Questionnaire(on SurveyMonkey)
“Social dialogue and the future of work”
The world of work isexperiencing a major process of change. It is expected for these transformational changes to continue, and potentially intensify, in the future. There are numerousand diverse forces transforming the nature of work around the globe that range from technological innovation and the impact of climate change to the changing dimensions of production and employment, and demographics. These economic, demographic, technological and environmental transformations will potentially have major implications for workers, employers, government and society at large.
To better understand and in order to respond effectively to these new challenges, the ILO has launched a Future of Work initiative, which aims to examine the transformationsobserved in the world of work and their impact on the future course of action of the ILO and its member states in their pursuit of social justice.In this framework, four “centenary conversation” will take place in the years leading up to the ILO’s centenary anniversary in 2019: (i) work and society; (ii) decent work for all; (iii) the organization of work and production; and (iv) the governance of work.The latter examines the erosion of the established regulatory framework and whether there is a need for new or different governance structures to regulate work effectively. Effective institutional frameworks, as well as social dialogue, are necessary to ensure a right balance between economic and social concerns and to achieve equitable outcomes.At the country-level, the ILO is stimulating national dialogues on the Future of Work, which is taking place in more than 130 of the ILO’s member States. They are organized around the four “centenary conversations” and adapted to each country’s own national circumstances and priorities. Furthermore, they provide a unique opportunity for tripartite constituents to engage in an open policy debate.The outcomes of the “centenary conversations” will feed into a report to the ILO’s centenary International Labour Conference in 2019.
Transformational changes in the world of work can negatively affect employment levels and quality and conditions of work, but they also can provide many potential opportunities for new business models, employment, productivity gains and economic growth.It is therefore crucial to develop effective policy responses and regulatory and legal frameworksthrough social dialogue and good governancethat can shape the future of work.The world of work, with effective participation of workers’ and employers’ organizations, has the capacity to drive job creation, provide decent work, alleviate povertyand achieve social justice. Social dialogue has a crucial role to play in the future as it has the potential to develop a common understanding on labour market challenges and building consensus on common strategies and national policiesthat promote decent work for all.
Against this backdrop, the 4thILO-AICESIS global conference to be held in Athens, Greece, together with the ESC of Greecewill focus on examining the main drivers of change affecting social dialogue actors and institutions and identifying proactive actions that ESC-SIs, social partners and other relevant actors can take to shape the future of work.Strong and forward-looking leaderships and proactive interventions are needed; and, it is in this context that ESC-SIs and its members have an essential role to play. At this time, it is important to voice our priorities and aspirations for the future of work and to collectively move toward social justice and fairness at work.
Instructions:-It is recommended for this questionnaire to be answered by the ESC-SI in consultation with the workers’ and employers’ organizations.
-Should workers’ and employers’ organizations express divergent views on the questions, please capture these views and opinions in a separate document.
-The questionnaire will take approximately 40 minutes to complete, and it will be online until 19 May (deadline: midnight Geneva time).
-After completing each page, please click “next” until you have reached the new page.
-The questionnaire does not need to be completed in one go: Should you wish to log out and recommence at a later state, please note that your answers will be automatically saved by SurveyMonkey.
-Should you wish to respond to the questions in Spanish, please feel free to do so.
-Please send by email any relevant documents that you would like to share with us as complementary information.
-If you haveany questions, please feel free to contact Ms Samira AZARBA () and Ms Yuka OKUMURA () by email with “ILO-AICESIS questionnaire” in the subject line.
Name of the Institution:
Name and function of the contact person:
Contact details:
Are you a member of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS)?
- The current state of social dialogue (general information)
1)In the past fewyears, has your institution experienced any major restructuring (change in mandate, composition, structure, method of functioning, etc.)?
If yes, please explainin the box below:
[Insert text here…]2)Does your institution have a strategic plan to enhance the role and impact of social dialogue in policy/law making in your country?
If yes, through which means? Please check all that apply:
A) Tripartite and tripartite-plus consultations at the national level
B)Information sharing at the national level
C)Collective bargaining at the industry/cross-industry level
D)Workplace cooperation at the enterprise level
Please provide more details in the box below:
[Insert text here…]3)Which of the following thematic areas in the world of work are priorities for your institution?
A) Unemployment and underemployment / Low importance / Medium importance / High importanceB) Social protection (i.e. social security, pension) / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
C) Working conditions (i.e. working time, remuneration, maternity protection) / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
D) Workplace compliance / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
E) Corporate social responsibility / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
F) Equality and non-discrimination (i.e. sex, age, disablement, family responsibilities or social or cultural status) / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
G) Occupational safety and health / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
H) Minimum wages / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
I) Skills development and vocational training / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
J) Productivity and competitiveness / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
K) Changing nature of work / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
L) Social dialogue, collective bargaining, employment relationship / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
M) Other: / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
Please provide more details, including key achievements of your institution in these areas, in the box below:
[Insert text here…]4)Has your institution discussed the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?[1]
If yes, what were the outcomes of the discussions?
