1550 Richard Foster fine 20s holds one messuage with the appurtenances at the will of the lord but says that he delivered his warrant to the lord’s counsel, and renders per annum 6s

1572James Brown holds by the lord’s indenture dated14 April 6 Eliz for the term of 21 years onemessuage with garden and appurtenances and ahalf acre of land with the appurtenances. And it yields per annum at the feast aforesaid 6s

Died 15682 RichardFoster1568 G

Brown Bernard 1576 Closehouse.

4.702more at large appears. Together with also the bargain which I have with one George Lawson of Giggleswick of one George Foster of the same and all my whole estate therein and thereunto. To have and to hold all the said premises to the said Adam my son

5.706for ever provided always and my will is that if the bargains last recited which I have of Thomas Browne and of George Foster which stand upon redemption be not loosed(?) and redeemed according to the writings, then my will is that the said Adam my son

6.257these payments unto Richard his brother and my will is that the money which shall be received of Thomas Browne and George Foster, or either of them I do give the same unto Anne and Margaret my daughters jointly between them, and I charge my son Adam not

1550 William Foster Gersum £5 10s holds one tenement with theappurtenances in the same place by the lord’s warrant as before and renders per annum 22s

1572Randolph Newhouse Junior, the son of John, holdsby the lord’s warrant under the lord’s seal, dated 25 October 4 Edward VI one messuage, one bovate ofland, and a parcel of demesne land in the same place formerly in the tenure of Randolph Newhousehis grandfather, to hold to him for the term of the life of the lord and the life of the same Randolphand his wife during her widowhood etc, with thepromise that he would allow John Newhouse his father peacefully to occupy the moiety of the saidmessuage, with the appurtenances, during hisnatural life etc. And it yields per annum, at thefeast aforesaid 22s

Randolph Newhousetook [the land]before the lord, inthe 2nd year ofEdward VI

1572 John Foster, George Foster and Robert Crake hold the whole premises

1579 William Foster one messuage, one barne with other houses, one half oxgang by estimation 7 acres. Rent 11s. Improvements 3d.

1583Thomas Foster sone of Wm Fosterhaithe taken of the said Commissioners Tow mess 2 laythes one garden one croft one oxgang of land and medow with the apptnnce And certen pcells of Demeane lands there cont by estimacon 12 acres with the apptncces unto the said mess Lyinge of the rent of 12shillings now in the several tenures of the said Wm his father & of one Wllm Lownd who haithe surrendered before the said Commissioners his pt and porcen thereof unto those of the said Thomas And also one pcell of land laitlie at Brakenbarr of the rent of 4d To have & yelding And paying for his fyne £16 13s 9d Provided that he shall pmytt and suffer the said Wm Lownd during his lief and after his deathe the wyef of the said Willm Lownd during her Widdowhood to occupie the one of the said mess and the moytie of the Resydew of the pmsses with the Appurtnnce which now are in the tenure of the said Willm Lownd And so the said Thomas is admitted

1579 William Craven one cottage, viz a fire-house, a stable and a barn, and one garden lying nigh the schoolhouse. Yearly rent is 3s. The garden was granted from William Foster’s tenement in the old lord’s time, and as yet never rented, and is by estimation the 8th part of a rood.

1579 Richard Clapham one cottage viz a fire-house and a little other house and a garth. Yearly rent is 12d. The same is now in the occupation of one James Foster.

1583 Hughe Claphamson (the pub) And half one acre of land improved beside feilds thereat rent 12d & half one oxgang of land and medow & certen pcells of demeane lands there with the apptnnce sometime pcell of one tenement in the tenure of Rawlyn Newhouse (Rawlin 1499 1 messuage 1 bovate of land (13s 4d) 1 cottage (16d)and grange (6d) & 7 perches (8s 8.5d) of demesne land 22s) of the rent of 11s & lait demised for tearm of yeares unto Richerd Foster deceassed & now in his Lordshipps hands to demise and let as forfayt

