St. Joseph’s Newsletter – 13th May 2018
Bonus Ball Winner: No. 5 – Pat Williams
Offertory - £1530.05 (inc. standing orders)
CAFOD - (Next Week)
Sanctuary Lamp
Brian Knowles (In Loving Memory)
Marian Candle
Jackie Atkinson
(1st Anniversary Remembrance)
Lately Dead
Baby Rosie Hope Murphy,Mary Walsh, Harry Gorman, Maureen Clayton, Jo Matthews, Anne Neve
St. Joseph’s UCM
Monday 14th May – BINGO in the Parish Centre at 1.30pm.
Thursday 17th May – Business Meeting in the Parish Centre at 7.30pm.
Trip to Llandudno
Wednesday 16th May, leaving St. Joseph’s at 10am – returning from Llandudno at 4.30pm. Cost is £10 to be paid at time of booking. Please ring Angela on 728763 for more information.
Anthony Kelly’s Ordination
Fr. Malcolm has received 5 tickets for Anthony’s Ordination at the Cathedral on Saturday, 7th July at 1pm. Some of you will remember Anthony as a student here with Fr. Richard about three years ago. If you would like one of these tickets, please put your name and contact number on the form at the back of church. If there are more than 5 names, they will be entered into a draw.
Responding to the Call
Vocation Discernment Group
To support those exploring Vocations to the Priesthood in our diocese, a monthly day of recollection has been organised for the first Saturday of each month. These days will help men who feel called to ordained ministry to discover more about diocesan priesthood and meet others discerning a call to priesthood. There will be an opportunity to talk with and hear from priests who minister in the diocese, and also a time for prayer and discussion. The next day of recollection will take place on Saturday 5th May at St. Charles’ Presbytery, 224 Aigburth Road, Liverpool. For further information, please contact Fr James Preston, Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Liverpool, at or telephone: 0151 727 2493. Regular updates will be posted on our Facebook page: Archdiocese of Liverpool Vocations
PRAYER Part of the preparation for ADOREMUS is our prayer. We now have seven Prayer-stations in St. Joseph’s; each Station focuses on the Eucharist. At each station thoughtful prayer can be made, the banner and prayer-card leading to reflect on the Eucharist.
The Archbishop is leading a series of Holy Hours in the Archdiocese, again as part of our preparation; two deaneries are coming together for each Holy Hour. The Warrington and Widnes deaneries are joining together and the Holy Hour will take place at St. Joseph, Penketh, on Tuesday May 22nd at 7.30pm. On Friday 18th May at 7.30pm there will be a Holy Hour at St. Joseph.
The Legion of Mary will be hosting a Mass and Blessing for the Sick and Housebound on Wednesday 23rd May at 2.00 pm in St Joseph's Church. All are welcome. The service will be followed by refreshments in the Parish Centre. If you need assistance with transport – or can provide transport on the day - please telephone Patricia on 72 6183, or the parish office on 72 2105.
St. Joseph’s Family Centre – Would like to thank the parishioners of St. Joseph’s for their continued support in helping maintain the foodbank supplies. However, they would appreciate more items of tinned meat, tinned vegetables, long life milk, breakfast cereals and also toiletries. Thank you for your kind generosity.
St. Joseph’s Uniformed Fundraising Group is have a Spring bedding plant sale this coming Saturday 19th May from 10am to 2pm. Beautiful hanging baskets, geraniums, surfinias and many more will be available. Please come along and support our uniformed groups.
MEDJUGORJE IRISH CENTRE PILGRIMAGES 2018: 7 nights B&B and Airport Shuttle service from €279 per person. Book any flight - any time and we provideguaranteed airport shuttle service. Call us for further info and book the dates that suit you. Tel. 020 3239 8662 or email .
Dementia Friendly Mass – Pentecost Sunday 20th May
Holy Rosary Parish Church, Altway, Aintree L10 2LG at 3pm. For more information see poster at the back of Church or contact 0151 522 1040.
Tony and Margaret Bent would like to thank all their friends and parishioners for the love and support they have received over the past few weeks following the loss of Tony’s dad, John. In particular, they were very moved by your generosity for the Stroke Association for which £240 was raised. Special thanks to Canon Christopher for the beautiful Requiem Mass. A Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Scripture mornings at The Irenaeus Project, 32 Great Georges Road Waterloo Liverpool L22 1RD.