A)Define strategies to implement the SDGs
B)Define a methodology to monitor progress and achievements (e.g. develop national statistical information systems, in particularly to obtain gender disaggregated data)
C)Develop a program of activities (e.g. training, awareness raising, etc.)
D) Formulate opinions and recommendations
Please provide more details or concrete examples in the box below:
[Insert text here…]If no, what is the reason?
A)Insufficient information and lack of awareness among members on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and SDGs
B)Not in your ESC-SIs mandate
C)Planned, but not yet discussed
Please provide more details in the box below:
[Insert text here…]5)Over the last few years, how would you assess the participation of workers’ and employers’ organizations in the work of your institution?
Workers’ organisations / Do not participate / Participate occasionally / Participate actively in discussions / Participate very actively and influence outcomes of discussionEmployers’ organisations / Do not participate / Participate occasionally / Participate actively in discussions / Participate very actively and influence outcomes of discussion
Please explain your answers in the box below:
[Insert text here…]What does theparticipation of workers’organizationsentail? Please mark all options that apply:
A) Share information and/or research results
B) Participate in the discussions or negotiations
C) Help draft recommendations and opinions
D) Contribute to reports or notes on topics discussed
E) Monitor and evaluation of outcomes such as agreements or joint action plans
F) Other:
Please provide more details in the box below:
[Insert text here…]What does the participation of employers’ organizations entail? Please mark all options that apply:
A) Share information and/or research results
B) Participate in the discussions or negotiations
C) Help draft recommendations and opinions
D) Contribute to reports or notes on topics discussed
E) Monitor and evaluation of outcomes such as agreements or joint action plans
F) Other:
Please provide more details in the box below:
[Insert text here…]6)Over the last few years, has social dialogue been challenged in your country?
If yes, for which reasons?
A) Results of social dialogue are seen not to go far or quickly enough (e.g., during times of crisis or in the face of rapidly changing conditions) / Not relevant / Relevant / Highly relevantB) Lack of mutual trust and necessary preconditions do not exist / Not relevant / Relevant / Highly relevant
C) Lack of political will and government support for social dialogue / Not relevant / Relevant / Highly relevant
D) Legitimacy and representativity of social partners / Not relevant / Relevant / Highly relevant
E) Other: / Not relevant / Relevant / Highly relevant
Please provide more details in the box below:
[Insert text here…]Please assess the actions taken to address thesechallenges?
A)Trust-building measures by government / Not relevant / Relevant / Highly relevantB)Intensified tripartite, tripartite-plus or bipartite consultations / Not relevant / Relevant / Highly relevant
C)Resorting to assistance by international organizations (e.g. ILO, AICESIS, etc.) / Not relevant / Relevant / Highly relevant
D)Reform of the institution / Not relevant / Relevant / Highly relevant
E) Other: / Not relevant / Relevant / Highly relevant
Please provide more details in the box below:
[Insert text here…]7)What are the internal challenges that are hindering the functioning of your institution?
A)Institution is under resourced (e.g., understaffed, underfunded) / Not relevant / Relevant / Highly relevantB)No clear mandate of the institution / Not relevant / Relevant / Highly relevant
C)Lack of capacity and knowledge of the members and secretariat / Not relevant / Relevant / Highly relevant
D)Insufficient representation of various groups in society (e.g. youth, migrants, disabled, self-employed, nonstandard/precarious workers, unemployed, etc.) / Not relevant / Relevant / Highly relevant
E) Other: / Not relevant / Relevant / Highly relevant
Please provide more details in the box below:
[Insert text here…]- The future of work and the challenges facing ESC-SIs
8)What are the main labour-related challenges facing society?
A)New forms of work emerging (e.g. shared economy, on-demand work) / Low importance / Medium importance / High importanceB)Rising inequalities and discrimination / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
C)Unemployment, including youth unemployment / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
D)Increasing informality / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
E) Respect for fundamental principles and rights at work / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
F) Improving work-life balance, including family responsibilities / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
G) Effectively managing migration / Low importance / Medium importance / High importance
H) Other: / Low importance / Relevant / High importance
Please provide more details in the box below:
[Insert text here…]9)Is your institution mandated and/orinvolved in developing action plans to manage changes in the world of work caused by factors such as, among others, technology, globalization, demography, climate change or work-life balance?
