Jiangxi Ruijin Environmental Codes of Practice for Wetland Protection and Rehabilitation

World Bank-financed Jiangxi Poyang Lake Basin and Ecological Economic Zone Small Town Development Demonstration Project

RuijinCityMianjiangRiver(LucaoLake) Wetland Protection and Utilization Subproject

Environmental Codes of Practice


Wetland Protection and Rehabilitation

Institute of Poyang Lake Eco-economics, JiangxiUniversity of Finance and Economics

Beijing Huaqing Lishui Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

Environmental Engineering Technology Development Center, JiangxiAcademy of Sciences

September 2012

Table of Contents

1 Foreword

2 Main Engineering Contents

3 Key Points of Bidding for Design

4 Environmental Codes of Practice in Construction Period

4.1 Site Arrangement and Temporary Facilities Construction

4.2 Surface Waste r Environment Quality Management

4.3 Solid Waste Environment Quality Management

4.4 Ecological Resources Protection and Management

4.5 Occupational Health

4.6 Management and Maintenance

Appendix 1 Checklist of Environmental Protection at Construction Site

Map 1 Geographic Location Map

Map 2 Process Flow Chart of Wetland Protection and rehabilitationWorks

Jiangxi Ruijin Environmental Codes of Practice for Wetland Protection and Rehabilitation


World Bank-financed Jiangxi Poyang Lake Basin and Ecological Economic Zone Small Town Development Demonstration Project is a demonstration project of Jiangxi Province, which aims to promote the harmonious development of ecological protection and urban construction, to improve urban and rural infrastructure, and to accelerate the urban and rural integration of the province by introducing international experiences with loan project as carrier, and according to Chinese urbanization development strategy as well as the urbanization demand of Jiangxi Poyang Lake Basin and Ecological Economic Zone.This annex includes the specific environmental impact analysis and corresponding Environmental Codes of Practice for the wetland protection and rehabilitationschemeinvolved in Ruijin City Mianjiang River (Lucao Lake) Wetland Protection and Utilization Subproject under the World Bank-financed Jiangxi Poyang Lake Basin and Ecological Economic Zone Small Town Development Demonstration Project; and together with the Environmental Codes of Practice for Small Civil Works (Annex 1.1), it forms complete Environmental Codes of Practice for wetland protection and rehabilitationworks.In preparing this ECOP, we made reference to Detailed Rules of Jiangxi Province on Safe Construction, EHS Guidelines and safeguard policies of the World Bank and Technical Specifications for Constructed Wetland Wastewater Treatment Works of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. For the geographic location, please refer to Figure 1.

2 Main Engineering Contents

Main engineering contents of wetland protection and rehabilitationworksunder RuijinCityMianjiangRiver (LucaoLake) Wetland Protection and Utilization Subproject are shown in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Main Engineering Contents of Wetland Protection and RehabilitationWorks

Code / Component Name / Brief introduction of Works
1 / Wetland protection and purifying area in the upstream of MianjiangRiver (Rentian wetland purifying, protection and utilization area) / It is planned to construct ecological wetland and shoal rehabilitationworks in the reasonable utilization area of GaoxuanVillage, and to restore wetland in shrubbery, thick growth of grass, and shoal. The project will take in waste r from MianjiangRiver, and purify the waste r up to the quality standard of this river section. The ecological wetland planned to construct covers a land of 9.5ha, and has a hydraulic load of q=0.1m3/ m2・d.
On the overflow land which covers a large area and does not affect flood drainage in riverway, native tree species will be adopted for protection and rehabilitation of forest and shoal wetlands, such as pond cypress, dawn redwood, Chinese ash, Sapium sebiferum, and some berry trees. The trees shall be planted according to professional afforestation design.
2 / Wetland ecology restoration and utilization area in the middle and lower reaches of MianjiangRiver (Yeping wetland purifying, protection and utilization area) / It’s planned to construct artificial ecological wetland at XinyuanVillage, YepingTown. The project will take in waste r from MianjiangRiver and its tributaries, and purify the waste r up to the quality standard of this river section. The ecological wetland planned to construct covers a land of 195ha, and has a hydraulic load of q=0.1m3/ m2・d.
By arranging floating plants, floating-leaved plants, submerged plants and emergent aquatic plants, etc., the ecological wetland and shoal rehabilitationworks will have a vegetation coverage ratio of at least 70%.