Thursdays 17th, 24th May, 10.30 am – 12 noon.
‘I will pour out my Spirit on all people’
A look at the Acts of the Apostles led by Fr Chris Thomas
No charge but any donations gratefully received.
To book your place, contact The Irenaeus Project on 0151 949 1199 or email
Gospel Reflection for the Seventh Sunday of Easter
Jesus' Prayer for Us
Today we hear of Jesus' prayer for us. As Jesus was sent, so too we are sent to continue his mission and spread his love. Key to continuing Jesus' mission we are told that although we are of this world we must not to be possessed or tied down by worldly concerns.
How should it feel to be entrusted with such an important job? Well for most of us, it is something we don't think about nearly enough. We are told not to let the world tie us down, but that's most definitely easier said than done. In truth we are very much of this world. We spend most of our lives worrying about work, money, illness, relationships and commitments. It's very hard to rise above worldly concerns. In fact for most of us it just seems impossible.
On this Sunday we celebrate World Communication Day, and it feels a timely opportunity to consider the task we have been set. The first disciples continued Jesus' mission without planes, trains, without a postal service, without TV or radio and without the internet. Yet thanks to these early disciples we know Jesus' name throughout the entire globe two thousand years down the line. We have a much easier job than the early disciples had. Now all we need is a little bit of their drive and passion. So how can we capture some of that motivation?
For most of us, the day to day job of putting meals on the table takes up more of our time than the vital job of continuing Jesus' mission. Yet we all know someone who manages to strike that all important balance. We all know at least one person who sets a shining example. Perhaps it's here that we will find our motivation. Perhaps the people we most admire provide us with a model of who we ourselves would like to be. With a good example to emulate and our twenty first century means to spread God's love, change is not beyond any of us.
World Communications Day 2018
The Catholic Church celebrates World Communications Day on 13 May 2018. It's a day when we pray for those who work in the media and have a second collection after Mass to support the Church's important work in this area. Pope Francis, in his message for communications day, focuses on 'Fake News and Journalism for Peace'.
Peace is the true news
"The best antidotes to falsehoods are not strategies, but people: people who are not greedy but ready to listen, people who make the effort to engage in sincere dialogue so that the truth can emerge; people who are attracted by goodness and take responsibility for how they use language. If responsibility is the answer to the spread of fake news, then a weighty responsibility rests on the shoulders of those whose job is to provide information, namely, journalists, the protectors of news."
From Pope Francis' World Communications Day Message
Christian Aid Week
13th-19th May
This year’s Christian Aid Week focuses on standing together to help families weather future storms – the theme is 'StandTogether.'
Big Brekkie Fundraiser
Christian Aid suggest hosting a 'big brekkie' in your place of work and asking for donations in exchange for pancakes and porridge. Donate online at
Plastic Free Parliament
The House of Commons and House of Lords used over 2 million avoidable single-use plastic items in 2017*. All of which could be easily replaced with sustainable alternatives.
‘Plastic Free Parliament’ encourages us to challenge our MPs to help Parliament go Plastic Free and encourage them to avoid unnecessary single-use plastics.
Write to your MP today and invite them to join you in our quest to create Plastic Free Coastlines.
Use the template online at
For Our Younger Parishioners
Remember our younger parishioners this week who are revising for exams. Remember to ask God for some help with those pre-exam nerves.
You are not here merely to make a living. You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world. You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand.
Woodrow Wilson
Mass Intentions for week commencing 14th May 2018Monday 14th / 9.30am / Jackie Atkinson (1st Anniversary)
Tuesday 15th / 9.30am / John Rourke
Wednesday 16th / 9.30am / Mary Gilroy
Thursday 17th / 9.30am / Edward Taylor
Friday 18th / 12 Noon / Mathew Kenny (Get Well)
Saturday 19th
Sunday 20th / 8.30am
4.00pm / Irene Kilbane
Joe O’Gorman
Parishioners Intentions
There will be a Requiem Mass on Wednesday 23rd May at 10.30am at St. Joseph’s Church for Mary Walsh.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place at St. Joseph’s on Wednesday from 10.00am until 11.30am and on Friday from 8.30am until 11.30am