If yes, please indicate the level of involvement by your institution:
A) Advisory role, for example, in drafting legislation and developing policies / None / A little / Actively / Very activelyB) Information-sharing, including sharing good practices / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
C) Negotiating role / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
D) Other: / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
Please provide more details in the box below:
[Insert text here…]Please indicate the outcome of this involvement:
A)Tripartite or tripartite-plus agreement / social pact (national level)
B)Joint statement or strategy (national level)
C)Establishment of working group or taskforce (national level)
D)National dialogue on the future of work
E)National or regional event (e.g. conferences, workshops, seminars, etc.)
Please provide more details in the box below:
[Insert text here…]10)In the context of climate change, jobs will be created (i.e. green jobs), substituted and eliminated. What steps hasyour institution taken to help your members/constituents?
A) Conduct studies and research / None / A little / Actively / Very activelyB) Provide policy advice and guidance / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
C) Engage in awareness raising/advocacy work / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
D) Engage in talks and initiatives at the national, regional and/or global level / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
E) Provide capacity building / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
F) Collaborate with other relevant institutions / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
G) Develop an action plan / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
H) Other: / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
Please provide concrete examples in the box below:
[Insert text here…]11)The implementation of new technologies, such as crowdwork platforms (e.g. Uber, Amazon Mechanical Turk, AirBnB), is having an impact on industrial relations, employment relationship, working conditions, businesses and employment. What steps hasyour institution taken to help your members/constituents?
A) Conduct studies and research / None / A little / Actively / Very activelyB) Provide policy advice and guidance / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
C) Engage in awareness raising/advocacy work / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
D) Engage in talks and initiatives at the national, regional and/or global level / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
E) Provide capacity building / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
F) Collaborate with other relevant institutions / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
G) Develop an action plan / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
H) Other: / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
Please provide concrete examples in the box below:
[Insert text here…]12)Demographic changes, ageing populations, entrance of young generations to the labour markets and increase in female labour market participation, will require responses that provide care services to the elderly, new jobs for youth and accompanying measures for workers with family responsibilities. What steps hasyour institution taken to help your members/constituents?
A) Conduct studies and research / None / A little / Actively / Very activelyB) Provide policy advice and guidance / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
C) Engage in awareness raising/advocacy work / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
D) Engage in talks and initiatives at the national, regional and/or global level / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
E) Provide capacity building / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
F) Collaborate with other relevant institutions / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
G) Develop an action plan / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
H) Other: / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
Please provide concrete examples in the box below:
[Insert text here…]13)Changing values and aspirations in today’s globalized economyhasimplications for the world of work, especially in terms ofwork-life balance (family responsibilities, maternity/paternity leave, etc.), equality, well-being, evolving gender roles, etc. At the same time, needs and expectations of enterprises toward their employees are also transforming greatly(e.g. increased mobility and productivity). What steps has your institution taken to help your members/constituents?
A) Conduct studies and research / None / A little / Actively / Very activelyB) Provide policy advice and guidance / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
C) Engage in awareness raising/advocacy work / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
D) Engage in talks and initiatives at the national, regional and/or global level / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
E) Provide capacity building / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
F) Collaborate with other relevant institutions / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
G) Develop an action plan / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
H) Other: / None / A little / Actively / Very actively
Please provide concrete examples in the box below:
[Insert text here…]- The way forward: The roleof social dialogueinstitutions in an evolving world of work
14)What are the major transformational changes that are shapingsocial dialogue in your country?
A) The emergence of new civil society actors representing various groups (for youth, environment protection, women, etc.) / Very little / Relevant / Rather important / Very importantB) New forms of non-standard employment (e.g. on-demand work) / Very little / Relevant / Rather important / Very important
C) Decentralization of collective bargaining mechanisms / Very little / Relevant / Rather important / Very important
D) Changes in the trade union density and employers’ organization membership base / Very little / Relevant / Rather important / Very important
E) Other: / Very little / Relevant / Rather important / Very important
Please provide more details in the box below:
[Insert text here…]15)What does your institutionsee as possible solutionsfor improved social dialogue in the future?
A)Reaching out to the unorganized, precarious and vulnerable groups / Not relevant / Somewhat relevant / Relevant / Very relevantB) Increasing membership of workers and employers organisations (improving the representativity of social partners) / Not relevant / Somewhat relevant / Relevant / Very relevant
C) Increasing technical capacity, knowledge and expertise of social dialogue actors (i.e. labour administration and social partners) / Not relevant / Somewhat relevant / Relevant / Very relevant
D)Finding new ways of collaborating and establishing new strategic partnerships / Not relevant / Somewhat relevant / Relevant / Very relevant
E) Other: / Not relevant / Somewhat relevant / Relevant / Very relevant
Please provide more details in the box below: