
1.Who should be on the planningteam?

2.When is the besttime tohold the training?

3.Where willyou hold the training andhow will you make the location festiveor special?

4.How will we get amajority of staffat the training?

5.Ideas for Themes?

6.What are your immediatenext steps?

7.Which activities from this trainingdo you plan to use inthe training?

8.How are you going to communicate with staff about the training?

Leadership Checklist

Step One:After the Training




Reference:Facilitator’s Planning Tool

Consider conducting a planning retreat with the Leadership Team

EstablishNotebook.Includeguidelines,budgetdocuments,agendas,copiesofPO’s,sign insheets,evaluations.





Step Two:Planning of the Event

 Researchandfinalizedatesandlocation(followdistrictpolicy)

 Sharedatewiththestaff—“Savethedate”note

 Determinethethemefortheproject---Considerincorporating or aligning with the campus theme

 Begintocollectmaterialsfortheretreat

 Begintodevelopagenda---Considerusing trainingagenda and activities

Step Three: Right Prior to Event

 Finalizeagendas---Determinewho willbe presenting what partsof the training


 Sendletterstostaffwithinformationoncosts,travelingandlodging, tentative agendas,listsofwhattobring,etc.

 Developformatforbinders or electronic files

What will be included?(Powerpoint, Color-coded District/Campus data reports)

Use training manualas a model

 Finalizeteambuildingactivities

Provide a variety of activities, including activities away fromthe tables (meals)

If overnight, include evening activities (see attachment)

 Purchase/Collectanticipatedsupplies

 Coordinatemealsandsnackswithsitecoordinator

Step Four:One Week Prior to Event

 Completebinders

 Preparematerials

Event Coordinator finalizes collection and delivery ofmaterials to site

Step Five:After the Event

 Distributethank-younotestoappropriatepeople,includingevent/retreatfacilitatorsand presentsandotherswhodeserverecognitionforajobwelldone.

 Remembertothankattendeesfortheirattendanceandparticipation

 Documenttheevent/retreatexperiences,alongwithinformationfromtheevaluationandtipsfor planningfutureevents.

Suggested Materials

Binders/FoldersFlashDrives CamerasChart paper(PostIt) ColoredPaper Tabletoys


DividersPower Stripsfor Laptops


Gifts/prizes (for teambuildingactivities) Gluesticks,tape

Highlighters IndexCards Ipod/speakers Laptops Markers

Nametags Paper clips Pencils,pens,etc. Post-it notes Printer



Snacks (granolabars,mints,chocolate, etc.)

Tips forPlanning Focus School Planning Event?


Include your members in settinggoalssotheywillhave aninvestmentinthe retreat/event.Goalsforhaving the eventinclude:

1. Gathering newideas

2. Planninga specificprogram

3. Solvingprograms

4. Teambuilding

5. Addressing specific issues neededto helptheschool becomemore successful


Build acalendar formonthlyupdate meetingswith all membersoftheteam.


Determinethegrantbudget fortheevent. Expensesmayinclude:

1. Workshop materials

2. Retreat siterental

3. Transportation

4. Feeforanoutsideconsultantor facilitator

5. Food

6. Accommodations(ifan overnightevent)

Decide onthe agenda

1. Remember togive participantsbreak timeandsomefreetimetoget refreshed.

2. Determinewho willpresentthe sessions. Usethe skills, talentsandabilities ofsome of the staff members.

3. Don’ttryto covertoomuch material.

4. Varythe presentation methodtomaximize the attention of the participants. For example, presentinginall lecturesorinall physical activities mightbecomerepetitive and boring. Respectadult learningstyles.

5. Allowplentyoftimefor mealsandsleep. (ifovernightevent)

6. Be sureeveryone getscopies oftheagenda andall relevantmaterials.

7. Stayfocusedon your retreatgoals.

Plan yourmeals

1.Determine ifthegrant requiresworkinglunch/dinnersto bepaidforbygrant monies.

2. Planforanyspecial dietaryneeds. Varythemenu. Buffetstyle isgoodbecause itprovides choice.

Develop apost-retreatevaluation

1.Evaluation should begiven toall participantsandfacilitators

2. Theresponseswill help the leadershipto successfullyplan the nextevent.

3. Evaluate the eventbudget.Wasit sufficient?Wereyou able tofollowit?


As a table group, discuss the following topics and record plans for improvement for the next Dialogue session.

GroupStrengths:(What worked well and are strengths that wewant to keep in place for our NEXT Dialogue?)

GroupChallenges: (What challenges need to be overcome in order for ourNEXT Dialogue to beeven more effective?)