University Curriculum Committee

Program Revision Proposal Form

(Latest update: 9/06/2005)

Part I. Program Information

Program Title / MECHANICAL ENGINEERING / Program code / 23
2-Year Associate / 3-Year Assoc. / X / Bachelor / Master (No Thesis) / Master (Thesis) / PhD
Academic year of first implementation / 2005/
2006 / Anticipated number of semesters needed for full transition / 1 / Number of students which will be affected by this revision / ____

Part II. Overall statement of justification for revision

Explain, in detail, why the Department / School wants to make these changes. The explanation can include, among other things, changes in the department’s focus, changes in the field, changes in quality standards, changes in expectations regarding the qualifications of graduates, or weaknesses in the old program that the new program is designed to rectify. Some historical background and a comparative analysis with the programs of some universities will be most appropriate.
The program has been slightly amended in accordance with the university’s general education policy.

Part III. Summary of Program Revision

Check the appropriate box and fill in the number of changes in the field supplied under the column heading “Total”. Please use “Course Revision / Termination Form” or “New Course Proposal Form” if the properties of only a single course is changed (changes 4-10 below)
1. / Program title change
2. / Diploma degree change
3. / Teaching language change.
4. / X / Course code modification / Total number of courses with course code modification: / 0*
5. / Course title revision / Total number of courses with course title revision:
6. / Course description revision / Total number of courses with course description revision:
7. / X / Catalog course credit description modification / Total number of courses with credit description modification: / 4
8. / X / Prerequisite – corequisite change / Total number of courses with prerequisite / corequisite change: / 2
9. / X / Addition / replacement / deletion of courses / Total number of new courses… / 12 / and deleted courses / 4
10. / Shift in the semesters of courses / Total number of courses having shift in their semesters
11. / Splitting into or modification of streams
12. / Other. Please describe:

(*): Only a systematic course code change from ME prefix to MENG prefix has been done, in accordance with the recommendation of UCC approved by the Senate.

