My Feelings

In his lesson we deal; with different emotions that we experience like happiness, sadness, beingscared, feeling angry etc. There are no right or wrong feelings however we cannot allow ouremotions to negatively control our actions.

The puppets do role plays for us to demonstrate different reactions to emotions. Princess Penny is sad because her dog died she does not go about making others sad.Boastful Betty is happy because her Granny spoilt her, by taking her shopping and toWimpy for lunch, and she boasts and brags to her friends which in turn make themfeel sad. Caring Curt feels sad because his little brother broke the puzzle he wasbuilding so Caring Curt broke his brother’s toy car. Rodney Rude is angry because hecould not tie his shoe lace and he threw the shoe across the kitchen and brokeMommy’s coffee cup.

We discuss these different situations and how the children could have handled thembetter.

Children also experience different feelings.However, perhaps do not understand why they are feeling the way they are or evenunderstand why they behaved in such a way.Children are a lot more honest in expressing their feelings than adults are – we tendto hide our true feelings as they often make us feel vulnerable.

Watch children play – look at the different emotions or feelings that are open and honest. Children experience joy or happiness, sadness, anger, jealousy, irritation or frustration. Once theiremotion has been vocalised or enacted, it is passed, and they move on. If you ask a child to explainthe emotion, they will look at you quite quizzically – not understanding the reason for yourquestion or explanation.

Children do not harbour feelings of resentment. Once a situation has passed, so has the emotion.

We learn not to let our emotions get the better of us.


Showing different feelings

Today I asked the children, what makes you feel happy?

Adam: My Mom buys me lots of toys and sweets.

Prince: My Mom shows me funny faces to make me happy.

Alex: Sleeping.

Rejoice: Going on holiday for Summer break.

Payton: Seeing my friends because they are kind to me. My Mommy makes me happy because she always tries herbest

to make me happy.

Jordanne: When Mommy tickles me.

Have a really wonderful week!

Regards Miss Manners