Version 2.0
Riga, 2013
Parts of the document or the document in its entirety may be given to third parties, may be reproduced, transmitted, copied, saved in electroni format, translated into other languages only with the written permission of the author.
© LURSOFT, 2013
LURSOFT, Limited Liability Company
Registration Number 40003053936
Riga, Matisa 8, LV-1001
LURSOFT IT, Limited Liability Company
Registration Number 40003710000
Riga, Matisa 8, LV-1001
Change register
Guna Esenberga / 07.10.2008 / Initial version
Guna Esenberga / 27.06.2012
Laura Mandele / 28.09.2012
Laura Mandele / 08.01.2013. / Added with section on the the last records made
Laura Mandele / 22.01.2013. / Added with information on the legal person's restrictions
Introduction 4
General Description 4
Description of Requests 6
Receipt of Session Key 6
Request to Close Session 8
Request to search for a legal entity 9
Complete notice about a legal entity 12
Structure of the legal entity notice 13
Section on legal entity address 15
Section on legal entity officers 16
Section on legal entity procures 18
Section on members of the legal entity 20
Section on legal entity capital 22
Section on types of activity of legal entities 23
Section on restrictions of a legal person 23
Last changes in company data. 24
Data on the annual accounts of legal entities 24
List of annual accounts 25
Annual accounts data 27
Personal profile 31
Current positions 34
Former positions 35
Current memberships 36
Former memberships 37
Current affiliates 37
Former affiliates 38
Current procures 39
Former procures 40
Current commercial liens 41
Former commercial liens 41
Notice of insolvency 42
Codificator Type 45
The purpose of this document is to describe the requirements and the data processes of designs for service demands of LLC „Lursoft”, further in the text – Lursoft, and the SERVICE RECIPIENT module, to ensure it receives the command demanded.
The document describes the web-based services offered by LURSOFT. These are available to service recipients depending on the conditions of the contract signed.
The document describes the following services:
· Receipt of the session key, request for authorization;
· Request to close the session,
· Request to search for a legal entity,
· Request for a notice regarding a legal entity,
· Request for a legal entity’s annual accounts data,
· Request for a profile,
· Request for a notice of insolvency.
General Description
The module should be operated within a Lursoft application server. The modules must be worked out according to the application demands of the Lursoft application server. The module performs a service demand from Lursoft and its receipt SERVICE RECIPIENT and LURSOFT, using HTTP and XML standards.
The SERVICE RECIPIENT, in order to receive a reply to the request from the LURSOFT SYSTEM, makes a demand of the LURSOFT WWW server using the HTTPS protocol. The demand must be made using the command POST. The LURSOFT SYSTEM prepares a reply in the XML format.
All requests of the SERVICE RECIPIENT are performed using the following LURSOFT SYSTEM parameters:
Parameter / ValueTitle /
URI / Server3
Connection available:
Each request is identified by the parameter act.
The LURSOFT SYSTEM prepares a reply:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1257"?>
soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:Lursoft="x-schema:"
soap:Header xmlns:Lursoft="x-schema:"
The HEADER of each reply contains the following characteristic parameters:
No. / Parameter / Significance1. / SessionId / Session key
2. / Language / Language of reply, LV - Latvian, RU – Russian, EN – English
3. / Ip / Ip address of the request
4. / Time / Date and time of request receipt
5. / Userid / User ID, making the request
6. / Orgid / Identificator of the organization represented by the user
7. / Distributor / Distributor,
In the case of an unsuccessful request process, the BODY will contain a <Fault> section.
<faultstring>Request processing error</faultstring
Pārsniegts maksimālais dīkstāves laiks. Lūdzu, ievadiet lietotāja ID un paroli.</Lursoft:errorMsg
Reply parameters:
No. / Parameter / Significance1. / faultcode / Error code
2. / faultstring / Error text
3. / Lursoft:errorCode / Error number
4. / Lursoft:errorMsg / Error detailed description
Error codes (Lurs:errorCode):
1 – 9 and 15 - 20 are related to client authorization problems, a solution – repeated authorization necessary.