3Key Points of Bidding for Design

At each stage of construction design, the construction design unit shall bring forward relieving measures aiming at potential negative environmental impacts. Precisely, it shall carry out environmental impact assessment and compile the environmental codes of practice at the stage of feasibility study; shall fulfill the environmental impact assessment document and the environmental protection measures set forth in the environmental codes of practice at the stage of preliminary design; and shall design the environmental protection works according to the opinions on preliminary design at the stage of construction design.

The following key points shall be emphatically considered in design:

1)Site selection for the wetland protection and rehabilitationworks shall meet the requirements of local urban overall development planning and environmental protection planning, as well as local requirements on waste r pollution prevention and control, waste r resources protection, and natural ecology protection; and shall also consider the factors like traffic, land ownership, and current land use state, etc. comprehensively.

(2) The site selection for wetland sewage treatment works shall consider natural background conditions, including land area, landform and topographic feature, soil, meteorology, hydrology, animals and plants, and other ecological factors, etc., and shall be executed after investigation on geology and hydrogeology, etc.

(3) The site for the wetland protection and rehabilitationworks shall not be threatened by flood, tide waste r or waste rlogging.

(4) The distance of the site for the wetland protection and rehabilitationworks from residence shall meet the requirements of health protection, and shall be affirmed through environmental impact assessment and environmental risk assessment.

(5)Landscapes under the works shall be constructed in line with the principles of being harmonious, natural and balanced, and by comprehensively considering the contour of artificial wetlands, the arrangement of different types of artificial wetlands, the deployment of aquatic plants, the design of waste r-body landscapes in artificial wetlands, and the construction of auxiliary facilities along the bank of artificial wetlands, etc.

(6) The plants for the wetland protection and rehabilitationworks shall be selected according to their pollution resistance, growing ability, development degree of root system, as well as economic and aesthetics value, etc.; meanwhile, local varieties of plants shall be adopted to ensure the adaptation to local climate. New foreign and invaded varieties of trees shall be introduced.

(7)For the wetland protection and rehabilitationworks, the emergent aquatic plants available to select include reed, waste r bamboo, scirpus tabernaemontani, calamus, bulrush, and bog rush, etc.; floating plants includeeichhornia crassipes, duckweed, and lotus, etc.; and submerged plants include waste rweed, waste r nymph, hornwort, and black algae, etc. The wetland protection and rehabilitationworks may select one or several kinds of plants as dominant species, plant them in pairs or groups, and arrange the spatial and time distribution as per certain proportion according to the characteristics of ambient conditions and phytocoenosis, in order to meet the requirements of high-efficiency operation and stable & sustainable utilization of ecological system.

4Environmental Codes of Practice for Construction Period

4.1Site Arrangement and Temporary Facilities Construction

(1)Wetland protection and rehabilitationworksshall be arranged reasonably and compactly according to the functional and process requirements of artificial wetland, by making the best of the beneficial conditions of natural environment,considering the landscape function of constructed wetlandin the project area as well as the planning for recycling of artificial wetland, and combining with the factors like landform, wind direction, geological conditions, and sanitary protection distance, etc.

(2) Production management buildings and living facilities shall be arranged collectively at possibly reasonable position and orientation, and shall be kept a certain distance from processing structures.

(3) Select proper plants for greening according to local natural conditions. The greening coverage ratio shall meet the requirements of local urban regulations.

(4)Consider whether the height of wetland plants is harmonious with landscape in other components of the works.

