Thursday, February 21, 2013
MHS Library, 8:30 am
In Attendance: Yanet Morales, Karen Farrer, Yvonne Esquerra-Bard, Kathryn Ibarra, Lauren Sills, Melanie Goudzwaard, Audra Hotchkiss, Elizabeth Anthony, Marie Wexler, Fiona Corrigan, Mindy Peterson, Colleen Baum, Farah Rezvan, Seth Jacobson, Wendy Pumpelly, Amy Young, Karen Canup, Janice Nikora, Wendy Sidley, Ahi Young Chi, Ann Dohan, Heather Anderson, Cindy Vandor, Craig Foster
Meeting called to order by President Amy Young at 8:40 am.
Approval of Minutes:
MOTION: Janice Nikora moved to approve the Minutes from the January 24, 2013 Association meeting. Seconded.
Treasurer’s Report – Fiona Corrigan, Anne Blackwood (traveling)
-Budget on table – {see handouts}
-Nothing to report, all is well.
-Amy Young - refund expected for Sacramento Safari of about $1,200 because only 2 students accepted; 1 spot per school. Jessica Murray and Danny Maier attending.
-Wendy Sidley motioned to ratify checks 6654-6668.. Seconded.
Nominating Committee:
-Nominating Committee: Mindy Peterson, Janice Nikora, Patricia Manney, Heather Anderson and Karen Farrer
-it was decided that the Co-VP positions would be eliminated which will allow for more opportunities for chair positions & more parent involvement for those who cannot come to meetings but would like to participate in one or two events/programs.
- Heather Anderson presented the slate for the 2013-2014 PTSA Executive Board:
- President – Amy Young
- Executive VP – Karen Farrer
- 1st VP – Melanie Goudzwaard
- 2nd VP – Justine Petretti
- 3rd VP – Mindy Peterson
- 4th VP –
- 5th VP – Charlene Miller
- Treasurer – Shawn Mantz
- Auditor – Anne Blackwood
- Financial Secretary – Fiona Corrigan
- Recording Secretary – Karen Canup
- Historian – Nicki Bassett
Submitted for minutes.
President’s Report – Amy Young:
No principals today - at district regarding Centralized Fundraising instructions. Master agreement presented to Board of Ed tonight.
Measure BB:
-Still working out details of a turn lane and parking lot lighting. March 19th Planning Committee meeting is very important. Please plan on attending AND sending a letter in support of the project.
-Honorary Service Award Nominations - forms on table – as of now, not enough nominations. Deadline extended until February 25th. Place in President’s mailbox in the main office.
Technology Update:
-Tech committee met last week and welcomed a VEX Robotics presentation in the hope of launch a club at MHS. Malibu Optimist Club will help support it financially.
-Cindy Vandor – VEX Robotics Middle and High School World Championship held in Anaheim on April 17-20th. Open to public.
-Mr. Corrigan is having lunch club meetings.
21st Century Classrooms:
-Principal Block sent letters to the teachers with a form to evaluate their classrooms and submit a list of things they need. Shark Fund and PTSA are working together. STEM booster club in future hopeful. Substitute teacher coverage offered to teachers if they want to go off campus to observe high tech classrooms and teaching.
-Audra Hotchkiss - students should look at CA State Science Fair April 16th. $10,000 prize award. $5,000 for middle school students.
Malibu Public Library Speaker Series:
-Flyer on table with event details. Speakers include Garth Stein, Kerry Max Cook, Anne Lamott and Elizabeth Gilbert.
Flip Flop Ball:
-The FLIP FLOP BALL, benefiting the Malibu Special Education Foundation, isSaturday, May 11,featuring "Boogie Knights" , at the home of Alyson McKenzie. Your attendance and support helps fund specific items such as iPads and conferences, and takes the pressure off of the PTSA and Shark Fund and allows us to bring the best for our special children and teachers of Malibu.
-To find out more about the Malibu Special Education Foundation, visit their website at
VP and Committee Reports:
Executive VP - Karen Farrer
Presented Green Calendar {handout} and discussed highlights.
Verify Open House start time on March 14th. Possibly at 6:00 pm, not 6:30 pm. New approach - check out possible classes for next year.
Middle School Science Night - March 13th. Great event spearheaded by Pepperdine Professor Donna Plank. Also inviting 4-5th grade students.
Patrons of Arts - support Middle School musical starting tonight through Sunday –“You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown”.
Middle School Awards Ceremony - too crowded last year. Middle School will now be separated by grade level - see calendar.
CJSF-CSF breakfast - March 1st. Jane Damian coordinating (absent). Set-up begins 6:30-7:00ish. Additional volunteers are needed.
3rd Co-VP - Ebeth Anthony and Roohi Stack
-Grad night and 8th grade promotion committees are up and running.
-Heather Anderson announced that high school grad will be on the field. Student study on feedback - positive comments on field. More seating allows more people to attend. Need a junior parent to help organize physical assembly of field. Wendy Sidley volunteered.
-Will rent additional 200 seats for guests and a stage. Everyone will face action.
-Rental - $7 per seat. Includes covering of track, delivery. Stage $2,400 including canopy, etc.
-Seth Jacobson and Laura Rosenthal will lead a fundraising committee to raise $ for graduation to lessen cost of the day. Senior class gift could be money towards next year’s ceremony.
-Considering purchasing stage in future. We own chorus riser pieces and can possible add to what we own. Colleen Baum – there might be another stage at school that has not been used.
-8th Grade Promotion - La Costa Beach Club as usual and promotion will remain in the amphitheater.
-Investigating purchasing chairs for future use.
Health and Safety - Mindy Peterson
-“Don’t Be a Victim” - self defense class for girls and moms.
