Latin 10a: Introduction to Latin Grammar
MWTh 10-11 (Block C)Prof. Patricia A. Johnston
Class meets in Olin-Sang 104Office:Mandel 216
Office Hours: M1,Th 11Tel: (781-73) 6-2182
or by appointmentMessages: 62180
Required Texts:
P. A. Johnston, Traditio: An Introduction to the Latin Language and Its Influence
(Third edition, 2014, Brandeis University Press).
P. A. Johnston, Workbook accompanyingTraditio (2014).
We will cover the first half of Traditioin Latin 10a, and in Latin 20b we will complete the text and begin reading the Latin authors. By the end of Latin 20b you will have learned Latin grammar in its entirety, and should be able to read the great Latin authors of the classical as those of later periods.
The grade in the course is based on three things:
(1) daily performance in class and performance on weekly quizzes (40%),
(2) two one-hour exams (20% each),
(3) one one-hour final exam (20%).
Academic integrity is central to the mission of educational excellence at BrandeisUniversity. The University policy on academic honesty is distributed annually as Section 3 of the Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. If you have any questions about this, please ask me.
If you are a student with a documented disability on record at BrandeisUniversity and wish to request a reasonable accommodation made for you in this class, please see me immediately. Please keep in mind that reasonable accommodations are not provided retroactively. (To obtain a “student accommodation form”, check with the Office of Academic Affairs.)
Course Schedule
DatePage numbers indicate what you should prepare in advance for class:
Aug27 Th Introduction: History of the Latin Language; Pronunciation
30 MCh. I: Present and Future tenses; Scribendap. 14 (=“To be Written”) (= write out these exercises in advance) pp. 16-17.
Sept 2 WPerfect Tense, p. 17-18; Verba Tenenda (= Vocabulary “to be memorized”
(p. 19); Ante Legenda(= “pre-reading”—with reference to reading passages) pp. 20-21.
3 ThQuiz on verbs and vocabulary in ch. 1.
7 MLabor Day - No class
9 WCh. II:Introduction to Ch. II. Learn first and second declensions pp. 22-26.
10ThScribenda p. 26, 28-29. (= Monday Schedule)
14 MNo Class [Rosh Hashanah]
16 WVerba Tenenda p. 29-31; Ante Legenda pp. 32-33.
17 ThQuiz; Legenda (“Reading passages”: you should write out all your translations,
at least for the early chapters) p. 33-34. Introduction to Ch. III.
21 MCh III: third and fourth conjugations, present, future, and imperative: pp. 35-38.
23WNo Class [Yom Kippur]
24 ThPerfect System: Scribenda pp. 39-40;Scribenda, p. 40.-41
28 MNo Class [Sukkot]
29 Tues. (= Monday Schedule)Special Adjectives p. 42; Sum; Possum; Predicate Nominative. Scribenda pp. 44.Complementary Infinitive p. 45.
30 WScribenda 46. Ablative Case pp. 46-48; Scribenda p. 48.
Oct 1 ThQuizon 3rd and 4th Conj. (including Verba Tenenda pp. 49-52);
Ante Legenda p. 52: A, B, C (English-to-Latin sentences);
5 MNo Class [Shmini Atzeret]
7WLegenda I, p. 52-55.
8 ThLegenda II, 55-58; Review
14 WCh. IV: Subjunctive Mood: present tense; Scribenda p. 64.
Imperfect Subjunctive; Scribenda 66-67
15 ThThe Dative Case; Verba Tenenda pp. 69-72.
19 MQuizon subjunctive mood and dative case.
Ante Legenda A and B p. 72; Legenda pp. 73-76.
21 WCh. V: The Remaining Tenses: Indicative, pp. 77-79.
22 ThRemaining tenses, Subjunctive: Scribenda pp. 81C, D, E; Verb Synopses;
See additional exercises in Workbook (pp. 57-60 + key).
26 MBegin Conditions, pp. 84-85; Potential Subjunctive pp. 85-86.
See additional exercises in Workbook (pp. 61-65 + key)
28 WQuiz on all tenses and verb synopses; Verba Tenenda, pp. 86-87;
Ante Legenda p. 89;
29 ThLegenda 90-92; 93
Nov. 2 MCh. VI:volō, nōlo, mālō, pp. 94-95; Scribenda, p. 95-96;
4 WBegin Relative Pronouns p. 96; Scribenda p. 97
5 ThInterrogative Pronouns p. 98; Scribenda, pp. 99-100.
9 MQUIZ on Pronouns and volō, nōlo, mālō.
Indirect Questions pp. 100-103;
11 WScribenda, pp. 103-104
Verba Tenenda pp. 105-108; Ante Legenda p.108
12 ThQuiz on irregular verbs, conditions and pronouns.Legenda 1.
16 MLegenda 2, 3, 4
19 ThCH. VII: Genitive Case; Pronouns; Scribenda p. 119-120
23 M, Indirect Statement; Scribenda A, p.125
25 W, 26 Th, 27 FThanksgiving—No classes
30 MQuiz on Indirect Statement; Verba Tenenda, pp. 127-128; Legenda 1, 2.
Dec. 2 W. Ch. VIII: Third Declension; Irregular Verb: eō, īre
3 ThExpressions of Time and Place; Scribenda p.140;
7 MVerba Tenenda, pp. 141-142
9 W(Last Class) Review;Legenda 1, 2, 3.
Final Exam:Fri. Dec 11, 1:30-4:30 pm.
Success in this 4 credit hour course is based on the expectation that students will spend a minimum of 9 hours of study time per week in preparation for class (readings, papers, discussion sections, preparation for exams, etc.) in addition to the three hours of class time per week.