Strictly Confidential: (For Internal and Restricted Use Only)
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SOCIAL SCIENCE /âæ×æçÁ·¤ çß™ææÙ
Class – IX /·¤ÿææ - IX
General Instructions :
1.The Marking Scheme provides general guidelines to reduce subjectivity and maintain uniformity. The answers given in the marking scheme are the best suggested answers.
2.Marking be done as per the instructions provided in the marking scheme. (It should not be done according to one’s own interpretation or any other consideration).
3.Alternative methodsbe accepted. Proportional marks be awarded.
4.If a question is attempted twice and the candidate has not crossed any answer, only first attempt be evaluated and ‘EXTRA’ written with second attempt.
5.In case where no answers are given or answers are found wrong in this Marking Scheme, correct answers may be found and used for valuation purpose.
1 / Guillotine was a device invented by Dr. Guillotine and thus named after him. It had two poles and a blade with which a person was beheaded. / 1
2 / Trellis / 1
3 / Peninsular plateau. / 1
4 / Farakka / 1
5 / (i)Both struggled against the colonial rule of the Britishers.
(ii)The struggle in both the countries was led by stalwarts like Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi.
(iii)The struggle was mainly non-violent in nature.
(Any one point) / 1
6 / Every citizen has equal role in decision making, and not just equal right to vote. / 1
7 / Revelation of corruption and mismanagement in the government / 1
8 / Uttar Pradesh / 1
9 / (i)King Louis XVI, belonged to The Bourbon family
(ii)He married the Austrian Princess Marie Antoinette.
(iii)France helped 13 American colonies to gain their independence from their common enemy Britain. / 3
10(a) / (i)Govt. was not keeping with the ideals of the Russian revolution.
(ii)Led to agro – Industrial development.
(iii)Denied the essential freedoms to its citizens
(iv)Carried development projects through repressive policies. / 3
10(b) / Effects of the first World War on Germany :
(i)The German Republic carried the burden of war guilt and was forced to pay compensation to the Allied powers. The first world war crippled the Germany economy.
(ii)There was a tremendous loss of human lives and property.
(iii)It paved the way for the rise of Hitler / 3
11(a) / Provisional government took following measures :
(i)Took stern measures against spreading the discontent.
(ii)Resisted attempts by workers to run factories and began arresting leaders.
(iii)Sternly repressed Bolshevik demonstration as a result many Bolshevik leaders had to flee.
(iv)Seized buildings of two Bolshevik newspapers.
(v)Took over telephone & telegraph offices to protect winter Palace.
/ 3
11(b) / (1)It was an up using by the Spartaeist League against the Weimar Republic.
(2) This League demanded a soviet style governance based on Bolshevik’s ideals.
(3)This Weimar Republic crushed this up using with the help of the war veterans organisation called the ‘Free corps’.
(4)Communists and Socialists both wanted political radicalism against Hitler’s rule. / 3
12 / (i)There is time gap of two hours between east and west. Therefore, to avoid two hour’s time gap, the standard meridian has been chosen.
Since it passes through middle of the country, time along 8230'E Standard meridian is IST for country. / 3
13 / Corals are short lived microscopic organisms which live in colonies. They flourish in shallow, mud free and warm waters.
(i)Lakshadweep island in the Arabian Sea is made of coral.
(ii)Lie close to the Malabar coast of kerala islands. / 3
14 / The differences between Himadri and Shiwalik range are :
Himadri Range / Shiwalik Range
•It is the innermost or northern most range of Himalayas
•It’s average height is 6000 mts.
•The core of this part of Himalayas is composed of granite / •It is the outermost range of Himalayas
•It’s height varies between 900 and 1100 meters
•These ranges are composed of unconsolidated sediments brought down by rivers from the main Himalayan ranges located farther north.
/ 3
15 / Indian Ocean is named after our country because :
(i)No other country has a long coastline on the Indian Ocean as India has.
(ii)India has a central location between the East and the West Asia.
(iii)The Trans Indian Ocean routes which connect the countries of Europe in the west and the countries of East Asia provide a strategic central location to India.
