Sample project rubric
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Adjust scoring to achieve the desired total.
Creativity elements may be scored or not.
Assignment: a multimedia timeline with visual, auditory, and text elements about the Cold War. (Group project, High School)
Presentation Content / Poor (0-3 pts) / Fair (4-6 pts) / Good (7-9 pts) / Excellent(10-12 pts) / Your score
Adequate Coverage / Timeline lacks required information and has no examples and details / Timeline lacks required information and has only a few examples and details / Timeline includes all required information, with only a few details and examples / Timeline includes all required information, with ample examples and details throughout
Historical Accuracy / Timeline has many factual errors and is missing text explanations / Timeline has several factual errors and is missing text explanations / Timeline contains 1-2 factual errors, but contains quotations and text explanations / Information in timeline is factually correct and is supported by quotations and text explanations
Perspective / Information presented fails to include any Nation’s point of view. / Information captures only 1 nation’s point of view. / Information shows the perspective of at least 3 point of views, including those of the U.S. and the USSR. / Information presents perspectives of both the U.S. and the USSR with additional perspectives by gender, age, other countries, etc.
Organization of information / Poor timeline organization makes it impossible to tell which information or images go with which event. NO apparent organization. / Timeline is arranged illogically and/or is difficult for a viewer or audience to follow. / Timeline shows the information in an arrangement which an audience or viewer can follow to learn and understand / Timeline presents the information in a logical and interesting arrangement that can be explored several ways to learn and understand
Multimedia / Timeline used little beyond very basic audio, visuals or text / Timeline had many bits of audio, visuals, and text, but they do not relate together / Timeline had multiple media (audio, visuals, and text) in a unified message / Timeline used extensive audio, visuals, and text that supported a unified message and enhanced the understanding of the Cold War
Reference Skills / Poor (0-3 pts) / Fair (4-6 pts) / Good (7-8 pts) / Excellent
(9-10 pts) / Your score
Bibliography / Timeline does not include a bibliography in the required format or include far fewer than the required sources / Timeline includes a bibliography in partially correct format or with only some of the required sources / Timeline includes a bibliography in correct format with the required sources / Timeline includes a bibliography in correct format with more than the required sources, all clearly used in creating the timeline
Media Credits / No credit given for media used / Few media include credit information / Most media include credit information / All media used includes a credit alongside the image, video, sound, or text.
Creativity Skills
(FFOE) / No evidence yet (0) / Working on it
(1 pt) / Good (2-3 pts) / Excellent
(4-5 pts) / Your score
Fluency / The timeline shows 3 or fewer aspects of the Cold War to be compared and contrasted / The timeline shows 4 to 6 aspects of the Cold War to be compared and contrasted / The timeline shows 7 to 9 aspects of the Cold War to be compared and contrasted / The timeline shows more than ten aspects of the Cold War to be compared and contrasted
Hints: differing nations, time periods looking back vs. forward, age groups, roles in society, etc / Timeline shows the Cold War from a perspective other than the current view from decades later / Timeline shows the Cold War from two or more angles / Timeline shows the Cold War from 3 or more angles. Timeline inspires deep questions and thoughts by its varied perspectives.
Originality / Timeline is predictable or parallels examples very closely / There is a glimpse of an unusual (but accurate) idea in the timeline, but it is not carried through / Some aspects of the timeline are unexpected or highly unusual, while still accurate / Timeline presents the Cold War through a unique and unexpected lens while still accurate.
Elaboration / Timeline lacks creative detail of any sort / Some media/information include creative details. / Most of the media/information include creative details / All media/information include creative details in rich support of the ideas and information
Total score
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