Provided that he shall permit Jenet foster (died 1591) lait wiefe of the said Richerd To occupie the moytie of the said stone house and garden & close at broadhead & the one half of the said half oxgang & of the said pcell of demeane lands during her widowhood of the rent of 6s 2d And also shall pmytt margret foster (died 1591) lait wife of george foster During her widowhood & and after her widowhood Richerd her son During his lief to an ayge the 4th pte of the said half oxgang & pcells of demeane lands of 2s 9d And also shall pmytt [Emmott] the lait wiefe of Bernarde Browne (Bernard’s will says Together with also the bargain which I have with one George Lawson of Giggleswick of one George Foster of the same and all my whole estate therein and thereunto.)to occupie the said close lying at Springclose aforesaid of the rent of 12d for and during the residue of the yeres yet to come of the said lease maid of the pmisses unto said Richerd foster and after during her lief natural

1602 Hugh Claphamson for a messuage called the Bell 6s, for a house and garden 8d, for a meadow 5d, for one other close 12d, for an improvement 12d and for half an oxgang 11s ½ d in all 20s 2d whereof Robert Shut payeth in his long lease 8d and so due here, 19s 4 ½ d

This tenement was originally 1550 :William Foster holds one tenement with the appurtenances in the same place by the lord’s warrant as before and renders per annum 22s which he seems to have left to Richard and William

William Foster holds the moiety of one tenement with all the lands to the same belonging. And it yields per annum at the feasts aforesaid 11s but by 1579 William Lunde one messuage, one barn with other houses, one garden, one half oxgang 7 acres. Rent 11s. Improvements 3d.OR Robert Crake one messuage, a barn and a new house by him lately built, one garden, and half an oxgang of land and meadow containing by estimation six acres and three roods, lying in neighbourhood in the common fields, whereof is of the demesne ground one rood and one half rood. Yearly rent is 11s.

1600 22s Thomas Foster holds one mansion house with a barn, stable, yard, garden and croft adjoining whereunto is also belonging diverse lands dispersed in the fields aforesaid.

Sum total23-2-1-3£7 17s 9d

Meadow 8-1-6-1


1572 Joan Foster widow (no Fosters in 1550) free rent

Janet (Joan in some rentals died 1591) Foster (?widow of Richard who died 1568) and William Fostergressum 49s 4d hold by the lord’s indenture dated 14 April 6 Eliz to Richard Foster (died 1568)for the term of 21 years one new mansion house8d> now built by the same Richard with house and garden belonging to the same, and one parcel of land at Brodhead4d>, one parcel of land <4d>, half an acre at Springclose and half a bovate of land 11s> and one parcel of demesne land in the same place lately in the tenure of the said Richard Foster. And it yields per annum at the feast aforesaid12s 4d

The same William holds at the will of the lord one parcel of waste land at Warrakers. And it yields per annum at the feast aforesaid ½d

And the aforesaid William is now dead and and hehas assigned his title and interest to a certain George Foster and Margaret his wife, sister of the saidWilliam etc.

These weddings are suspicious check with wills

7.12.1558AnnaGeorgii Lawrentius HOWDENN11121586

30.1.1562MargGeorgii Johannes EDLESTONE1321582 confirmed by John’s will of Settle

28.5.1565Ellena Georgii Adamus ARMITSTEADE1111598

2.11.1567AliceGeorgii Willelmus COCKETT421599

1579 The relict of George Foster (Margaret) Improvement 2d. probably the school house brow mentioned in 1583 then owned by Hugh Stackhouse

1583 “George Foster holds nothing except through HughStorkhouse”

Hugh Claphamsonborn c 1540 died 1603 married Jane Knowles 1568 she died 1615: Gersum £8 holds by the lord’s warrant dated 13 July 11 Eliz for the term of his life etcone messuage or inn called The Bell in the same place and all the buildings belonging to the same.And it yields per annum at the feast aforesaid 6s ex’

The same Hugh holds one new mansion house <8d> with one garden and one parcel of land <4d> at Brodheade lately in the tenure of George Foster 12d

Hugh Stackhouse (died 1579) the son and heir of Robert Gersum 29s 4d holds by thelord’s indenture dated 14 April 6 Eliz granted tothe said Robert for the term of 21 years one inn with garden and appurtenances in the same place called Harthead. And it yields per annum at the feast aforesaid 7s 4d

The same Hugh holds at the lord’s will one half acre and half a rood of land at Crowkedraynes, yielding per annum 15d, and the sixth part of one rode of land at Hollereddynge Hoole at a rent of 1½d. And they yield per annum in all at the feast aforesaid16½d

The same Hugh holds at the lord’s will one parcel of waste land in the tenure of George Foster at Litle Woodside. And it yields per annum at thefeast aforesaid2d