4.2 Surface Waste r Environment Quality Management

During the construction of wetland protection and rehabilitationworks, the main factors affecting the surface waste r are the construction camp, building materials storage yard, construction personnel’s domestic sewage, waste oil from construction, and soil loss, etc. Aiming at the abovementioned influential factors, the paper brings forward the following drainage control measures:

(1) Construction camp and building materials storage yard, etc. must built up possibly away from surface waste r bodies like wetland, etc., and common building materials that must be stacked temporarily nearby waste r bodies actually upon the demand of works construction must be protected with a cover and enclosure.

(2) We shall set up an oil separator in dining hall, and entrust a garbage collection unit to clear away the garbage in time. Here, the garbage collection unit shall hold the certificate of qualification for waste disposal and the business license issued by relevant departments. At construction camp, there shall be an temporary toilet with septic tank, and the septic tank of the temporary toilet shall be subject to seepage prevention treatment. Also, there shall be drainage ditch and sedimentation tank. The sewage pipeline of dining hall, washroom and shower room shall be equipped with filtering net, and construction sewage shall be subject to sedimentation prior to being drained into municipal sewage pipe network or river; and meanwhile, the drainage ditch shall be guaranteed to be clean and smooth.

(3) Construction personnel’s domestic solid waste shall not be thrown away at random, or poured into the waste r bodies along the line, but must be collected and disposed periodically by environmental protection department.

(4) Waste oil and other solid waste arising from construction shall never be poured or thrown into or stacked nearby waste r bodies, but shall be cleared and transported to specified place in time.

4.3Solid Waste Environment Quality Management

Solid waste in construction period are mainly construction garbage and domestic solid waste. Aiming at the characteristics of solid waste arising from construction project, this paper brings forward the following discharge control measures: Construction garbage and domestic solid waste shall not be thrown away at random or poured into waste r bodies along the line, but must be collected and disposed periodically by environmental protection department.

4.4Ecological Resources Protection and Management

The main works of wetland protection and rehabilitationis to arrange floating plants, floating-leaved plants, submerged plants and emergent aquatic plants, etc. in newly constructed natural ecological wetland, in order to ensure a vegetation coverage ratio of at least 70% of the ecological wetland protection and rehabilitationworks. The main factors affecting ecological resources include the selection of species, the planting time of vegetation, and the planting density, etc. The main measures taken include:

(1) The design of wetland protection and rehabilitationworks shall increase the diversity of plants, raise their performance of sewage treatment, and extend their service life at the largest degree.

(2) The planting soil for wetland protection and rehabilitationworksshall be of clay~doras and20cm~40cmin thickness, and have a permeation efficiency of 0.025cm/h~0.35cm/h.It is available to adopt local surface-layer planting soil nearby. In case local raw soil is inapplicable to the growth of plants in artificial wetlands, it may be replaced.

(3) The planting/ transplanting of plants underwetland protection and rehabilitationworks includes the transplanting of seedling, the breeding of seeds, the transplanting of harvested plants, and the planting of pot culture, etc.

(4) The best time for planting of plants under thewetland protection and rehabilitationworks is spring or early summer, and planting in late summer or early autumn is also available. In case of starting constructed wetlandin the first year of planting, we may execute planting 3-4 months ahead of the ending of growing season or the coming of frost period.

(5) The transplanting density of plants under thewetland protection and rehabilitationworks shall be at least 3 plants /m2, and the planting density in subsurface flow constructed wetland shall be 9 plants/m2~25 plants/m2.

4.5Occupational Health

The construction unit and supervisory institution shall have the responsibility to take all reasonable measures to protect the workers and buildings nearby from accidental injuries, and ensure their safety. For the wetland protection and rehabilitationworks, we shall employ a contractor who has the ability to manage its employees’ occupational health and safety, and shall make the contractor execute the enterprise’s danger management rules by means of signing formal purchasing agreement. The construction safety and health of this project includes the design and operation of common facilities, communication and training, and personal danger and supervision.

(1) In design, construction and production of the wetland protection and rehabilitationworks, we must pay much attention to labour safety, take effective countermeasures and various preventive means, and execute Chinese relevant laws and rules, departmental regulations and standards strictly.