Error codes: 1-6 are related to system configuration issues. All negative error codes: from -1 to -9 – are related to the user’s financial account issues, and the user’s account administator must be contacted. 10,11 – the error code is related to system activity issues; 12 – error code, search parameters not indicated, 13 – error code, user’s personal identification not indicated; 14 – indicated subject does not exist.
Description of Requests
Receipt of Session Key
Receipt of the session key is a request for authorization. The session key is necessary for authorized requests as an additional parameter.
Request parameters:
Code / Title / Explanationact / Request title / The constant LOGINXML
Userid / User ID / The user identificator assigned to the SERVICE RECIPIENT
Password / User password / The user password assign to the SERVICE RECIPIENT
utf / Should the reply be phrased in the UTF8 coding / If the parameter is not indicated, the reply is in the WINDOWS-1257 coding, if =1 is indicated, the reply is processed and prepared in UTF-8 coding
MIME format of the reply: text/xml.
The reply contains the session key to be used in the performance of further requests.
The reply is framed according to the following XML example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1257"?>
soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:Lursoft="x-schema:"
soap:Header xmlns:Lursoft="x-schema:"
If authorization is unsuccessful, the session key is not issued, but the respective error message is prepared. The SERVICE RECIPIENT must control the situation and react accordingly, because without a session key, authorized requests are not processed and are returned as error messages.
In case of error, the reply is prepared according to the following XML example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1257"?>
soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:Lursoft="x-schema:"
soap:Header xmlns:Lursoft="x-schema:"
<faultstring>Request processing error</faultstring
Lursoft:errorMsg>Authorization failed
Request to Close Session
The request to close the session is for the purpose of closing the session.
Request parameters:
Code / Title / Explanationact / Name of request / Constant LOGOUTXML.
SessionId / Session key
utf / Is the reply prepared in the UTF8 coding / If the parameter is not indicated, the reply is in the WINDOWS-1257 coding, if =1 is indicated, the reply is processed and prepared in UTF-8 coding
MIME format of the reply: text/xml.
The reply is framed according to the following XML example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1257"?>
soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:Lursoft="x-schema:"
soap:Header xmlns:Lursoft="x-schema:"
Request to search for a legal entity
The request to search for a legal entity is to be used to find an entity either by name or by registration number.
Request parameters:
Code / Title / Explanationact / Request name / Constant URSEARCH_XML
SessionId / session key / The session key, acquired by using the „Request for authorization, receipt of session key”
name / Name of legal entity / Legal entities must indicate beginning fragment of their name
code / Registration number of legal entity / The registration number of the legal entity
userperscode / End user’s identification number / End user’s identification number
adr / Legal address / Legal address at which the legal entity is registered
from / Show from which entry / From which entry should the list be shown
utf / Is the reply prepared in UTF8 coding / If the parameter is not indicated, the reply is in the WINDOWS-1257 coding, if =1 is indicated, the reply is processed and prepared in UTF-8 coding
Example: URSEARCH_XML &SessionId=38754982&name=query&userperscode=12345678914
MIME format of the reply: text/xml.
Reply parameters, section Answer:
Parameter / Title / Explanationsource / Source of data / Source of data
country / country / The country whose results are shown
search_name / Title sought / The name of the legal entity sought
search_code / ID sought / The identification number of the legal entity sought
count_full / Number of entries found / The number of entries corresponding to the provision indicated
count_from / Entries shown from entry / Entries shown from entry
count / Number of entries / Parādīto ierakstu skaits Number of entries shown
copyright / Copyright
list – list of objects
object – entry of object list
name / Subject name / Name of legal entity
regcode / Registration number / Registration number
regtype / Registry / Registry:
U – Company registry
S – Public organization registry
K – Commercial registry
E - Registry of European economic interest groups
R – Registry of religious organizations and their institutions
B – Association and foundation registry
T – Registry of arbitration courts
A – Union registry
P – Political party registry
C – Registry of embassies and consulates
O – Registry of political organizations and their associations
virtualid / Virtual identificator / For Latvian companies registered in the UR – the 9 or 11 digit registration number.