Hugh’s brothers were James and Oliver (Roger?) his father’s brothers in law were Hugh Armetstead and John Lindsey. His father also owned the house that George Foster lived in which he gave to James

1583 Hugh Stackhouse married Margaret Paley 1598 (died 1606) son of Georg Stackhouse deceased haithe take of the sayd Comysses one mess one Laythe one Stable two gardens Two lytle closes of medow lying at Cross Raynes and Suttergarthe half one Roode of land neer lytle woodd with thapptance unot the sayd mess lying To have and hold yielding paying the rent of 7s 4d And also certen pcell of land laytly improved at Crooked Raynes & hoe Ridding cont by estymacon half one acre half a rode and 6th pte of a Rode of the rent of 16d and one pcell of wast called Schoole howsebrow lat in the holding of georg foster of the rent of 2d

Provydet that the said Hugh shall Pmyt and suffer Issabell his mother & her assignes in consyderacon what she must pay the old figure to occupy the pmysses till the abovesayd hugh her son accomplish the aige of 21 yeares And afterwards the thirde of the pmysses During her wydowhod and paying for the fyne £6 5s

Gersum £13 6s 8dWilliam Lund holds by the lord’s warrant dated

whereof £6 13s 4d2 September 10 Eliz for the term of his life etc

paid and thethe moiety of one tenement with all the lands

residue is to bebelonging to the same now in the tenure of the

paid at the feastsaid William Foster to hold etc. And it yields

of St Laurenceper annum at the feasts aforesaid;11sex’

next, wherof he

owes £6 13s 4d

At willThe said William holds at the will of the lord one

Respitedhalf rood of waste land at Bracanber. And it yields

Dismissedper annum at the feast of St Martin;3dex’

Gersum 8sJohn Burton holds by the lord’s indenture dated6 Eliz

Fully paid14 April 6 Eliz granted to James Iveson deceased,lease for

and [granted] to him for the education of Joan21 years

Iveson the daughter of the said James during her

minority of age, assigned by the lord’s licence for

the term of 21 years, one cottage with the appur-

tenances in the same place. And it yields per

annum at the feast aforesaid;2s

Memorandum that the same John says that he has

paid to the lord for licence to marry Alice Iveson

the wife of the said James, and to occupy the

tenement aforesaid at Skipton, 12s.

Memorandum that John Armytsteade holds the

cottage aforesaid in the title and name of Thomas

Iveson, clerk, administrator of the goods and

chattels of the aforesaid Joan Iveson.

George Foster holds nothing except through Hugh


1583James Foster haithe taken one Cotage one garthe with thapptnnce there of the Rent of 12d lait in the tenure of Richard Clapham and conveyed unto him the said James frome the said Richerd To Have yelding And paying for his fyne 16s

1602 Thomas Foster for two tenements, 22s 6d

1613 JamesFoster)10s5d

Thomas, Foster), , , , ,

William, Foster's son), 1, 2, 6,

1621 £71 Christopher Shute holds by indenture dated 1 October 2 James I 1604

One acre Stonehowse upon the hill in G with a garden belonging, of the yearly rent of 8d,

The moiety of one messuage, farm or tenement in G aforesaid of the yearly rent of 10s, then or late there in the tenure or occupation of Ric. Claphamhson,

One parcel of meadow ground called the Holme, of the rent of 18d,

One barn near to the barn of Robt. Claphamson,

And one garden at the south side thereof, one parcel of ground called Ostellbank close, and two other parcels of ground lying between the close and the water of Ribble.

One pasture ground called the Moore Acre, of the rent of 5s.

One parcel of arable ground abutting upon the garden of the said Christopher Shute, containing by estimation half an acre, of the rent of 12d, with one close parcel lying in the Hollow Gate, by estimation 5 roods,

And one other little parcel of ground in the Hollow Gate aforesaid, late parcel of Thomas Foster’s tenement, of the rent of 2d,

£65 13s 4d

John Harryson holds by indenture dated 20 November 2 James I 1604:

One messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, in Giggl. aforesaid, of the rent of 17s 3d,

And all houses etc, with such general words as in Mr Shuttes lease before,

And so much of the stinted pastures as before etc,

And all the woods etc,

And liberty for slate and stone etc.

Exceptions as in Mr Shute’s lease (except parcels of the premises rented at 12d passed to Tho. Dockery, 8d Rent laid upon Thomas Braysey)

So the rent for this ... is but 15s 7d,

To hold for 6000 years <without impeachment of waste> with like covenants as in the last.

