JobTitle:Residential ChildCareOfficer (Special school)
MainJobPurpose:Topromoteandupholdthepoliciesandproceduresof theschool inorder tomaintainanddevelop thehighest standardsofchildcarepractice for a named child. You will primarily be working 1-1 with the named child however the expectation is to be part of the whole care team and all the residential children.
MainDuties1. / •Toprovideastableandbalancedvaluebase recognising theimportanceofequal opportunities,anti-discriminatoryandanti-oppressivepractices.
•Topromoteanatmosphereinwhichchildrencan,withinagoodbasicstructure,be supported,stimulatedandprovidedwith theopportunitiestoachieve their full potential.
2. / •Todemonstrate, byexample,appropriaterolemodelsconcerningdress, attendance, punctualityandsocial skills,thegoodinfluenceexertedenablingstaff tobesympathetic andgooddisciplinarians.
•Toensurethatasocial environmentisprovidedinwhichachildcandevelophisown identity.
3. / •Torecordandcollatehousefilesandworking filesonindividual childrenandwriteweekly reportsandAnnual Reviewsas required.
•Tosupervise theimplementationofestablishedcareprogrammesfor individual pupilsboth todevelopsocial skillsand toaddressspecific individual needs.
•Towork as a team to meet the needs of the pupils.
4. / •Develop linkswithoutsideagenciesfor eachchildasit becomesnecessary.
5. / •Toorganiseandbeinvolvedinindividual andgroup recreational activities.
6. / •Toberesponsibleforindividual houses ensuring theyaremaintainedto thehighest possiblestandard.
7. / •Tosupervisepupilsat mealtimes, duringout ofschool activitiesandat all timesensure that thepupilsaresafeguardedandprovidedfor within thewrap aroundcurriculum.
8. / •Toensure,aspart oftheCareTeam, that children'sphysical andmedicalneedsare cateredfor toahighstandard.
9. / •Participateinworking rotas,includingeveningsandsleepindutiesinaccordancewith
policyandasisnecessaryfor theefficient runningoftheschool.
Supervision and Management
The jobholder does not have regular supervisory responsibility for staff but may be required to assist in work familiarisation for new recruits.
Thejobholder doesnot have regular supervisoryresponsibilityfor staff but maybe requiredtoassist inwork familiarisationfor newrecruits.
Thejobholder doesnot have regular supervisoryresponsibilityfor staff but maybe requiredtoassist inwork familiarisationfor newrecruits.
Creativityand Innovation(i.e.Problem Solving
Theworkislargelyregulatedbyrulesandprocedures, and will need creativeskillse.g. runninganeveningactivity orsetting theweekly targetsofchildrenintheir charge.
HeadofCareandHead teacher
Other Agencies
Medical Professionals
Foradvice, guidanceandinstruction.
Reporting toparentsandmakingsureofco-operationand supportfor their children.
Liaise with other agencies, where necessary with support from Head of House
Thejobholder carriesout workwithinclearlydefined rulesandregulations, but maymakesome decisionschosenfromarangeofalternativese.g. decidingonasanction/reward, orterminationof anactivitydue toaHealthandSafetysituation.
Working Environment
The job holder’s work is frequently interrupted due to the complexities and unpredictability of our pupils.
The job holder is trained in the use of Physical Intervention (Team Teach) which is only used when a child is at risk of hurting themselves, others or property. It can be strenuous and stressful for all parties involved. A debrief will take place after any intervention.
This is a Special Needs Academy.
The jobholder is exposed to pupils exhibiting challenging behaviours and can therefore be at risk from physical or verbal abuse.
Knowledge and Skills
The job holder must hold a Level 3 NVQ in Child Care.