(iv)Deccan plateau or peninsula protrudes into the Indian Ocean.
(Any three) / 3
16 / (a)Reform of educational system and free milk for children
(b)Redistribution of land to the landless farmers.
(c)Opposed to foreign companies taking away natural resources like copper from Chile . / 3
17 / (a)Free to think, have opinions express it
(b)Freedom to form associations.
(c)Freedom to protest and take other political actions.
(d)Equality to vote freely. / 3
18 / •Elections to the constituent assembly held in July 1946.
•Its first meeting was held in Dec 1946.
•Assembly had 299 members.
•Members deliberated for 114 days spread over three years. / 3
19 / ●Yes, because
(i)Increased of use fertilizer led to loss of soil fertility.
(ii)Tube well irrigation has reduced water table below the ground
(iii)Pesticides and insecticides further pollute surface water as well air. / 3
20 /
  • When people who are willing to work at the going wages cannot find jobs is called unemployment.
  • Excessive burden of population
  • Low productivity in agriculture
  • Defective educational system.
  • Lack of infrastructure
/ 3
21 / (a)Political body to which the three estates sent their representatives.
(b)To pass proposals for new taxes.
(c)(1)First and Second Estate – 300 representatives each
(2)Third Estate – 600 representatives.
(3)Third Estate represented by its more prosperous and educated members. / 5
22(a) / (1)Most industries and bank were nationalised in November 1917.
(2)Land was declared social property.
(3)In cities Bolsheviks enforced the partition of large houses according to family requirements
(4)Banned the use of the old titles of aristocracy.
(5)New uniforms were designed for the army and officials. / 5
22(b) / Nazism became popular because of the following reasons :
(a)It had become a mass movement during Great depression
(b)Hitler was a great orator and he promised to build a strong nation, restore dignity of the Germans and weed out all ‘Foreign’ influences.
(c)Nazis held massive rallies
(d)Red banners, applause and the Nazi salute were part of this power.
(e)Hitler was projected as a messiah or saviour. / 5
23 / ●Classification of Northern Plains :
Bhabar, Terai, Bhangar and Khadar
●(i)Bhabar is a narrow belt of about 8 to 16 km lying parallel to the slopes of the Shiwaliks.
(ii)Terai is a wet, swampy and marshy region where the stream and river reemerge.
(iii)Bhangar is the largest part of the northern plain formed of older alluvium. They lie above the flood plains of the rivers.
(iv)Khadar is newer younger deposits of the flood plains. They are renewed almost every year and are fertile.
(Any three) / 5
24 / Preamble is an introductory statement in a constitution which states the reason and guiding values of the constitution sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic.
(These are to be explained) / 5
25 / Democracy is not magical and arguments against it :
(i)Leaders keep changing
(ii)Power play.
(iii)Leads to delays.
(iv)Bad decisions.
/ 5
26 / Merits –
(i)Higher yield
(ii)Machines made for plaughing harvesting easy
(iii)Surplus food can be sold to earn more
(iv)Pests and Insects controlled by Pesticides and Insecticides
(v)Good irrigation enhances production
Demerits –
(i)Loss of fertility with use of chemical fertilizers.
(ii)Use of tube wells reduced the water table
(iii)Chemical fertilizers polluted ground water.
(iv)Kills bacteria and microorganism helpful fossil
(v)Excessive use of fertilizers makes soil alkaline and unfit for cultivation / 5
27 / (a)Loss of fertility of soil due to growing of two or three crops in a year
(b)Use of chemical fertilizers
(c)Over use of ground water for irrigation
(d)Tubewells have caused reduction of underground water table.
(e)Environmental degradation / 5
28 / Brief explanation of :
•Agriculture most labour absorbing but employment decreased.
•Rising importance of manufacturing. Increase in technical knowledge has led to popularity of tertiary sectors. / 5
29 /
Bordaux and Nantes (Any one)
Louhans / 3
30 /
For visually impaired Candidates only
(30.2)Aravali Hills
(30.3)Orissa / 3

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