Part IV. Comparative list of old and new curriculum

Comparative Condensed Curriculum
Complete the table by listing the full sequence of courses, by semester, in the old curriculum and new curriculum. Leave the “course code” and “total credit” columns blank for the elective courses, and write “Area elective” or “University elective” in the “course title” column of such courses. Differentiate between a prerequisite and a co-requisite, write “P” or “C” in parenthesis next to the course code. Use abbreviation for course titles to fit in the column width, if necessary. Insert additional rows or delete empty rows if necessary.
Old Curriculum / New Curriculum
Sem / Course Code / Course Title / Tot Crd / Prereq.
Co-req. / Course Code / COURSE TITLE / Tot Crd / Prereq.
1 / ME104 / Engineering Graphics / 3 / MENG104 / Engineering Graphics / 3
1 / CMPE106 / Fundamentals of Computing / 4 / CMPE106 / Fundamentals of Computing / 3
1 / EFL101
EFL121 / English I / 3 / ENGL191 / Communication in English - I / 3
1 / MATH150 MATH151 / Calculus I / 4 / MATH150
MATH151 / Calculus - I / 4
1 / PHYS101 / Physics I / 4 / PHYS101 / Physics - I / 4
1 / TURK100 / Introduction to Turkish / 0 / GEED101 / Sociocultural, Professional, Industrial Knowledge and Experience (Spike)- I / 0
GEED111 / General Survey of Knowledge -I / 3
2 / MATH106 / Liner Algebra / 3 / CHEM101 / General Chemistry / 4
2 / CHEM101 / General Chemistry / 4 / ENGL192 / Communication in English -II / 3
2 / EFL102
EFL122 / Academic English II
(Basic/Mainstream/Advanced) / 3 / EFL101 (P)
EFL111 (P)
EFL121 (P) / MATH152 / Calculus - II / 4 / MATH151 (P)
2 / MATH152 / Calculus II / 4 / MATH151 (P) / PHYS102 / Physics - II / 4
2 / PHYS102 / Physics II / 4 / MENG190 / Introduction to Mechanical Eng. / 0
2 / ME190 / Introduction to Mechanical Eng. / 1 / GEED112 / General Survey of Knowledge - II / 3
2 / HIST200 / History of Turkish Reforms / 0 / GEED102 / Sociocultural, Professional, Industrial Knowledge and Experience (Spike)- II / 0
3 / ME284 / Engineering Materials / 4 / CHEM101(P) / CMPE108 / Algorithms & Programming[1] / 3 / CMPE106(P)
3 / ME245 / Thermodynamics I / 3 / MENG245 / Thermodynamics- I / 3
3 / ME211 / Statics / 4 / MATH151(P)
PHYS101(P) / CIVL211 / Statics / 4 / MATH151(P)
3 / MATH207 / Differential Equations / 3 / MATH152 (P) / MATH201 / Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra / 4 / MATH152
3 / ME200F / Workshop Practice I / 4 / MENG200 / Workshop Practice -I / 0
3 / 0 / GEED201 / Sociocultural, Professional, Industrial Knowledge and Experience (Spike)- III / 0
4 / ENGL201 / Communication Skills / 3 / ENGL192 (P) / ENGL201 / Communication Skills / 3 / ENGL192 (P)
4 / ME246 / Thermodynamics II / 3 / ME245 (P) / MENG246 / Thermodynamics- II / 3 / MENG245 (P)
4 / ME222 / Strength of Materials / 4 / ME211 (P) / MENG222 / Strength of Materials / 4 / CIVL211 (P)
4 / ME233 / Rigid Body Dynamics / 4 / ME211 (P) / MENG233 / Rigid Body Dynamics / 4 / CIVL211 (P)
4 / EE225 / Fundamentals of EEE / 3 / PHYS102 (P) / EENG225 / Fundamentals of EEE [2] / 3 / PHYS102 (P)
4 / ME200S / Workshop Practice II / 0 / ME200F (P) / MENG300 / Workshop Practice -II / 0
4 / GEED202 / Spike -IV / 0
5 / ME353 / Fluid Mechanics / 4 / MATH207 (P) / MENG353 / Fluid Mechanics / 4 / MATH201 (P)
5 / ME364 / Manufacturing Technology / 4 / ME284 (P) / MENG364 / Manufacturing Technology / 4 / MENG284 (P)
5 / ME331 / Dynamics of Machinery / 4 / ME233 (P)
MATH207 (P) / MENG331 / Dynamics of Machinery / 4 / MENG233 (P)
MATH201 (P)
5 / ME375 / Machine Elements I / 3 / ME222 (P) / MENG375 / Machine Elements - I / 3 / MENG222 (P)
5 / MATH373 / Numerical Analysis for Engineers / 3 / MATH207 (P) / MATH373 / Numerical Analysis for Engineers / 3 / MATH201 (P)
5 / TURK100 / Communication in Turkish / 3
5 / GEED301 / Spike -V / 0
6 / ME332 / Control Systems / 4 / ME331 (P) / MENG332 / Control Systems / 4 / MENG331 (P)
6 / ME345 / Heat Transfer / 4 / ME245 (P)
MATH207 (P) / MENG345 / Heat Transfer / 4 / MENG245 (P)
MATH201 (P)
6 / ME376 / Machine Elements II / 3 / ME375 (P) / MENG376 / Machine Elements - II / 3 / MENG375 (P)
6 / ME303 / Principles of CAE / 4 / ME104 (P)
ME364 (P) / MENG303 / Principles of CAE / 3 / MENG104 (P)
6 / MATH322 / Probability & Statistical Methods / 3 / MATH322 / Probability & Statistical Methods / 3
6 / GEED302 / Spike- VI / 0
6 / HIST200 / HIST299 / History of Turkish Reforms / 2
7 / ME491 / Intro. To Capstone Design / 1 / ME400 (C) / MENG491 / Intro. To Capstone Design / 0 / MENG400 (C)
7 / TExxx / Technical Elective I / 4 / Area Elective - I / 4
7 / TExxx / Technical Elective II / 4 / Area Elective - II / 4
7 / NEL145 / HSS Elective II / 3 / University elec.in Arts & Humanities I / 3
7 / IE355 / Ethics in Engineering / 3 / University elective- social & Behavioral sciences / 3
7 / IE420 / Engineering Economy / 3 / IENG420 / Engineering Economy[3] / 3
7 / ME400 / Industrial Training / 0 / ME200 (P) / MENG400 / Industrial Training / 0 / MENG300
8 / ME492 / Capstone Team Project / 4 / ME400 (P) / MENG492 / Capstone Team Project / 4 / MENG400 (P)
8 / TExxx / Technical Elective III / 4 / Area Elective - III / 4
8 / TExxx / Technical Elective IV / 4 / Area Elective - IV / 4
8 / IE450 / Industrial Management / 3 / IENG450 / Industrial Management[4] / 3
8 / NEL402 / HSS Elective III / 3 / University elec.in Arts & Humanities II / 3
Comparative Statistics
Supply the following figures: Total numbers and percentages of the courses and their credits in different categories. Also show the distribution of courses and their credits among semesters in the curriculum
Total / Percentage of total
Number / Credits / Number / Credits
Courses: / Old / New / Old / New / Old / New / Old / New
All Courses / 42+5 / 41+11 / 144 / 143+5 / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100%
University core courses / 10+4 / 14+8 / 34 / 50 / 24% / 34% / 24% / 35%
Faculty core courses / 7 / 5+1 / 25 / 19 / 17% / 12% / 18% / 13%
Area core courses / 17+3 / 14+8 / 60 / 63 / 40% / 34% / 41% / 44%
Area electives / 4 / 5 / 16 / 19 / 10% / 12% / 11% / 13%
University electives / 3 / 4 / 9 / 12 / 7% / 10% / 6% / 8%
Courses offered by the hosting department / 22+3 / 19+5 / 76 / 70 / 52% / 46% / 53% / 49%
Courses offered by other departments / 20+2 / 22+8 / 70 / 73+5 / 48% / 54% / 47% / 51%
Semesters / Average
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Old / New / Old / New / Old / New / Old / New / Old / New / Old / New / Old / New / Old / New / Old / New
Number of courses per semester / 5 / 6 / 6 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 6 / 5 / 6 / 6 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5.5 / 5.12
Number of credits per semester / 18 / 20 / 19 / 18 / 18 / 18 / 17 / 17 / 18 / 18+3 / 18 / 17+2 / 18 / 17 / 18 / 18 / 18 / 17.9

