Village Board
October 6, 2015
The Village Board of Combined Locks was called to order by President John Neumeier. Trustees in attendance included: Jim Ponto, Justin Krueger, Roger Kirch, Beth Sewall, Cathy Vander Zanden, and Ruth Wulgaert.
Also in attendance were Village Administrator Racquel Shampo-Giese, Public Works Director Ryan Swick, Fox Valley Metro Police Captain Raymond Lee, Fire Chief Darren Doyle, Judy Hebbe of the Times Villager, and several Paperfest Committee members.
The first item on the agenda was public comment for matters not on the agenda. There were none.
The next item discussed was a review of the Fox Valley Metro Police Department Budget. The Administrator gave an overview of budget discussions that occurred with the Kimberly and Little Chute administrators. The FVMPD is requesting an additional eight (8) hours per week to the clerical staff schedule to help with evidence management. This will cost about $7800 per year and was a compromise of the request for a part-time evidence clerk. Captain Raymond Lee stated there are currently 2 investigators that currently cover these requests. These can be time sensitive and take up a lot of the investigator’s time. The additional hours for the clerical staff would cut down on the time the investigators spend on these requests. There is a possibility the clerk would work in the Combined Locks office. State certification is not needed but training is required. The matter was discussed. The consensus was to add this request to the proposed FVMPD budget.
The next item on the agenda was to review and consider approval of a request from the Paperfest Committee to locate 2016 Paperfest at Memorial Park in Combined Locks. Fire Chief Darren Doyle stated that the Fire Department has a contingency plan if Paperfest 2016 is held in Combined Locks. The preliminary plan includes hosting an open house staffed with a few firefighters and storing a fire truck at the Department of Public Works building. The Fire Chief’s concerns were fuel storage for generators and staffing for a first aid station as the Fire Department does not hold the proper licenses at this time. His opinion is to support this as he believes in their efforts. Police Captain Raymond Lee stated that whether or not there are carnival rides does not affect the FVMPD staffing. Captain Lee’s concern was that access to evidence storage would need to be maintained. Trustees stated that the cost to the Village be zero to minimal and asked Paperfest about their plans to cover the cost of the FVMPD. The committee members stated they are going to work with the Village of Kimberly and the FVMPD to determine and cover the cost of police staffing. FVMPD would be responsible for covering streets, parking lots and outlying areas as well as grounds. The Paperfest Committee members stated that the areas they had in the past that will not be included for 2016 are: one music stage, fishing tournament, soccer tournament, and volleyball tournament. Parking concerns were addressed with committee members stating they will continue to use a shuttle service with Lamers Bus and ask the Kimberly School District and St. Paul’s Church to use their lots. Wallace Street would be limited to parking on one side of the road. The consensus of the Board was to move forward to allow Paperfest 2016 to be held in Combined Locks as long as the Village incur no cost in regards to FVMPD staffing.
The next item on the agenda was to review and consider approval for a contractor to begin repairs to the Hidden Ridges Subdivision Detention Pond. The Administrator presented an opinion of probable cost as received from McMahon, which is in-line with the original estimate from Hietpas & Sons Construction. One property owner has requested re-grading of the north side of the pond for easier maintenance. The matter was discussed. J. Ponto made a motion to approve the repairs using Hietpas & Sons with the property owner to paying to re-grade the north side of the pond. B. Sewall seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was the initial review of proposed 2016 General Fund Budget. The Administrator explained that the levy is being presented with worse-case scenarios using net new construction and adding the same amount of debt as was added on the 2015 budget. This would result in a tax rate of $5.83 per $1000 of assessed value; if only net new construction is used the estimated tax rate is $5.66 per $1000 of assessed value. The 2015 Tax rate was $5.48 per $1000 of assessed value. The main driver of the increase is the reduced assessed value of Appleton Coated, LLC. With the recent sale of Appleton Coated and their planned improvements, this value is expected to increase over the next few years. The increased value and associated dollars will go to the newly created TID #2 for mill improvements and Prospect Street improvements. The proposed budget was then reviewed line-by-line. In addition to normal operational expenses, proposed capital expenses include: reserve funds for equipment replacement, building maintenance, 100-year celebration, firefighter gear and equipment, and a utility vehicle for Fire and Public Works use. The Administrator was instructed to modify the proposed budget to get the tax rate closer to $5.66. These changes will be review at the November 4th meeting, and the public hearing is scheduled for November 17th at 6:30.
The next item on the agenda was to review the proposed 2016 Storm Water Utility Budget. The Administrator explained that the ERU rate would remain at $115.10, and the proposed budget includes the purchase of a used street sweeper.
The next item on the agenda was to consider approval of Resolution 2015-22 regarding establishing Storm Water ERU rate for 2016 budget. B. Sewall made a motion to approve Resolution 2015-22 establishing Storm Water ERU rate at $115.10. J. Krueger seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was to review the proposed 2016 Solid Waste Budget. The Administrator explained that the special charge for solid waste collection would remain at $95.21, and the proposed budget is roughly the same as 2015.
The next item on the agenda was to consider approval of Resolution 2015-23 regarding establishing Solid Waste Special Charge for 2016 budget. R. Wulgaert made a motion to approve Resolution 2015-23 regarding establishing Solid Waste Special Charge of $95.21 for residential properties and $140.00 for (requested) commercial properties. R. Kirch seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was to consider approval of Resolution 2015-24 to continue to include dental coverage with health insurance. This is a final resolution that the Village will continue to offer dental benefits with health insurance benefits in 2016. B. Sewall made a motion to approve Resolution 2015-24. C. Vander Zanden seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was to consider approval of Resolution 2015-25 to accept and submit annual sanitary sewer CMAR report to the Heart of the Valley Metropolitan Sewerage District. B. Sewall made a motion to approve Resolution 2015-25. J. Krueger seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was consider a motion to move into closed session per Wis. Stat. 19.85(1)(c) to discuss employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of public employees of the Village of Combined Locks. B. Sewall made a motion to move into closed session. R. Wulgaert seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was consider motion to move out of closed session. J. Ponto made a motion to move out of closed session. J. Krueger seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
R. Wulgaert made a motion to provide a 2% wage increase for Village employees. J. Krueger seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
R. Wulgaert made a motion to adjourn the meeting. J. Krueger seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Village Board