided even if they exceed 10 in number.
To view the entry boxes for each set of records, tick the box beside ‘first set of records’. This step can be repeated to enter details for each set of records.
The type of arrangement, the name of the collaborator, details of the programmes, links to published reports and the review dates should be included.
The different types of collaboration are captured by the following taxonomy (based on work done by the IHEQN as well as the requirements of the 2012 Act):
Joint research degrees: An arrangement where institutions jointly develop and deliver a research programme leading to a joint award from the participating institutions.
Joint/double/multiple awards: Partner institutions jointly develop and deliver a taught programme leading to a single joint award, a double award or multiple awards from the participating institutions.
Collaborative programmes: An arrangement where institutions collaborate jointly develop and deliver a programme which leads to an award of one institution only.
Franchise programmes: A franchise is an agreement by the institution that another provider may deliver all or part of a programme approved and owned by the institution.
Linked Providers (DAB only): A linked provider is a provider that is not a DAB but enters into an arrangement with a DAB, under which arrangement the provider provides a programme of education and training that satisfies all or part of the prerequisites for an award of the DAB.
Articulation Agreements
This section concerns information about specific articulation agreements between the institution and partner institutions. These are agreements that document a pathway that has arisen where the institution has matched its programmes or requirements to course work completed at another institution. Students then use articulation to assure themselves that courses they complete will not have to be repeated at the institution to which they are transferring.It is customary that the content of the articulated programme has been reviewed by the two institutions who have determined that the courses are comparable.
An overview, in the form of the total number of articulation agreements entered into by the institution is requested.
As these kinds of agreements can be extensive in larger institutions, more detailed information is sought for only the top 3 agreements in the institution. The top 3 agreements according to the number of students currently enrolled on programmes that come under the agreement. The name of the body, the name of the programme, links to programme details, the date of the most recent review of the arrangement and the year of the next review for the agreement should be included.
When you have entered data for Arrangements with PRSBs, Awarding Bodies, QA Bodies; Collaborative Provision; and Articulation Agreements, you will be brought to the end of the form. You may save the information and return later using the orange button.
Once you would like to make a final submission, click on the box to indicate ‘Yes, this is my final submission’ and follow the online instructions to confirm that the information is final,entering the date of the final submission. A copy of the final submission will be sent to the email address previously provided.
Parts 2-6: Institutional-led QA during the reporting period
This section covers institution-led quality assurance for the reporting period. It should be completed annually for the preceding academic year (the reporting period). The information provided in this section supplements the baseline information provided in Part 1 by giving a year-on-year developmental update on the development of policy and progression through the reviews cycle.
Parts 2-6 arecompleted by the institution in respect of the relevant academic year from 1 September to 31 August):
Part 2: Institution-led QA in the reporting period(completed every year)
Part 3: Effectiveness and Impact(completed every year)
Part 4: Quality Enhancement(completed every year)
Part 5: Objectives for the coming year(completed every year)
Part 6: Preparation for Periodic Review(completed in the reporting period immediately prior to a periodic review or immediately after)
The information in Parts 2-6 is submitted using a word template which is available on the AIQR site.
To access the word template for Parts 2-6, login to the AIQR site providing your institution details, name and email address. The link to enable you to re-access the site will be unique to your submission and will be sent to the email address provided. Please contact QQI if you encounter anydifficulties accessing the site via your organisation’s unique link.