-Getting publicity. PSA on Shark TV. Placement in local newspapers, signs on campus, etc. but still not getting enough participation. Administration agreed to allow all high school girls to attend with a waiver. Teacher and/or coach will be there to offer support for students. 9th and 10th grade students and moms have been the biggest participants.
Please encourage all girls to attend. MHS teams will be attending April 19th. Training includes using one’s voice, awareness, reaction and physical training. 1 1/2 hour class. Huffington Post blog will appear with photos. Welcome ideas on how to publicize event. Perhaps offer a day other than Fridays. Escobars are donating their time and want the girls safe in our community. One last class will be offered in May to attract seniors.
Athletic Booster Club – Kathryn Ibarra
-Marianne Riggins, President of ABC.
- Kathryn Ibarra became involved last year because of the great athletics at MHS. She believed that athletics can be stronger. 6 months of meetings later, more help is needed. Over past 20 years, ABC has not been well supported. A recent mixer event was held at the home of Lisa Holmes. Coaches, parents, leaders attended. Feedback was positive on the new field lights and how it has strengthened programs. Presented photos of the girl’s soccer game with over 125 people in attendance. The boy’s soccer night photo shows atmosphere of “a real high school” according to Tyler Savitsky.
-An athletic night information event took place for middle and high school athletes. Former MHS players who are in college attended. Trying to coordinate resources better.
-Need new members to help all sports.
-We want to strengthen relationship with City of Malibu to increase awareness at a younger age.
-We need greater funding in order to join Delphic League. They require all school teams to join.
Advocates for Malibu Public Schools (AMPS) - Craig Foster, President and President of Webster PTA.
Update on current status:
May 2012 – Separation was discussed by the school board after a presentation by district CFO Jan Maez. The school board voted to explore separation further. An informal Unification Committee was subsequently established consisting of representatives of both unions, the school board, the City of Malibu, AMPS and district administration. AMPS commissioned an independent study of feasibility based on the Ed Code criteria. The study was conducted with full communication and cooperation with district leadership. An outside company(WestEd)performed the study and the results were released on Jan 9, 2013.
Study: no criteria that we do not meet. Some additional things need to be done:
1). Offer equivalent educational programs after the separation, esp. special ed, English learners, etc. This requires a detailed and comprehensive policy and practice document which will be written in the third phase along with budgets, staffing, physical plant, and transportation policies and plans.
2). Highlight of study – if we have 2 school districts there will be $4.6 million more - $2 million in SM and $2.6 million more in Malibu. This is because Malibu will be a “basic aid district”, which means our property tax revenue exceeds our per pupil limit. So, our general purpose funding will come from local property taxes, not the state. Enough $ to meet separation criteria.
3). Next steps (We will continue to work cooperatively with all stakeholders as we move forward for everyone's benefit. This is very different than past separation attempts which were done not in cooperation with key stakeholders.)
-Separating districts is rare which has not created precedents or comprehensive law. This also allows us many possibilities and opportunities.
-Split of parcel tax and future parcel tax to be explored and a plan put in place. The current parcel tax needs to stay in place for both cities, neither raised nor lowered.
- Bond $ outstanding also needs to stay available and split appropriately between both school districts. Current laws are unclear and contradictory.
-Collective bargaining, existing status, and employee representation also need to be better understood and a plan put in place to protect employees and the status quo.
4). The soonest it could happen - July 2015. Needs to move through many CA levels of organization (County, state, and back here for popular vote). Need consensus and crystal clear vision of how both school districts will function. We believe that both districts will be stronger apart than together.
EBeth Anthony - how difficult will it be for us to go to “basic aid” district?
Craig Foster responded:
-$4.6 million makes it easier to help have a conversation about doing this.
-Seems to be treated as we expected and not a problem in an environment in which we are working together.
-We are not contiguous so we could not be 1 district nowadays because of Pacific Palisades existing between the City of Malibu and Santa Monica.
-Lobbying in Sacramento will be necessary but $ already set aside.
-Lots of things to manage along the way but no one major obstacle.
Kathryn Ibarra - do you really feel that the Board of Education will support this?
Craig Foster responded: There is room for them to say “yes” but if put on the spot so far, they would respond “not sure” at this time. Parcel tax must stay in place and the unions need to be comfortable with the process and outcome.
New Business:
Heather Anderson announced that the Malibu Dolphin Award was presented to Craig Foster, Karen Farrer and Seth Jacobson for their effort in running for SMMUSD Board.
Wendy Sidley - Ed Foundation Fundraiser
-This Saturday, from 12:00 -7:00 pm, at Bloomingdales in Santa Monica. Check in on 2nd floor. 10% from receipts are going back to the Ed Foundation. Reception at 3:00 pm if you donated to campaign.
-2 new Ed Foundation employees: Ed Lynn, major gifts officer and a woman in major gifts and annual appeal.
-$500,00 raised since December 2012.
-Local teachers have also donated.
Rachel Stowell and her film students made the PSA for “Don’t Be a Victim” in their journalism and film class.
Heather Anderson presented – “Masque” – the High School talent show. 3 nights of different talent. Feb 28, March 1 and 2. Shows sell out.
Wendy Sidley announced that the Ed Foundation Concert is on May 18th. Jackson Brown, other talents and high school students participate in the performance. Barnum Hall at Samohi. 10th Year Anniversary of the fundraising concert.
Audra Hotchkiss - do teachers need assistance with the flu season? Kleenex, hand sanitizer? Amy Young will inquire. Webster installed hand sanitizers in each classroom.
Karen Farrer - HSA forms now on table. We need to make sure we honor the parents whose youngest child is in there last year at MHS as well.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00am by President Amy Young.
Respectfully submitted by
Karen Canup