And thus he renders yearly at the terms aforesaid equally [in RH margin: 15s 7d.]

And for such part of the Moors as to the premises belongeth or shall be allotted, 3s 10d for his moor rent at Michaelmas only.

[Note in RH margin: and for Moore rent 3s ...]

[Note in LH margin:

Thereof Jo. Harrison 2d

Robt. Cote 12d

Wm. Batman 18d

James Dixon 2d

Cr. Braishey 12d

Jo. Foster 18d

Ric. Preston cord 12d

Cr. Preston 2s 6d

Wm. Foster sen. 6d

Tho. Walker 6d

John Armestead 6d

Rich. Preston 14d

Tho. White 4d.

Rowland Falthropp 18d

& the severall persons aforesaid amongst them must pay 2s 4d.]

[Note in RH margin:


Wm. Banckes 6d

Jo. Foster 21d

Tho. Braishey Jun. ...

Rich. Preston ...

Rich. Preston 1s ...

himself 7...



Ric. Preston holds by indenture dated 8 October 2 James I 1604

All that one messuage or tenement in G aforesaid, then in his occupation,

And all houses etc as in the former leases of 6000 years,

Except as in Mr Shute’s lease,

To hold for 6000 years, without impeachment of waste,

Yielding at the feasts aforesaid 25s 6d.

And for Moore Rent 5s 9d at Michaelmas only.

With such covenants and conditions as in Mr Shute’s lease.

[Note in LH margin:

Mr Shute 18d

Mr Shute 2s 6d

Wm. Lawson 6d

Tho. Lawson 8d

Wm. Banckes 4s

Robt. Cote 8d

Ric. Pr. cordw. 6d

Jo. Franckl. 2s

{ Wm. Foster 3s

{ & more 1d

Robt. Banckes 5s

Cr. Preston 4s 6d

Mr Armistead 2d

The severall occupiers ... Armistead must answer amongst them 13d which makes up the tenement R.]

[Note in RH margin:


25s 6d

And for moore rent 5s 9d]


Mr Shute 3d

Tho. Lawson 8d

Jo. Foster 10d

Henry Walker ...

Mr. Armitstead ...

Anne Banckes 3s ...


£46 ... 2d

Wm. Thompson holds by indenture dated 8 October 1604

The moiety or one half of all that one messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, in G aforesaid, before that in the tenure of one Henry Thompson deceased, late father of the said William,

The same whole tenement being of the annual rent of 18s 7d,

Which moiety is now divided from the other half of one Richard Radcliff gent,

And the moiety or one half of all houses etc, Except etc, as in Mr Shute’s lease,

To hold for 6000 years without impeachment of waste

Yielding 9s 3½d rent at the feasts of St Martin and Pentecost equally,

And for Moore Rent 2s 1½d at Martinmas only,

With the like reservations of suit of court and mill, and like covenants and conditions as in the former leases of Giggleswick.

[Note in RH margin:


9s 3½d

And for Moore Rent 2s 1½d


J Foster 12d

himself 1½d

Mr Armistead 12d


[Note in LH margin:


...anckes 1d

... 9s 2½d]

£42 6s 8d

Katheryne Tailor holds by indenture dated 8 October 2 James of England 1604

All that one messuage, farm or tenement, with the appurtenances, in G aforesaid, of the yearly rent of 10s 7d, late before that time in the tenure of one Hugh Tailor deceased, and then in her tenure,

And all houses etc, as before, Except etc as before,

To hold for 6000 years without impeachment of waste,

Yielding 10s 7d Rent per annum at Martinmas and Pentecost equally,

And for Moore Rent 2s 5½d at Michaelmas only,

With like reservations of suit of court and mill etc, and like covenants and conditions as in the former leases of G.

[Note in RH margin:


10s 7½d

And for Moore R[ent] 2s 5½d


This is 2d over;Ja. Dixon 2d

Rog[er] Taylor6d 3d ...

Cr. Wildman 6d

Roger Carre 20d]

[Note in LH margin:


... Taylor 4s 8d 2d

... Batman 4s

...es Dickson 2d

... 6d

... Preston 9d

... Foster 2½d

... Foster 6d

Wm. Atkinson 3½d]

£41 6s

Richard Brayshey the elder holds by indenture dated 8 October 2 James 1604