A Raisin in the Sun
(Act 2, scene 1)
Vocabulary – Use a dictionary to define the following terms; be sure to use the appropriate definition:
ocomogosiay (76) –
eccentric (80) –
bitter (85) –
Prometheus (86) –
incredulity (92) –
Characters – Define each character in terms of who he/she is in the play AND his/her personality.
George Murchison –
Reading Questions
1. What is the setting (time & place)?
2. What is different about Beneatha when she enters the scene on page 76 that makes Ruth’s
mouth fall?
3. To what is Beneatha referring when she says, “Enough of this assimilationist junk!” on page
How are her words ironic? In other words, how do her words contradict her actions?
4. Walter’s drunk actions on pages 77-79 are described as him seeing “…what we cannot, that he
is a leader of his people, a great chief…the Southside chauffeur has assumed an unexpected
majesty.” How do these actions mirror his inner struggles?
5. Who comes to call on Beneatha? (page 79)
6. Why does George say “…we are going to the theatre—we’re not going to be in it…”? (page 80)
7. How does Beneatha surprise everyone a second time? (page 80)
In what way does she “test” George with this surprise?
8. In what way does Beneatha contradict herself on page 81?
9. What do you think of George’s saying to Beneatha that her heritage “is nothing but a bunch of
raggedy-assed spirituals and some grass huts”?
10. Why does Walter lie to George about having been to New York? (page 82)
11. How is George’s assumption of Walter correct on page 85?
12. What does Walter mean by the following quote: “Here I am a giant—surrounded by ants!
Ants who can’t even understand what it is the giant is talking about”?
13. Explain the discourse between Ruth and Walter throughout pages 86-89. What do they talk about?
What are their tones? How do their attitudes change?
14. How does Walter disgrace his own family and heritage on page 87?
15. On what does Mama spend the insurance money? (page 91)
What belief does she hold that gives a good reason for her doing so? (page 92)
16. What are the family members’ reactions to her decision:
17. On page 94, Ruth asks if there is a “whole lot of sunlight” in the new house. What might sunlight
symbolize in this story?
18. Walter tells Mama, “You the head of this family.” How does this remark demonstrate his true
problem in life is more than just the insurance money?
19. Make a prediction for the outcome of the story.