(2) The construction unit must ensure that safety and health facilities are put into use when the wetland protection and rehabilitationworks is completed and put into operation.

(3) The wetland protection and rehabilitationworks shall set up necessary lighting system.

(4) Strengthen employees’ awareness of safety protection. Operators must wear necessary labor protection articles.

(5) Operating personnel at each post must accept and pass pre-job training, then do corresponding job with certificate, and accept education and training periodically.

(6) Establish and execute periodic and frequent safety examination system strictly, eliminate accident threats in time, and especially, pay attention to fire safety in autumn and winter.

(7) Ensure that safety and health facilities are put into use when the works is completed and put into operation.

(8)Establish and execute periodic and frequent safety examination system strictly, eliminate accident threats in time, and especially in autumn and winter, dispose harvested plants in constructed wetlandproperly in order to avoid fire disaster.

4.6 Management and Maintenance

4.6.1 Adjust the Waste r Level at Proper Time during Operation of the Wetland Protection and RehabilitationWorks:

(1) We may adjust the waste r level according to various ultimate situations like rainstorm, flood, drought, and icing period, etc., but shall surely prevent damming at waste r inlet end and submerging at waste r outlet end;

(2) We may adjust the waste r level in case of short-lived flow of artificial wetland.

4.6.2The Following Measures May be Adopted for Plants Management andMaintenance under the Wetland Protection and RehabilitationWorks:

(1) We shall fill waste r into constructed wetlandafter planting of plants, and shall adjust the waste r level at the early stage in order to promote the development of root system of plants;

(2) After establishment of plant system, we shall surely provide sewage continuously, and guarantee the density and positive growth of aquatic plants;

(3) We shall supplement seedling, clear off weeds, harvest plants at proper time, and control plant diseases and insect pests, etc. according to the growth of plants. Here, herbicide and insecticide, etc. are prohibited;

(4) For sewage treatment of large-scale artificial wetland, we shall consider the arrangement of devices for bio-energy utilization of plants.

4.6.3The Following Measures May be Adopted in Case of Operation in Low-Temperature Environment:

(1) Take heat preservation measures for constructed wetlandto ensure the waste r temperature to be at least 4℃;

(2) Test the depth of frozen soil in constructed wetlandperiodically to command the operating status of constructed wetlandsystem;

(3) Strengthen pretreatment, and relieve the pollution load of constructed wetlandsystem.

4.6.4The Following Measures May be Adopted for Preventing Blocking duringOperation of the Wetland Protection and RehabilitationWorks:

(1) Control the concentration of suspended solids in the sewage entering into constructed wetlandsystem;

(2) Adopt intermittent operation mode properly;

(3) Change local base material of constructed wetlandsystem.


Jiangxi Ruijin Environmental Codes of Practice for Wetland Protection and Rehabilitation

Appendix1 Checklist of Environmental Protection at

Construction Site

WorldBank-financedJiangxiPoyangLakeBasin and Ecological Economic Zone Small Town Development Demonstration Project
/ No.:

Notes for filling out the table: This table is a general checklist for inspection of environmental protection during construction period of the “WorldBank-financedJiangxiPoyangLakeBasin and Ecological Economic Zone Small Town Development Demonstration Project”, and may be added or adjusted properly if necessary according to concrete sub-projects, local environmental status and relevant environmental protection measures.

Subproject name: Contract No. And subproject location:

Name of project construction site:

Current construction stage:

Date of environmental protection inspection: Concrete time:

Weather of inspection day:

Environment inspector:

Inspection item / Inspection result(“√”) / Remark
Yes / No / Not involved
I. Key Points of Bidding for Design / Whether the site selection for the wetland protection and rehabilitationworks meets the requirements of local urban overall development planning and environmental protection planning, as well as local requirements on waste r pollution prevention and control, waste r resources protection, and natural ecology protection; and whether the factors like traffic, land ownership, and current land use state, etc. are considered comprehensively