A foreign company ID through which a notice about the company can be received.
address / Address / Address
statuss / Status / Possible values from the codificator:
1 – Active
2 – Liquidated
3 – Reorganized
The reply is prepared according to this XML example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1257"?>
soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:Lursoft="x-schema:"
soap:Header xmlns:Lursoft="x-schema:"
<count_from>1</count_ from>
object xmlns="x-schema:"
name>SIA "LURSOFT"</name
<virtualid>000305393</ virtualid >
address>Rīga, Matīsa iela 8</address
object xmlns="x-schema:"
name>SIA "LURSOFT IT"</name
virtualid>000317000</ virtualid
address>Rīga, Matīsa iela 8</address
<copyright>(c) LURSOFT 1997-2012,</copyright>
</answer >
Complete notice about a legal entity
A request for a full notice about a legal entity is meant for the acquisition of a notice regarding a legal entity. The notice consists of several sections. The parts of the request can be combined variously, but the user will always receive the basic information.
The structured address is provided by checking the address code in the last received State Address Registry file.
Request parameters:
Code / Title / Explanationact / Name of request / Constant URPERSON_XML
SessionId / session key / The session key, acquired by using the „Request for authorization, receipt of session key”
code / Virtual identificator / The entity’s virtual identificator.
The request may also use the company’s 9-digit number or the unified registration number.
userperscode / End user’s personal identification number / End user’s personal identification number
part / Part / Parts requested by the notice:
K – address codes;
A – officers;
S – members.
B – types of activity (shown only is corresponding access is allowed)
a – former officers
s – former members
C – last changes
N – Actual restrictions
n – Historical restrictions
utf / Character cipher / Is the reply prepared in UTF8 coding.
If the parameter is not indicated, the reply is in the WINDOWS-1257 coding, if =1 is indicated, the reply is processed and prepared in UTF-8 coding.
Example: URPERSON_XML &SessionId=45802040&code=40003101668&userperscode=08078511777&part=KAS&utf=1
MIME format of the reply: text/xml.
The reply is framed according to this XML example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:Lursoft="x-schema:"
soap:Header xmlns:Lursoft="x-schema:"
<copyright>(c) LURSOFT 1997-2010,</copyright>
</answer >
Request parameters:
Parameter / Title / Explanationsource / Data source / Data source
country / country / Country whose results are shown
search_code / Code sought / The registration number of the legal entity sought
person / Personal data / Section on personal data
copyright / Copyright
Structure of the legal entity notice
Reply parameters, section Person:
Parameter / Title / ExplanationBasic data
regcode / Reg.number / Unified registration number
code / Code / 9-digit registration number
name / Title / Name of entity on certificate
registered / Date of registration / Date of registration
firm / Firm / Shortened name in quotations
fname / Part of name / Beginning part of name until firm
aname / Part of name / Ending part of name after firm
type / Type / Type of company. Possible values from codificator Type, see below.
register / Registry / Registry:
U – Company registry
S – Public organization registry
K – Commercial registry
E - Registry of European economic interest groups
R – Registry of religious organizations and their institutions
B – Association and foundation registry
T – Registry of arbitration courts
A – Union registry
P – Political party registry
C – Registry of embassies and consulates
O – Registry of political organizations and their associations
statuss / Status / Status of legal entity:
1 – registered;
2 – liquidated;
3 – reorganized;
4 – registration annulled;
5 – liquidation process;
6 – insolvency process.
terminated / liquidated / Date, when liquidated
address / Address / Section of address data
phone / Telephone
capitals / Section on capital data
Additional sections
apersons / officers / Section of officer data
procurs / Procures / Section of procure data
OldPersons / Former officers / Section with data on former officers
OldProcurs / Former procures / Section with data on former procures
founders / founders / Section with founder data
OldFounders / Former founders / Section with data about former founders
WorkFieldNACEList / Types of activity / Section with data on types of activity
Reply example for the section person:
<name>SIA LURSOFT IT</name>
<firm>LURSOFT IT</firm>