2015 / SUBJECT: Food Technology / KEYSTAGE 3
Term: SPRING (2nd Half) / National Curriculum Level / 3-5
AQA Making a Pizza
Bread making / AQA – ‘Making a Pizza’
The student will learn how to handle, prepare and store food safely and hygienically.
S/he will prepare a pizza suitable for a midday meal. / In successfully completing this unit the student will have demonstrated the ability to
·  follow specified hygiene procedures;
·  collect the required ingredients for a specified pizza recipe;
·  collect the required utensils for the recipe;
·  make a pizza base following the recipe;
·  make a pizza topping and use it to cover the base;
·  cook the pizza in a pre-set oven following recipe instructions;
·  Present the pizza appropriately. / Students will have shown that know how to handle, prepare and store food safely and hygienically.
They will have prepared a pizza suitable for a midday meal.
Theory Session
Bread / Bread Making:
Start to look at types of bread and how bread is made. / Activities:
·  Show students various types of flour – Why so we have different types? How are they different?
·  Show students different types of yeast - Why so we have different types? How are they different?
·  Complete ‘Making Bread – Facts’ Sheet
·  Complete AQA Worksheet - Breadmaking / ·  why yeast is used in bread making and how the yeast is activated;
·  the terminology used in bread making, eg prove, knead;
·  the various types of yeast available;
·  how to use the different yeast products;
Planning and Cooking Lunch Dishes / AQA - Planning and Cooking Lunch Dishes
Plan at least two lunch dishes from a given list of ingredients
Cook each of the planned lunch dishes
Show knowledge of as least two other lunch dishes that could be made from the given list of ingredients. / ·  Show students the video clip from the TV Programme ‘READY STEADY COOK’ and explain the concept of the activity.
·  Show students the list of food items that they can use along with the ‘Larder’
·  Ask students to think about the dishes they can make from the given ingredients
·  Complete the planning sheet with ‘Ingredients I want to use’ and ‘My Planned Recipe Ideas’
·  Students will cook a simple dish chosen for them using the ingredients to demonstrate what is expected of them (Cottage Pie) / All students will have looked at the concept of the READY STEADY COOK Programme.
All students will have cooked a simple Cottage Pie
The majority of students will have planned their dishes to cook next session.
Theory Session
Planning and Cooking Lunch Dishes / AQA - Planning and Cooking Lunch Dishes
Plan at least two lunch dishes from a given list of ingredients
Cook each of the planned lunch dishes
Show knowledge of as least two other lunch dishes that could be made from the given list of ingredients. / ·  Show students the video clip from the TV Programme ‘READY STEADY COOK’ and explain the concept of the activity.
·  Show students the list of food items that they can use along with the ‘Larder’
·  Ask students to think about the dishes they can make from the given ingredients
·  Complete the planning sheet with ‘Ingredients I want to use’ and ‘My Planned Recipe Ideas’ / All students will have looked at the concept of the READY STEADY COOK Programme.
Most students will have planned 2 dishes to cook from the given ingredients.
Most students will have completed the paperwork for ‘Planning and Cooking Lunch Dishes’
Planning and Cooking Lunch Dishes / Planning and Cooking Lunch Dishes:
Plan at least two lunch dishes from a given list of ingredients
Cook each of the planned lunch dishes
Show knowledge of as least two other lunch dishes that could be made from the given list of ingredients. / ·  Students to look at their planning from last weeks session
·  Students to collect the ingredients that they will need
·  Students to collect the equipment that they will need
·  Students will prepare and cook their dishes as planned
·  Students to complete paperwork and photograph dishes / All students will have planned and cooked their lunch dishes using a list of given ingredients
The majority of students will have completed the paperwork required for the AQA award Planning and Cooking Lunch Dishes
Theory Session
The Function of Ingredients / Function of Ingredients:
It's easy enough (sometimes!) to pick up a cookery book, buy some ingredients and cook a couple of different dishes, but have you ever stopped to think exactly what you're putting into those pots and pans?
Why use flour to make bread? Why use eggs to make a meringue? / ·  This week we will be looking at ingredients and why we use them – what is their function in the food that we cook?
·  Discussion about the ingredients used in Bread and Cakes.
·  Give students an envelope containing a number of pictures of functions and the description of the ingredient.
·  Ask students to sort them into the correct pairs
·  When students are happy with their choices – Ask them to stick them to the answer sheet / All students will have taken part in a discussion about ingredients that we use in our cooking and their function in the final product i.e. Loaf of Bread, Whisked Sponge Cake
Most students will have correctly paired the pictures and descriptions of the functions
Most students will have completed the task by sticking their answers to the sheet provided.
AQA – Introduction to Healthy Eating
Healthier Chicken Nuggets / AQA – Introduction to Healthy Eating(1)
In this classroom-based unit the student will develop an understanding of the
importance of having a healthy diet and will consider his/her own diet in relation to nutritional recommendations. They will prepare a healthy dish that fits within a limited budget. The student will learn
through tutor input, group discussion and individual work. / ·  Participate in a group discussion about why a healthy diet is important;
·  Follow instructions to prepare a quick, healthy dish, using given ingredients that can be acquired with a small budget;
·  Participate in a group discussion about how to shop for healthy foods within a limited budget, eg buy one get one free; / Students will have developed a better understanding of the importance of having a healthy diet and will have considered their own diet in relation to nutritional recommendations. They will have prepared a healthy dish that fits within a limited budget.
Theory Session
AQA – Introduction to Healthy Eating / AQA – Introduction to Healthy Eating(1)
In this classroom-based unit the student will develop an understanding of the
importance of having a healthy diet and will consider his/her own diet in relation to nutritional recommendations. / ·  The functions of at least two nutrients, eg protein for growth, carbohydrate for energy;
·  Four main dietary goals, eg eat less fat, less sugar, less salt, more fibre, and why these are important;
·  The importance of eating at least five pieces of fruit and vegetables each day;
·  Recognise at least two ways in which own diet may be modified; / Students will have developed a better understanding of the importance of having a healthy diet and will have considered their own diet in relation to nutritional recommendations.
Healthier Homemade Beef Burgers and Wedges / AQA – Introduction to Healthy Eating
In this classroom-based unit the student will develop an understanding of the
importance of having a healthy diet and will consider his/her own diet in relation to nutritional recommendations. / ·  Continue from last week looking at Healthy Eating – We will follow instructions to prepare a quick, healthy dish, using given ingredients that can be acquired with a small budget; Healthier Beef Burgers and Wedges
·  The fact that healthy foods can be cheap and purchased with a limited budget;
·  The fact that some healthy dishes can be quick and simple to prepare;
·  The importance of hygiene when preparing food. / Students will have completed the AQA – ‘Introduction to Healthy Eating’ developed a better understanding of the importance of having a healthy diet and will have considered their own diet in relation to nutritional recommendations. They will have prepared a second healthy dish that fits within a limited budget.
Theory Session
AQA Award
Basic Cooking Skills
/ AQA Award – Basic Cooking Skills
The majority of students will have completed sufficient dishes this term to allow them to complete this AQA Award / Students will need to look through their work and identify the necessary evidence needed for 5 x different dishes
Look through Food Technology folders and complete any outstanding work to Units / Students will have provided the evidence to show that they have cooked at least five dishes from a given selection. They will have learnt about ingredient preparation, combination and cookery methods by means of practical activity and instruction.