Part V. Details of Revision

4. Course Code Change
Fill in this part if only code of a course is modified. Do not include new or deleted courses. Add extra rows for additional courses or remove blank rows.
Old Code / New Code / Rationale
1. / ME200F
ME200S / MENG200
MENG300 / All course codes with prefix ME are replaced with prefix MENG in compliance with the UCC guidelines approved by the Senate.
7. Change in the Course Credit Descriptions
Fill in this part if the description of a course credit (Lecture / Lab / Tutorial / Total) is modified. Do not include new or deleted courses. Add extra rows for additional courses or remove blank rows.
Course Code / Old / New / Rationale
Lec / Lab / Tut / Tot / Lec / Lab / Tut / Tot
1. / MENG303 / 3 / 2 / 4 / 2 / 3 / 3 / Redesign of the course to reduce the total credits less than 145.
2. / CMPE106 / 3 / 1 / 1 / 4 / 3 / 1 / 0 / 3 / Redesign of the course to reduce the total credits less than 145.
3. / MENG190 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 0 / Redesign of the course to reduce the total credits less than 145.
4. / MENG491 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 0 / Redesign of the course to reduce the total credits less than 145.
By these changes, the total number of credits on the curriculum … / Didn’t change. Increased by: / decreased by: / 2
Further remarks
8. Change in the Prerequisites – Co-requisites
Fill in this part if the prerequisites / co-requisites of a course are modified. Do not include new or deleted courses. Add extra rows for additional courses or remove blank rows. (Replace “P” with “C” in the second column if a course is a co-requisite of the course specified in the first column.
Course Code / Pre / Co / Old / New / Rationale
1. / MENG200F / P / MENG200S / ------/ MENG 200S is a work shop practice course with no credit
2. / MENG303 / P / MENG104
MENG364 / MENG104 / MENG 104 is forming a sufficient background.
9. Addition / Replacement / Deletion of Courses in the curriculum
Fill in this part if a new course is added to the curriculum as either an additional course, as a replacement for an existing course, or if the course will be totally removed from the curriculum. Add extra rows for additional courses or remove blank rows. The new course contents shall be attached in the later sections of this form.
(For additional new courses: leave “old course” column blank. For totally deleted courses: leave “new course” column blank. For courses replaced by a new course: fill in both “new course” and “old course” columns.)
Semestr / New Course / New Course Title / Old Course / Rationale
1. / 1 / GEED101 / Spike- I / UCC Decision approved by the Senate.
2. / 2 / GEED102 / Spike- II / UCC Decision approved by the Senate.
3. / 3 / GEED201 / Spike- III / UCC Decision approved by the Senate.
4. / 4 / GEED202 / Spike -V / UCC Decision approved by the Senate.
5. / 5 / GEED301 / Spike -IV / UCC Decision approved by the Senate.
6. / 6 / GEED302 / Spike -VI / UCC Decision approved by the Senate.
7. / 3 / GEED111 / Critical Thinking - I / UCC Decision approved by the Senate.
8. / 4 / GEED112 / Critical Thinking - II / UCC Decision approved by the Senate.
9. / 3 / TURK100/TURK199 / Communication in Turkish / UCC Decision approved by the Senate.
10. / 3 / MATH201 / Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra / Replaces two deleted courses: MATH106 and MATH207. This course is already being offered by Arts and Science Faculty so new course proposal form for this course is not prepared.
11 / 2 / MATH106 / See item MATH201 above. Course termination form is not filled since the course is still being offered by Arts and Science Faculty.
12 / 3 / MATH204 / See item MATH201 above. Course termination form is not filled since the course is still being offered by Arts and Science Faculty.
13 / 2 / CMPE108 / Algorithm& programming / Faculty Decision. This course is offered by the department of computer engineering as CMPE102
14 / 3 / CENG112 / STATICS / This course will replace ME211
15 / 3 / ME211 / See above
16 / 3 / NELXXX / Departmental decision. For reduction in no. of contact hours
Total number of new courses including replacements… / 3 / and deleted courses including replacements / 4
Total number of courses… / X / didn’t change (check). decreased by: / increased by:
Number… / and list of courses being already offered in EMU
Are there similar courses with overlapping content already being offered in EMU? / X / NO / YES. If yes, then justify below:

Part VI. Resource and Cost Analysis